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Not afraid to put filthy objects in your mouth for extended periods of time? Good. Neither am I.  Mumble Camâ„¢ allows for you to capture life’s amazing moments with all that FIRST PERSON FLAVOURâ„¢ you’ve always wanted.  i’m lovin’ itâ„¢

The flavor is all collected using Appleâ„¢’s patented rubberized white iPhone charger cord.  The semi matte texture is optimal for collecting things like skin cells, blood, pubic hair, sriracha and lil bits of weed.  Activated by your natural saliva these materials combine to create a sensory explosion in your mouth. i’m def lovin itâ„¢

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Use Mumble Camâ„¢ for all of your favorite activities:

-illegal graffiti vandalism


-hacking (whatever that is)


-making art (lame)

-fighting with family members


If you own an iPhone and an iPhone™™™™™ charging cord you’re ready to schmurda that pup.  Simply follow the directions below!

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dude looks like a lil smurf

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Posted on September 21, 2014


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It’s not 1988 so why live like it is?

FREE INTERNET FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cafes, airports, hotels and Hell usually all have ‘free’ wifi for 30 minutes and then make you pay- this is a bug, not a feature.

Limited time = fffffat unlimited time.

wifi spots are easy to hack your way into fatty goodness:

Option 1:

You can maintain the constant 30 minute wifi sessions by doing a few tricks. When you try to load a page, the router will automatically redirect you to the login page: look at the URL, because from there you can see which system the airport is using and all of them are easy to hack:

Change your IP

Change your MAC address

Delete your cookies

Option 2:

You can also spoof your MAC address, MacMakeup (Win) is a good place to start.

Edit: A good tutorial for Mac users can be found here

ProTip: Find a MAC addresses already using the paid wifi. Once you have located a few, you can copy the mac address as your own and enjoy.

Option Lazy Motherfucker:

Many routers have the ability to hide a wifi network by making their names invisible to other computers (airports use these often for gates). A nice GUI option is to use NetStumbler which locates and shows all hidden networks or you can do it via the terminal:

sudo ln -s /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport /usr/sbin/airport

The above command must appear on a single line to work. Enter the admin password to create the symbolic link. Now you can use the airport command without th long ass path:

airport -s

The ping will show all available wifi networks and their router name (SSID), the router address (BSSID), signal:



Happy Sniffing!! <3


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Posted on August 29, 2013


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Make your own Obama PRISM Glass mask today! ->> DOWNLOAD NOW <<- !!!

During Obamas visit in Berlin he beta tested  surprisingly a pair of Google Glass and was very much impressed by its cutting edge features made possible through the #PRISM program. Throughout the day he was spotted in different historic locations of the city. The press was all excited about getting the first pictures of Obama with Google Glass. Coool!!


obama-mask-spon at 3:40





While Obama got in touch with COOOL Berlin Mitte life-style (Brad Pitt already had coffee here!) chancellor Merkel discovered #Neuland (virgin territory) and was trying to catch up with her latest gadget! :))


(exhibited at Stattbad Cafe, Berlin)



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Posted on June 20, 2013


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YEAHH FFFFFAT!! Yeah, we stole it from! Was tooo good! ;)) We’re making DER STANDARD an honorary one-day F.A.T. Lab member for their terrific Speed Project Congrats!


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Posted on June 14, 2013


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