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FiscalNote Sustainability 2023

Our Progress Toward a Sustainable Future

FiscalNote's Sustainability & Social Impact Efforts 2023

A Message From Our CEO

A Message from FiscalNote’s Chairman, CEO & Co-Founder, Tim Hwang:

In an information ecosystem that often presents confusing and contradictory challenges, FiscalNote aims to help customers cut through the noise, discern what is important, and take action. 

Recent years have been notable for the wide array of ESG-related regulations and initiatives worldwide. The United States alone has seen significant regulatory advancements, such as the new California climate laws in 2023 and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) passing a comprehensive climate disclosure rule in 2024. These developments underscore the increasing importance of robust ESG practices and the need for businesses to not only comply with new standards, but to lead by example.

At FiscalNote, we are committed to empowering organizations with AI-enabled workflow tools to manage their regulatory, geopolitical, and operational risks globally. As we expand our offerings, we remain committed to helping our customers navigate the complexities of the regulatory environment, including emerging ESG policies, effectively.

Throughout this 2023 Sustainability Overview, we are pleased to demonstrate our commitment to creating lasting, positive change while also driving efficiency, value for our customers and shareholders, and innovation in our services.

Table of Contents

Environmental Sustainability

Methodology by Scope Category

Total Direct Emissions by Office Location

Indirect Emissions

Social Initiatives

Corporate Social Responsibility

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging, and Accessibility

Operationalizing Equity

Creating Community

Calendar of 2023 Social Events and Activities


Business Ethics

Mechanisms for advice and concerns about ethics

Security & Data Privacy

Corporate Governance

Artificial Intelligence Governance Policy, Code of Conduct & Training

Anti-Corruption, Anti-Bribery and Global Trade Compliance

FiscalNote Headquarters

Looking Ahead

Environmental Sustainability

Social Initiatives


Since our founding in 2013, FiscalNote has been on a mission to empower the world’s leading organizations with critical insights and the tools to turn them into action. As we grow and continue to demonstrate that commitment through our marketplace leadership, we embrace environmental sustainability, social responsibility, corporate governance, and ethical conduct throughout our operations — both in service to our global customers and throughout our company culture. The key pillars of our sustainability initiatives are summarized below.

Environmental Sustainability

At FiscalNote, we understand that protecting and preserving the environment is not only a responsibility, but also a strategic value for our business in the long term. We believe that sustainable environmental practices are fundamental to creating a resilient and thriving future for our business, our stakeholders, and the clients we serve.

As a trusted partner in navigating global issues and policy affairs that pose significant risks and opportunities to organizations, FiscalNote provides expert advice on climate-related matters. We closely monitor developments in the ESG landscape globally, including key regulations like the SEC climate rule, California Climate regulations, and CSRD. Our expertise allows us to help clients identify and leverage both opportunities and risks within the evolving climate regulation landscape, enabling them to make informed decisions and adapt to the changing business environment.

Equally important is our own environmental footprint. We understand the significance of internalizing the principles on which we advise. By closely examining and comprehending our own environmental impact, we strive to lead by example and improve upon our practices over time. In this section, we aim to provide a comprehensive overview of our environmental performance, as assessment is the first phase of change. We will delve into our efforts to manage our energy consumption, assess greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and address other critical environmental issues.

By transparently sharing our environmental journey, we aim to foster a stronger connection with our stakeholders, including our investors, employees, clients, partners, and the communities in which we operate. We invite you to explore the initiatives and achievements outlined in this section.

Our total consumption of electricity, water, and natural gas for 2023 is listed below. Quantifying our current and historical usage aids us in monitoring our consumption year over year, with compliance with climate-related initiatives, regulations, and in crafting any future reduction goals.


FiscalNote quantifies its own Scope 1, 2, and 3 GHG emissions following guidance from the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. Our 2023 reported Scope 1 and 2 emissions include all FiscalNote offices for the time periods that they were occupied. FiscalNote’s 2023 emissions by category can be found in the table below. Calculation methodologies by scope category are listed after the table.


