Pretty Little Liars boss is still defending Spoby's ending

Spencer and Toby lived happily ever after. Pretty Little Liars showrunner I. Marlene King SWEARS.

From the moment PLL aired its series finale, Spoby fans have been asking for confirmation that the couple did, in fact, end up together. To refresh your memory: The finale saw Toby step up and be the one to tell the difference between Spencer and her evil twin, Alex, and then, the final scene of the Liars mentioned that Toby and Spencer were good again.

However, unlike fellow staple couples Ezria, Emison, and Haleb, there wasn’t a ring on Spencer’s finger, which for some fans, wasn’t quite enough confirmation that Spencer and Toby were “endgame.”

After the June 27 finale aired, King spoke with EW, and when asked if Toby and Spencer will get married and be together forever, she said, “Yes. I hope fans got that.” She continued, “We literally did say, could we have a double wedding? Or should we have a triple wedding? That felt like it was a little too much. But I think they got their happy ending.”

A couple of weeks later, King took to Twitter to explain her thinking, saying that Toby telling Spencer from Alex was all about their “epic love.”

And yet, some fans still need more. On Thursday, King took to Instagram to express her shock, saying, “It never occurred to me that Spoby fans would not be happy with the finale.” King once again reiterates the idea that Toby knowing the real Spencer was a “huge romantic moment” that was “worthy of an epic love story.” As she explains, “For me it was understood…. Spoby was and is end game [sic].”

See her full post above.

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