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33 Cool Charts We Made In 2022

In 2022, FiveThirtyEight’s visual journalists covered the midterm elections, the end of Roe v. Wade and sports stories ranging from the World Cup to changes in Major League Baseball’s pitch timing rules. Here are some of the most interesting — and weird and colorful and complicated — charts we made in the last 12 months.

Charts are grouped by topic but are not in any particular order beyond that. Click any of them to read the story featuring that chart.


Bar charts show which seats did not change parties after the 2022 Midterms where the margin of victory was less than the partisan lean gained during redistricting. Most of these seats were Democratic (9) and only three were Republican. NJ-03 shifted the most left during redistricting.
Bar charts show which seats did not change parties after the 2022 Midterms where the margin of victory was less than the partisan lean gained during redistricting. Most of these seats were Democratic (9) and only three were Republican. NJ-03 shifted the most left during redistricting.

A cartogram shows every Congressional district in the U.S. Some are colors degrees of red or blue to denote which seats the parties have a chance at flipping in the 2022 Midterms.

A vertical bar chart shows the combined chances Democrats have of keeping the House and wining 52 Senate seats. The greatest probabilities are Republicans win the House, but Democrats retain the Senate, causing split control.
A vertical bar chart shows the combined chances Democrats have of keeping the House and wining 52 Senate seats. The greatest probabilities are Republicans win the House, but Democrats retain the Senate, causing split control.

Large circles made up of dots show how many candidates for Senate, House, governor, attorney general and secretary of state deny (531) or accept (157) the outcome of the 2020 election out of a total pool of 1,148.
Large circles made up of dots show how many candidates for Senate, House, governor, attorney general and secretary of state deny (531) or accept (157) the outcome of the 2020 election out of a total pool of 1,148.

An animated GIF shows a ball of smaller dots growing larger, showing the election denial status of Republicans candidates in 2022 midterms.

Three dot plots showing the share of Georgia voters who cast their ballots for Republican and Democrats in the U.S. Senate, governor and presidential elections from 1998-2022.
Three dot plots showing the share of Georgia voters who cast their ballots for Republican and Democrats in the U.S. Senate, governor and presidential elections from 1998-2022.

A cartogram map of states shows the percent of votes counted by time after polls close on election night, based on when votes were counted during primaries in 2022.

Dot plot of partisan lean and election margin for competitive districts in Florida and New York, where Democrats overperformed in 1 district and Republicans overperformed in 21 districts.

Scatterplot showing the difference between each Pennsylvania county's 2020 presidential election and 2022 Senate race vote margin compared to its share of non-Hispanic white residents without a bachelor’s degree, sized by. 2022 statewide vote share. On the right are a series of small red bubbles, indicating a higher share of white residents without a college degree, that are above the x-axis as Senate candidate John Fetterman ran ahead of Joe Biden in all but one of them.
Scatterplot showing the difference between each Pennsylvania county's 2020 presidential election and 2022 Senate race vote margin compared to its share of non-Hispanic white residents without a bachelor’s degree, sized by. 2022 statewide vote share. On the right are a series of small red bubbles, indicating a higher share of white residents without a college degree, that are above the x-axis as Senate candidate John Fetterman ran ahead of Joe Biden in all but one of them.

A bubble chart shows the number of clinics and wait times for all states. Missouri has the longest wait times; Rhode Island the shortest. Oklahoma has no appointments available.
A bubble chart shows the number of clinics and wait times for all states. Missouri has the longest wait times; Rhode Island the shortest. Oklahoma has no appointments available.

A map shows the wait times for states surrounding Texas. Missiouri, with only one clinic, has by far the longest wait time for an abortion.

Maps of the number and types of provisions that state legislatures have enacted in 2022 to restrict abortion access, as of May 3, 2022, at 12 p.m. Eastern. Nine states have enacted nearly three-dozen abortion restrictions, including a near-total ban in Oklahoma and a trigger ban in Wyoming (which became the 13th state to enact such a ban).
Maps of the number and types of provisions that state legislatures have enacted in 2022 to restrict abortion access, as of May 3, 2022, at 12 p.m. Eastern. Nine states have enacted nearly three-dozen abortion restrictions, including a near-total ban in Oklahoma and a trigger ban in Wyoming (which became the 13th state to enact such a ban).

A chart shows which states have rape and incest exceptions in their abortion bans. Most states with bans (16) had no exceptions.
A chart shows which states have rape and incest exceptions in their abortion bans. Most states with bans (16) had no exceptions.

A cartogram of the U.S. with states colored in by the percentage the number of abortions fell between April and August 2022. Most of the West Coast is in green, indicating an increase in abortion, while much of the South is purple, indicating a decrease.
A cartogram of the U.S. with states colored in by the percentage the number of abortions fell between April and August 2022. Most of the West Coast is in green, indicating an increase in abortion, while much of the South is purple, indicating a decrease.

A dot density map of Pittsburgh, Penn. shows how redlined neighborhoods defined decades ago still have the same racial disparities.

Circle packing charts show how states have spent pandemic relief funding. Most directed money to state operation and administration, unemployment, infrastructure and public health.
Circle packing charts show how states have spent pandemic relief funding. Most directed money to state operation and administration, unemployment, infrastructure and public health.

Step charts show the share of nonwhite and female appointees to the courts; Biden's share is much higher than any other president shown.
Step charts show the share of nonwhite and female appointees to the courts; Biden's share is much higher than any other president shown.