Methodology by Scope Category

Scope 1: Fuel emissions at FiscalNote’s leased buildings have been accounted for under Scope 2 as purchased energy, per the GHG Protocol Scope 2 Guidance that tenants of leased buildings should report consumption of heat generated on-site as Scope 2. Other Scope 1 activities, such as mobile combustion and process emissions, are also not applicable to FiscalNote operations. Therefore, Scope 1 emissions are reported as 0.

Scope 2, Location-Based: Location-based Scope 2 emissions were calculated by multiplying the amount of energy consumed at FiscalNote’s operations by the appropriate grid-average emission factor, based on the location of each operation.

Scope 2, Market-Based: Market-based Scope 2 emissions were calculated by multiplying the amount of energy consumed at FiscalNote’s operations by the appropriate supplier/utility, residual mix, or grid-average emission factor, depending on the information available.

Scope 3-1, Purchased Goods and Services (Data Centers): Emissions from data centers were calculated using the supplier-specific method and hybrid method. Data to calculate FiscalNote-specific data center emissions was either provided directly from the supplier or estimated based on FiscalNote’s presence in the data center.

Scope 3-1, Purchased Goods and Services (Other suppliers): Emissions from purchased goods and services for all other suppliers (excluding for data centers) were calculated using the spend-based method, which incorporated the amount of money spent with each supplier and spend-based industry-average emission factors.

Scope 3-2, Capital Goods: Emissions from capital goods are calculated using the spend-based method, which incorporates the amount of money spent with each supplier and spend-based industry-average emission factors. As FiscalNote did not purchase Capital Goods in 2023, we do not have any related emissions.

Scope 3-3, Fuel-and-energy-related activities not included in Scopes 1 or 2: Emissions from fuel-and-energy-related activities were calculated using the average-data method. For this category, FiscalNote included emissions from upstream fuel, upstream electricity, and transmission and distribution (T&D) losses based on energy consumption at all operations using energy-specific and/or country-specific emission factors.

Scope 3-4, Upstream Transportation and Distribution: Emissions from upstream transportation and distribution were calculated using the distance-based method, which incorporated the weight and distance of each shipment to calculate emissions.

Scope 3-5, Waste Generated in Operations: Emissions from waste are relevant but were not included in this assessment. Since the majority of FiscalNote employees worked from home in 2022, the anticipated impact from this category is negligible. We will continue to reevaluate including waste generated in operations in our emissions when more employees begin working in our offices.

Scope 3-6, Business Travel: Emissions from business travel were calculated using the distance-based method, as well as the fuel-based method for a very small number of business travel activities. Emissions from this category include travel (e.g., air travel, taxi travel, etc.) as well as hotel stays.

Scope 3-7, Employee Commuting: We’ve estimated emissions both from remote work employees and from employees that commute to FiscalNote’s offices. Emissions from employees working from home were estimated using guidance from EcoAct’s Homeworking Emissions Whitepaper. Energy amounts were then converted to emissions using country-specific emission factors based on where our employees are located.

Scope 3-8, Upstream Leased Assets: Emissions from upstream leased assets are not relevant because all emissions from leased assets are included in FiscalNote’s Scope 2 emissions.

Scope 3-9, Downstream Transportation and Distribution: Emissions from downstream transportation are relevant but included in Scope 3-4, Upstream Transportation and Distribution. Although these shipments occur downstream, the GHG Protocol advises that if the company pays for transportation of sold products, then emissions from the transportation of sold products are accounted for under Scope 3-4, Upstream Transportation and Distribution.

Scope 3-10, Processing of Sold Products: Emissions of processing of sold products are not relevant to FiscalNote’s business operations or sold products.

Scope 3-11, Use of Sold Products: Emissions from the use of sold products incorporate the number of user hours and the average energy required for the use of a computer to access FiscalNote software. Emissions were calculated using an average global energy emission factor to account for our global users. FiscalNote also hosted a small number of paid in-person events, which we consider to be a sold product. However, these emissions were not included in this assessment because it was determined that these events would not be material in 2022 given the number of events held and their small footprint. We will continue to reevaluate including events in our emissions if more in-person events are held in the future.

