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Canvasplayer is a lightweight Javascript-based Graffiti Markup Language (GML) player built with Processing.js, HTML5 canvas, and JSON callbacks. A simple example of pimping “GSON” data from the #000000book GML database — no fancy XML parsers required.



Interested in working with GML? We’re coordinating via #fatlab IRC and a newly created GML mailing list.

GML Webring: intro / recent projects / GML spec / data (#000000book)

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Posted on January 11, 2010


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Now you can get your favorite hexadecimal shade of light green in a can!

You can paint canvases:

Or use it to fill markers:

Guaranteed to make your art Bad A55!

Click here for source code, here for more photos, or here to buy some for your home.

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Posted on March 12, 2008


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2ESAE, SKI, and AV are offering up these original canvases to help raise money to find f@ a home. Any serious offers will be considered, email info[at] if you are interested.

They can be found most weekends in Soho on Prince and Greene St. selling some of the best art in town. Drop by and check it out, here are some photos of the kind of stuff you’ll find.

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Posted on January 12, 2008


The expressions published in this site are all in the public domain. You may enjoy, use, modify, snipe about and republish all F.A.T. media and technologies as you see fit.