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We’d like to thank everyone that participated, published and put up with our week of Kanye Webst. We know there are more important issues going on the world so thanks for indulging with us in seven days of hip-hop, caps lock, source code and popular culture. The week produced 12 new projects, 5 sets of source code, 81 comments and 27 user uploaded images.

Kanye Webst Week has been the biggest traffic week in FAT history to date! Over 70,000 visits:



Digg: 680 diggs, 148 votes [frontpaged] (+3)
Reddit: 70 upvotes & 15 comments across 7 stories: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Twitter: 300+ mentions

Some of our projects were frontpaged on Digg, Gizmodo, Gawker, PSFK,, BuzzFeed, Rhizome, urlesque, A-Trak’s blog, Village Voice, National Post, and ANIMAL among many others (thanks for the love). Pretty much everyone but the man himself, which leaves us asking only one question… WHERE ARE YOU YEEZY?!??!??!! FOR REAL, CAN WE GET SOME BLOG LOVE?!??!??!??!?!?!

To relive Kanye Webst Week again and again go to:

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Posted on May 18, 2009


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Kopyfamo’adds the most valuable copyright watermarks to your content for free. Just upload your image and adorn it with one of four prestigious watermarks to give them instant credibility.

Kopyfamo’ integrates fully with Fuck Flickr!. Check our Kopyfamo’ action gallery today!



Kopifamo’: free copyright for the masses.

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Posted on March 25, 2009


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Saddle up ffffatties, the hackers of NYC Resistor have challenged us to a one month Internet fame-off and it’s on. They don’t know who they’re messing with!

Feb 15th – March 15th — website hits, YouTube views, Twitter followers, Facebook fans, RSS subscribers… whoever posts the biggest gains wins. Grading will be conducted by Internet Famous Class technology.

Official war page w/ preliminary stats is available here.

Join up with the FAT Army and help us go big:
* sign up for our new Facebook group
* follow to receive frontline dispatches (also Tobi, Aram, Becky, and myself)
* prepare to have your face melted by an amazing slew of new projects this month from the FAT
* tell your friends

It’s go time baby! Scheme in the comments

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Posted on February 17, 2009


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“when LOL just doesn’t cut it.”

Printed on high-quality Apparelle Americaine, available in the FFFFF.AT T-shirt Shoppe

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Posted on June 13, 2008


1 2 3 4 5

The expressions published in this site are all in the public domain. You may enjoy, use, modify, snipe about and republish all F.A.T. media and technologies as you see fit.