Scope 3-12, End-of-Life Treatment of Sold Products: Emissions from the end-of-life treatment of sold products include the waste disposal of print materials distributed to customers. The waste-type-specific method was used to calculate emissions. The total weight of print material sold in 2022 was estimated to be both landfilled and recycled, based on average landfill and recycling rates in the area where the print materials are consumed.

Scope 3-13, Downstream Leased Assets: This category is not relevant to FiscalNote’s business operations.

Scope 3-14, Franchises: This category is not relevant to FiscalNote’s business operations.

Scope 3-15, Investments: This category is not relevant to FiscalNote’s business operations.

Scope 3, Total: These emissions represent the total of all Scope 3 emissions.

Total Emissions (location-based): We chose to show FiscalNote’s location-based emissions, as they provide an accurate representation of the environmental impact associated with electricity consumption at a particular FiscalNote office. FiscalNote has offices across the globe, and by using this approach, we’re aligning emissions calculations with the actual emissions intensities of local electricity grids. This reflects the reality of our operations more closely than market-based emissions calculations and provides the ability for a more direct assessment of the impact on the local environment.

Total Direct Emissions by Office Location

Scope 2

To achieve greater operational efficiencies, FiscalNote has closed several offices, which has served to reduce our overall Scope 2 emissions in 2023.

Emissions Scope 3

Scope 3 Category 1 emissions from purchased goods and services constitute the majority of FiscalNotes' emissions profile. This category includes emissions from raw materials and outsourced services essential to operations, reflecting the environmental impact associated with FiscalNotes' supply chain activities. Understanding and managing these emissions are crucial steps for FiscalNotes in addressing its overall carbon footprint.

Social Initiatives

Our global team members developed, launched, and supported a wide range of initiatives and events reflective and inclusive of its strategic pillars related to its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging, and Accessibility (DEIBA) programs.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Our CSR pillars include: educating our communities, facilitating technology engagement, and fostering access to information.

FiscalNote’s Charitable Giving Committee (CGC), established in early 2022, is dedicated to creating and deploying the kinds of tech- and data-focused initiatives, support mechanisms, and education-and-training opportunities aimed at empowering our organization’s customers, communities, and other stakeholders to learn, to thrive, and to find the truth.

CSR operates independently of — but works in tandem with — the company’s DEIBA Committee in managing responsibilities related to the development and implementation of charitable giving strategies, processes, and initiatives.

FiscalNote’s Business Ethics Committee, among other matters, periodically reviews and makes recommendations to the senior leadership team regarding proposals to provide services to select organizations on a pro bono basis. Such organizations must be non-partisan and qualify under other criteria set forth in the Committee’s charter. The Committee also serves as a mechanism for team members to “raise a hand” if they have ethical or philosophical concerns about the conduct of an organization with which the company maintains an engagement.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging, and Accessibility

At FiscalNote, we recognize that fostering a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment where our employees can find Belonging and Accessibility is not only the right thing to do, but it is also crucial for our long-term success and the betterment of society. In this section, we highlight our ongoing efforts to expand our DEIBA programs and events, aimed at cultivating a workplace that celebrates and values individual differences. Our aim is to create an environment where every employee feels empowered to bring their authentic selves to work.

We understand that building a diverse workforce starts with effective recruitment and retention practices. This year we introduced training on Inclusive Interviewing for Interviewers and required the training for all FiscalNote employees who participate in prospective candidate interviews. We have intensified our efforts to attract talent from diverse backgrounds by expanding our recruitment channels and implementing inclusive hiring practices. Additionally, we are committed to providing a supportive and inclusive workplace environment that nurtures talent and promotes career growth for all employees.

We have expanded our DEIBA events and awareness campaigns to foster dialogue, educate our workforce, and raise awareness about social issues. By engaging our employees and stakeholders in meaningful conversations, we aim to drive greater understanding and create positive change within and beyond our organization.

