Piers Morgan demands apology from The Talk for 'disgraceful slurs' against him

Morgan claimed his friend Sharon Osbourne was "shamed & bullied" for defending him on The Talk.

Piers Morgan
Photo: David M. Benett/Dave Benett/Getty Images

Media personality Piers Morgan continues his antagonistic streak in the aftermath of Meghan, Duchess of Sussex and Prince Harry's interview with Oprah Winfrey.

Morgan tweeted on Friday demanding an apology from the hosts of CBS' The Talk for "their disgraceful slurs" against him. He wrote this in response to an apology posted by Sharon Osbourne, who co-hosts the show and whom Morgan says was "shamed" and "bullied."

"Sharon's been shamed & bullied into apologising for defending me against colleagues accusing me of racism because I don't believe Meghan Markle's bullsh*t," Morgan tweeted. "This is where we've reached. I demand an apology from those @TheTalkCBSbullies for their disgraceful slurs against ME."

Osbourne got heat from a segment that aired on Wednesday's The Talk in which the hosts discussed the situation with Morgan. Earlier, Morgan, a Good Morning Britain presenter, voiced his disbelief of Meghan's claims in the Winfrey CBS interview around her feelings of suicidal thoughts. He later stormed off the show's set when his colleague, Alex Beresford, confronted him about his long dislike of the Duchess, his "personal relationship" with her, and how he continues "to trash her." Morgan quit his post at ITV shortly after.

"I feel like I'm about to be put in the electric chair because I have a friend who many people think is racist, so that makes me a racist," Osbourne said of Morgan. (Both previously served as judges on America's Got Talent.) Both Osbourne and co-host Sheryl Underwood broke out in tears over the discussion, in which Osbourne became combative. "I will ask you again Sheryl… and don't try and cry because if anyone should be crying, it should be me," she said. "This is the situation, you tell me where you have heard him say racist things. Educate me."

"It is not the exact words of racism, it's the implication and the reaction to it," Underwood said of Morgan. "To not want to address that because she is a Black woman and to try to dismiss it or to make it seem less than what it is, that's what makes it racist."

Osbourne later issued an apology to her followers on social media.

"After some reflection, after sitting with your comments & sitting with my heart I would like to address the discussion on The Talk this past Wednesday," she wrote, in part. "I have always been embraced with so much love & support from the Black community & I have deep respect & love for the Black community. To anyone of colour that I offended and/or to anyone that feels confused or let down by what I said, I am truly sorry. I panicked, felt blindsided, got defensive & allowed my fear & horror of being accused of being racist take over. There are very few things that hurt my heart more than racism so to feel associated with that spun me fast! I am not perfect, I am still learning like the rest of us & will continue to learn, listen and do better."

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