Public RecordsAny member of the public may request information about disciplinary or enforcement actions involving Florida engineers or engineering businesses. All information, records, and transcriptions regarding such actions, except information that is otherwise confidential or exempt from Section 119.07(1), Florida Statutes, is available to the public for inspection or copying when the investigation ceases to be active, when probable cause has been found, or when a case is closed by the Probable Cause Panel or the Florida Board of Professional Engineers.

Pursuant to Chapter 119, F.S., FBPE and the Florida Engineers Management Corporation must comply with all requests for public records. Responses to these requests may include names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses of engineers or engineering businesses. By providing this information, FBPE/FEMC in no way sanctions or endorses any particular individual or organization that may use the public record data in their business activities. Once the public record data is provided to a member of the public pursuant to a public record request, neither FBPE nor FEMC may limit the use of such information.

If you would like to request public case information on a professional engineer, please email [email protected] or complete the form located at right. Include as much information as possible when you are making a records request. To the extent possible please include:

  • Name of licensee or engineering business
  • License or business registration number,
  • Case number (if available),
  • What specific information you are requesting (i.e., licensee records, disciplinary actions, case disposition, case complaint and supporting documents, consultant reports, etc.).

For requests related to other corporate public records, such as Board meetings, agendas and minutes, annual or quarterly reports, etc., that are not posted on their appropriate pages under the Meetings & Information or Corporate sections, please email [email protected].

Please note that depending on the amount of information provided and method requested, a fee may be charged.


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