Each strategy’s initiatives are executed in service of our overarching DEIBA and DEIBA Committee mission at FiscalNote:

FiscalNote empowers organizations with critical insights and the tools to turn them into action.

Similarly, our Committee empowers team members to leverage insights related to diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, and accessibility to increase our awareness and actions to drive change and ultimately create an atmosphere where everyone at FiscalNote can feel like they belong.

The company’s DEIBA pillars include:

  1. Operationalize Equity: Eliminate any adverse impact of systemic practices, policies, and/or cultural norms
  2. Create Community: Foster connections and understanding through interaction in an open-to-outcomes facilitation environment
  3. Nurture Learning & Empower Leading: Develop curriculum and experiences designed to create strong inclusive practices, empathy, engaged leadership, and social equating behaviors

Operationalizing Equity

The latest iteration of our DEIBA Committee, based on a refresh of priorities initiated in late 2023, followed an application process that required applying parties to identify their intended areas of interest, focus, and passion in relation to DEIBA topics. These topics were then shared during interviews with the DEIBA Committee and SLT members. These Committee members self-identified as organizational champions and catalysts.

Representation within our organization means identifying hiring and advancement opportunities for historically underrepresented groups, seen and unseen, including but not limited to:

  • African American & Black Communities
  • Asian, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Communities
  • Experienced Employees
  • Hispanic and Latinx Communities
  • Indigenous and First Nation Communities
  • LGBTQIA+ Community
  • Neurodivergence
  • People with Disabilities
  • Veterans
  • Women
  • Working Parents & Caregivers

Creating Community

FiscalNote has been consistently committed to creating community. Creating community is about how we invite and welcome team members to the FiscalNote Family, whether they are new hires or team members from acquired companies. This includes a facilitated exploration of values in practice, internal communications, personal stories, celebrating positive behaviors, providing safe spaces for honest dialogue, convening to discuss social issues, peer support, mentoring, and other forums to explore commonalities and unique characteristics.

Sometimes creating community is rooted in clarifying the guardrails and standards for day-to-day operations and team member interactions. All FiscalNote team members participated in required compliance training in 2023, with assigned training in ethical workplace behaviors, data privacy, cyber security, and harassment and discrimination prevention, and new hires are assigned these trainings upon onboarding.

Externally, our social responsibility events are making a positive impact in our local communities. More of these specific events can be seen in the ‘Calendar of 2023 Social Events and Activities’ section. FiscalNote also partners with organizations such as Girls on the Run, Latinas in Tech, and Women Who Code, hosting organizational meetings at our D.C. headquarters.

Social Calendar


FiscalNote has adopted a robust set of corporate governance, legal, and ethical compliance programs, programs, both at the Board of Directors level and throughout the organization. In keeping with our company’s values, we strive at all times to govern and operate the business in the right way and hold ourselves accountable to the highest ethical standards. For more information about management and our corporate governance generally, please refer to the “Governance” section of our website here.

Business Ethics

FiscalNote’s core values are bolstered by our commitment to ethical business practices, outlined in our Code of Ethical Business Conduct, a copy of which is available here. The Code is applicable to all of our interactions with employees, customers, business partners, and shareholders.

FiscalNote is committed to the following ethical principles in all its activities:

  • Honesty: We will be truthful in all of our endeavors with one another and with our customers, communities, suppliers, and shareholders.
  • Integrity: We will say what we mean, deliver what we promise, and stand for what is right.
  • Respect: We will treat one another with dignity and fairness, appreciating the diversity of our workforce and the uniqueness of each team member.
  • Trust: We will build confidence through teamwork and open communication.
  • Responsibility: We will encourage our team members to speak up – without fear of retribution – and report concerns in the workplace, including violations of laws, regulations, and company policies, and to seek clarification and guidance whenever there is doubt.
  • Citizenship: We will obey all applicable laws and regulations of all countries and jurisdictions in which we are present and/or do business.

