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ABC News
How Impactful Was This Supreme Court Term?

The Supreme Court wrapped up its business for the term last week, closing out a docket that touched on the Voting Rights Act, affirmative action in university admissions, student loan forgiveness, business services to LGBTQ people, religious liberty and the power of state legislatures.It was another term with high-profile cases, coursing through the heart of some of America’s cultural debates.

In this installment of the FiveThirtyEight Politics podcast, the crew discusses whether this year’s decision could ricochet through the political environment, as last year’s decisions did. They also take stock of what more we’ve learned about a still quite new 6-3 conservative majority.

Galen Druke is FiveThirtyEight’s podcast producer and reporter.

Amelia Thomson-DeVeaux is a senior editor and senior reporter for FiveThirtyEight.

Nathaniel Rakich is a senior editor and senior elections analyst at FiveThirtyEight.


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