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The Lost GRL in Mexico video teaser… from james powderly on Vimeo.

Aram just shipped me a box of smelly fire-licked harddrives abandoned in Berlin since 2009(!). I found this video … its only a few seconds long but this video already feature a lot of mexican CGI, b4$ and Geraldine’s creative writing. Viva la Mexico.


Posted on September 4, 2012


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Earlier this year (pre iPad, pre Facebook Like Button and right after my swine flu) the awesome Andy Blue of Pirate Cat Radio 87.9 FM in SF interviewed me on FAT Lab, Firefox Add-ons, stickers, open source and activism. Tune in! (35 min)

TBX @ Pirate Cat Radio

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Namaste! The EyeWriter development team just hit the streets of Mumbai, India on a mission to develop a GML-compliant version of the EyeWriter with the best engineers in the near-east from IIT Bombay for TechFest 2010. Maharashtra-style! We will be updating FAT and the EyeWriter blog on the maybe daily with news and instruction sets on how to survive in ole’ Bombay, which hand to use for every occasion, how to be a slumdog hundredaire, etc… oh, and also how to make your own MumbaiWriter.


For the first Mumbai how-to we’ll share some of the advice we got from the original artwankers at c6: How-to haggle down a market vendor in bad Hindi.


(written phonetically cuz we don’t know any better)

— You go into a market and you approach a vendor who is selling something you want. Point at the item and say…

You: “Kidna pasa” — how many pennies for this?

— the vendor is offended. You basically just said they are selling cheap shit. But everyone respects an arse, so they give you a decent price in rupee.

You: “Bo jadda” — too much!

— What did you just say? The vendor should be shocked a dumb foreigner like yourself can speak any Hindi at all and come back with a lower price out of pity…

You: “Com corro” — a little less.

— Are you serious? If the magic is in the air, they may give you an even lower price…

You: “Or com corro” — a little more less?

— WTF? You’re breaking my balls here! Whatever the vendor says next, you should take it. Its probably as low as its going to go for you.

You: “T.K.” — OK.

Don’t be shocked if this goes horribly wrong and stay tuned for more field R&D from sunny Mumbai! If you want to get involved with the project send us an email at info at eyewriter dot org.

FAT LAB HQ in Mumbai

Big thanks to Mick Ebeling and Anurag Garg for making this happen.


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“That was the first time i’ve drawn anything since 2003! It feels like taking a breath after being held underwater for 5 minutes.”   –Tony Quan aka Tempt One is live!!




Tony Quan, aka Tempt1, is a legendary LA graffiti writer, publisher and activist. He was diagnosed with ALS in 2003, a disease which has left him almost completely physically paralyzed… except for his eyes. Earlier this year, members of FAT, OpenFrameworks, G.R.L., The Ebeling Group and Tempt1, teamed up to create a low-cost, open source eye-tracking system that will allow ALS patients to draw using just their eyes. Check out the project along with source code, free software, diy instructables and eyetags by Tempt1 at

The EyeWriter core development team consists of Tony Quan, Evan Roth, Chris Sugrue, Zach Lieberman, Theo Watson and James Powderly.

With support from: The Ebeling Group, the Not Impossible Foundation and Parsons Communication Design & Technology.

Many thanks to: Keith Pasko, LM4K, Eleanor Dunk, Jamie Wilkinson, and Greg Leuch.

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Posted on November 14, 2009


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