FiscalNote is committed to the ethical treatment of those with whom we do business:

  • For our team members: Honesty, just management, fairness, and providing an inclusive and equitable environment supportive of our diverse team, free from discrimination, harassment, and fear of retribution.
  • For our customers: Delivering reliable solutions and services on time, at a fair price.
  • For our shareholders: Pursuing sound growth and earnings objectives, exercising prudence in the use of assets and resources, and providing accurate and complete disclosure regarding FiscalNote’s operations and financial condition as required by law.
  • For our vendors and other partners: Fair competition and the sense of responsibility required of a good customer and teammate.

All FiscalNote employees, employees of all FiscalNote affiliates, officers, and directors are required to:

  • Comply with the Code and with all laws, rules, and regulations applicable to the conduct of our business and the management of our business relationships;
  • Be alert to any possible violation of the above, and report them to us as soon as possible;
  • Exercise good faith and honesty in reporting possible violations; and
  • Cooperate fully and truthfully with any internal or external investigation of possible violations.

FiscalNote is committed to ethical practices in its business dealings with third parties. We also expect our contractors and other business partners to both follow the ethical principles set forth in the Code, as well as applicable laws, rules, and regulations, and to help hold us accountable by reporting matters of potential concern.

Mechanisms for advice and concerns about ethics

Team members are encouraged to report any potential ethical violations to their supervisors, the Legal Department or anonymously to our interactive, online email or web intake integrity hotline reporting system (“Hotline”), which is available in all countries and available at all hours. Additionally, in 2023, all team members across the globe were required to participate in a code of conduct training online to ensure that all team members know when to utilize the hotline and are aware of potential ethical violations. Team members are assigned this training program upon onboarding and it is refreshed periodically thereafter.

Team members and FiscalNote business partners also may use the Hotline to confidentially seek guidance and advice regarding the Code, or to report certain types of workplace misconduct or compliance concerns without fear of retaliation. The Hotline system is provided and managed by an outside, independent company that has no other relationship to FiscalNote. Team members are always encouraged to seek compliance advice from, or to report misconduct to, their supervisor or other contacts within their department, or the People or Legal Departments. The Hotline is an alternative resource for seeking guidance or reporting perceived violations of the Code of Ethical Business Conduct, workplace misconduct, or other compliance concerns.

In keeping with our value of "Find the Truth," FiscalNote prohibits retaliation against any individual who, in good faith, reports discrimination, harassment, bullying, violence, or a breach of law or of the Code, or any individual who participates in or otherwise supports an investigation of such reports. Team members who may be the subject of reports will be informed of any allegations against them, and of their rights, as required and as soon as practicable. If there is a substantial risk of jeopardizing FiscalNote’s ability to effectively investigate the allegations or gather necessary evidence, measures will be implemented before the information is conveyed.

We recognize that FiscalNote must take action to ensure the objectives of the Code are met. We assure team members that:

  • Anyone who communicates ethical concerns or reports suspected violations will be treated with respect;
  • We will review and address issues that are raised in any complaint or report;
  • Any communication from, and the identity of, a reporting individual will be treated confidentially to the greatest extent possible; and
  • FiscalNote will not take action against any reporting individual acting in good faith and will protect that individual from retaliation.

Security & Data Privacy

We take security and data privacy very seriously. When our clients engage us to deliver policy and business intelligence to mitigate risk and capitalize on opportunities, they often entrust us with data that is confidential, including personally identifiable information. Accordingly, we have implemented a comprehensive security program that includes administrative, technical and physical safeguards to ensure that customer data remains secure and is managed in compliance with all regulatory requirements applicable to our business and services in the jurisdictions where we operate. We are EU-US Data Privacy Framework certified.

For more information about our data protection policy and programs, please refer to our Privacy Policy available here.

