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Do it yourself NSA poetry in 10 minutes or less!

NSA Poetry Kit

 It is as easy as, Step 1:

Blacking Out- How to

Step 2, strategic placement:


Step 3, self censorship right on your fridge!

Thanks NSA fridge poetry!





Click for more more more by Pablo Garcia and Addie Wagenknecht


Previously in the City: BASIC, Mathieu Tremblin, 2014, Paris (FR)

BASIC is a set of code lines in Basic programmation language displaying “Hello World!” style’s exercise on Amiga Commodore 64 platform which is reproduced on Benjamin Gaulon and Evan Roth’s iron curtain of their studio in Paris, in order the curtain is turned into a monitor.

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Posted on August 22, 2014



Previously in the City: TELEPRESENCE “LAST BREATH MEETS DANCING TRASH BAG”, David Renault, Mathieu Tremblin, 27 September 2012, galerie Octave Cowbell / Auditorium Wendel Centre Pompidou-Metz, Metz (FR) as part of “Une décennie” event organised by galerie Octave Cowbell

TELEPRESENCE is a principle of video-performance-conference. Through a FaceTime/Skype connection, viewers inside a room attend to an artistic context outside. As a reference to the specificity of Octave Cowbell gallery where visitors are entering through the window, David Renault and Mathieu Tremblin offer a unique window on their practice of the city – everyday actions with various forms, from derisory to monumental, from furtive to spectacular – mixing two personal gestures in a kind of surrealistic street corner happening.

Posted on August 21, 2014


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Posted on August 21, 2014


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