Stephen Colbert and Al Gore trade climate change pick-up lines

'It's getting hot in here'

The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Photo: Scott Kowalchyk/CBS

Worried about the future of our planet? Looking for someone to share your panic? Or maybe just a hot date to go see An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power?

Stephen Colbert and Al Gore got you covered. The two traded their best climate-change-themed pick-up lines on Friday night’s The Late Show with Stephen Colbert; Gore appeared on the show last week to promote his sequel to his 2006 climate change documentary An Inconvenient Truth.

The jokes ranged from silly to cringe-worthy, with Colbert and Gore swapping their best pick-up lines for the environmentally minded. “Are you climate change? Because when I look at you, the world disappears,” Gore joked rather sadly. “I’m like 97% of scientists, I can’t deny it’s getting hot in here,” Colbert quipped.

Colbert referenced melting ice caps, saying, “Is that an iceberg the size of Delaware breaking off the Antarctic ice shelf, or are you just happy to see me?” And former Vice President Al Gore called out the use of fossil fuels with his one-liner, saying, “I hope you’re not powered by fossil fuels because you’ve been running through my mind all day.”

Watch the video above for more.

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