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The Golden Nica is replica of the Greek Nike of Samothrace. It is a handmade wooden statuette, plated with gold, so each trophy is unique: approximately 35 cm high, with a wingspan of about 20 cm, all on a pedestal. “Prix Ars Electronica” is a phrase composed of French, Latin and Spanish words, loosely translated as “Electronic Arts Prize.”

Source: Wikipedia.

F.A.T NIKA v 1.0 is a freestyle replica of Ars Electronica’s Golden Nica: “one of the most important awards for creativity and pioneering spirit in the field of digital media.” The replica is a  3d modelled object statuette copied from a wikipedia photograph,   a la old school.

The prestigious award now can be easily reproduced infinite times -digitally or physically- and use it to recognize any creative expression you dig (including your own!), while showing blatant disregard to the scarcity promoted by the art market and the artificial sanctity of juries, curators and gatekeepers.

Download and copy the F.A.T NIKA v 1.0 from here. (.stl 5MB)


First published at

*thanks Ricardo for helping out!
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Check out our new stats page and see the over 500 websites that have installed the Occupy Internet widget and the # of hits and unique visitors they’ve generated to date.

Coming in strong at #1 is by Tokyo F.A.T., a protest of the Japanese power company’s wikipedia page — over 150k unique visitors in the last 72 hours.

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Posted on October 24, 2011


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The talk I gave at Vimeo Festival in NYC (16 minutes — available here). Lessons learned from creating & publishing projects with FAT Lab, studying viral media with Know Your Meme and winning an Emmy with Star Wars Uncut.

For more info about my work check out or @jamiew

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Posted on January 26, 2011


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Last week on my radio show, Awesome New Place, I was joined by author and Nation of Thizzlam blogger Willy Staley, for a special episode called G-Chat.

Our talk circled loosely around rap in the YouTube era, touching on rappers getting famo, memes vs. trends, scraper bikes staying relevant, DIY cereal backpacks and instructional dance videos, Bubb Rubb, turf dancing, format wars, the Lil B – Soulja Boy connection, the culdesac vs. the hood, haul videos and mommy blogging, bros icing bros, 4Loko, white tees, vans, and “How the Looming Specter of Viral Marketing Ruins Rap Songs About Consumer Goods.”

Though we raised more questions than we answered, its definitely a must-listen chapter in FAT’s ongoing discussions of famo, viral marketing, and rap.

Stream the show right here and view the playlist for tons of links to relevant vids and media on all the above topics and so much more.

“If you’re doing the reverse running man in skinny teal jeans in your culdesac and no one is there to film it, what are you really doing?” – Willy Staley, 2010

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Posted on September 8, 2010


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The expressions published in this site are all in the public domain. You may enjoy, use, modify, snipe about and republish all F.A.T. media and technologies as you see fit.