A map of the United States shows Congressional districts by party. Buttons above the map let users toggle to see different scenarios that could have created more competitive districts or districts better for each party.

Abstract Venn diagram showing the category of punishment(s) among 47 bills introduced in state legislatures that impose punishments around teaching “critical race theory
Abstract Venn diagram showing the category of punishment(s) among 47 bills introduced in state legislatures that impose punishments around teaching “critical race theory

Two line charts showing how overall favorability of stricter gun control laws rises, then drops, and how the number of 15-second cable news clips mentioning “school shooting” also rises, and drops again, after a mass shooting.
Two line charts showing how overall favorability of stricter gun control laws rises, then drops, and how the number of 15-second cable news clips mentioning “school shooting” also rises, and drops again, after a mass shooting.

A map of the United States is rendered in circles with spokes coming off smaller circles, each representing new laws creating to restrict voting. States such as Florida, Iowa, Texas, Arkansas, Georgia and Arizona are among those with the most new laws and/or restrictions.

Three clusters show the connections between extremist groups involved in the Jan. 6 insurrection. QAnon, the Oath Keepers and the Proud Boys are the three main groups represented here.
Three clusters show the connections between extremist groups involved in the Jan. 6 insurrection. QAnon, the Oath Keepers and the Proud Boys are the three main groups represented here.

A 50-state map shows spikes depicting the change in the share of Black Americans from 2000 to 2020; Georgia has seen by far the largest increase in the country.
A 50-state map shows spikes depicting the change in the share of Black Americans from 2000 to 2020; Georgia has seen by far the largest increase in the country.

A stream chart showing the share of Americans who said each issue was among the most important facing the county in six waves of a FiveThirtyEight/Ipsos survey, April to October 2022. The issues are: inflation, crime and gun violence, political extremism, climate change, immigration, government budget/debt, abortion, economic inequality, foreign conflict or terrorism, healthcare, election security, drug addiction, education, taxes, unemployment and natural disasters.
A stream chart showing the share of Americans who said each issue was among the most important facing the county in six waves of a FiveThirtyEight/Ipsos survey, April to October 2022. The issues are: inflation, crime and gun violence, political extremism, climate change, immigration, government budget/debt, abortion, economic inequality, foreign conflict or terrorism, healthcare, election security, drug addiction, education, taxes, unemployment and natural disasters.

Outcome of Supreme Court rulings related to the Voting Rights Act from 1965-2021 under each of the past four chief justices — Chief Justices Warren, Burger, Rehnquist and Roberts — that went in a liberal or conservative direction.
Outcome of Supreme Court rulings related to the Voting Rights Act from 1965-2021 under each of the past four chief justices — Chief Justices Warren, Burger, Rehnquist and Roberts — that went in a liberal or conservative direction.


Grid of suit icons showing the color combinations of suit, shirt, ties, and pocket squares worn by Villanova Jay Wright during 48 NCAA Tournament games and 52 regular-season games, though the 2020 season. Wright’s most common combination was a navy suit, blue shirt, blue tie, and blue pocket square — which he wore seven times in our sample.
Grid of suit icons showing the color combinations of suit, shirt, ties, and pocket squares worn by Villanova Jay Wright during 48 NCAA Tournament games and 52 regular-season games, though the 2020 season. Wright’s most common combination was a navy suit, blue shirt, blue tie, and blue pocket square — which he wore seven times in our sample.

A grid of 20 maps show how the Big Ten, Big 12, SEC, ACC and PAC-12 have shifted geographically from 2000 to 2025. In the case of the Big 10, by 2025 it will span the entire U.S. with the additions of UCLA and USC.
A grid of 20 maps show how the Big Ten, Big 12, SEC, ACC and PAC-12 have shifted geographically from 2000 to 2025. In the case of the Big 10, by 2025 it will span the entire U.S. with the additions of UCLA and USC.

A beeswarm shows how many pitchers would not make MLB's new 15-second cutoff. A total 59 wouldn't make it, including Giovanny Gallegos, who has the longest pitch time.
A beeswarm shows how many pitchers would not make MLB's new 15-second cutoff. A total 59 wouldn't make it, including Giovanny Gallegos, who has the longest pitch time.

A series of small charts show how postseason relievers are playing better this season than in previous ones across five different metrics.
A series of small charts show how postseason relievers are playing better this season than in previous ones across five different metrics.

A timeline chart shows Phil Mickelson, the first player to join LIV on Feb. 17, 2022, and the 15 weeks before other players start to join. Most join the week before or the week of LIV’s first tournament. Ultimately, 44 out of 150 of golf’s top players have joined LIV.
A timeline chart shows Phil Mickelson, the first player to join LIV on Feb. 17, 2022, and the 15 weeks before other players start to join. Most join the week before or the week of LIV’s first tournament. Ultimately, 44 out of 150 of golf’s top players have joined LIV.

A scatterplot shows open, catch, YAC and overall receiver ratings for. NFL receivers.

A series of three stacked line charts show the probability that a team is going to win a World Cup match at any given point in the game.


A series of eight maps showing where Poweshiek butterflies have been sighted, with each map representing a five-year interval. Starting in 1985, the butterflies were found in six different states across the Upper Midwest. Since 2020, they've only been spotted in one sight in Michigan.
A series of eight maps showing where Poweshiek butterflies have been sighted, with each map representing a five-year interval. Starting in 1985, the butterflies were found in six different states across the Upper Midwest. Since 2020, they've only been spotted in one sight in Michigan.


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