Corporate Governance

We maintain a diverse Board of Directors, consisting of a majority of independent directors, as well as standing Audit, Compensation, and Governance Committees consisting solely of independent directors as required under applicable NYSE listing rules. We have established an empowered lead independent director role on the Board to advance our corporate governance practices and promote independent Board oversight. The lead independent director’s responsibilities include:

  • working with the chair to establish the agenda for regular Board meetings and serving as chair of Board meetings in the absence of the chair;
  • establishing the agenda for and presiding over executive sessions and other meetings of the independent directors;
  • coordinating with the committee chairs regarding meeting agendas and informational requirements;
  • presiding over any portions of meetings of the Board at which the evaluation or compensation of the Chief Executive Officer is presented or discussed;
  • presiding over any portions of meetings of the Board at which the performance of the Board is presented or discussed; and
  • coordinating the activities of the other independent directors and performing such other duties as may be established or delegated by the chair.

For more information about our corporate governance, including our Principles of Corporate Governance and the charters of each Board committee, please refer to the “Governance” section of our Investor Relations website here.

Artificial Intelligence Governance Policy, Code of Conduct & Training

AI has been core to our strategy since the company’s founding, and is central to everything we do today. Accordingly, FiscalNote has adopted an AI Governance Policy and Code of Conduct, which set out expectations with respect to:

  • compliance with relevant legal and regulatory requirements
  • data privacy and security obligations
  • requirements for human review of AI-generated content
  • ethical principles and other considerations in the use of AI
  • specific actions all team members should take as they consider whether and how to use AI

We have launched an annual training program to ensure all of our team members are familiar with our expectations with respect to AI use, as set out in our AI Governance Policy and Code of Conduct, and how they can ask questions.

Anti-Corruption, Anti-Bribery and Global Trade Compliance

FiscalNote conducts its business in compliance with all applicable international, national, and local anti-corruption or anti-bribery laws and regulations in places where it operates. We have adopted a global Anti-Corruption & Anti-Bribery Policy applicable to all team members. Under our policy, FiscalNote does not tolerate bribery in its dealings involving public officials or private commercial transactions, or illegal business practices of any kind. FiscalNoters are expected to always act with integrity and ethics, in a manner that creates value for our customers and partners and helps build relationships based on trust.

We also operate our business in compliance with applicable global trade regulations, including sanctions and export laws, in the jurisdictions where we operate. We have adopted a global Export & Trade Compliance Policy applicable to all team members.

We require our team members to periodically participate in online training programs on anti-corruption, anti-bribery and global trade matters to ensure they are cognizant of our obligations under these laws and regulations.

FiscalNote Headquarters

Though many of our employees work in a remote or hybrid framework, our headquarters office located in Washington, D.C. embodies our core values and supports all operations company-wide. Built out in two stages from 2018 to 2019, the office shows our commitment to environmental sustainability and social initiatives, reflected in aspects of its design and operations.

When choosing the location for our headquarters, we performed an address analysis to find an accessible location close to Metro Center, ensuring ease of commuting for our employees and promoting the use of public transportation. Walkability and accessibility were key features FiscalNote considered when selecting an office location. The office is located at 1201 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, halfway between the White House and the U.S. Capitol Building. The 1201 Pennsylvania Avenue building has achieved Fitwel Certification, indicating that it has been found to support the well-being and health of its occupants.

The design prioritizes energy efficiency to minimize our environmental footprint. Throughout the entire office, occupancy sensors are installed to reduce unnecessary energy consumption. The interior design of our office showcases our dedication to sustainability and serves as a metaphor for our work. We have incorporated reclaimed wood on steel throughout the space, representing our commitment to transforming raw materials into accessible data, reflecting on prior years where information was largely distributed in paper format through current times where FiscalNote leverages its technology platform to distribute actionable data.

Looking Ahead

FiscalNote remains steadfast in our commitment to driving positive change, guided by the principles of responsible business practices and sustainable development.

We will continue to foster a culture of innovation, harnessing the power of technology, research, and creativity. Additionally, as we strive to enhance our commitment to sustainability and corporate responsibility, we are hoping to conduct a first-time materiality assessment in 2024. This assessment will help us identify and prioritize the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues that matter most to our stakeholders and have the greatest impact on our business.

Our commitment to excellence is an ongoing journey, and we embrace the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. Our 2024 goals for environmental sustainability, social initiatives, and governance are listed below.