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Sir Francis Drake-Butterfield Pipeline Replacement Project

An orange road work sign in the foreground gives way to a view construction workers and traffic.

Marin Water will replace about 4,540 feet of aging water pipeline beneath a portion of Sir Francis Drake Boulevard and adjacent streets. This portion of water pipeline is nearing 100 years old, and it has a history of frequent main breaks and costly pavement repairs. The new, 12-inch, welded steel pipe will provide a seismically stable alternative that will also boost flows to fire hydrants, enhancing emergency capacity in the area. Work is expected to start in mid-June to reduce impacts on traffic near Archie Williams High School.

Construction Update (June 18, 2024)

Work began on the Sir Francis Drake Boulevard Pipeline Replacement Project on Monday, June 17, 2024. Crews started with saw cuts at designated points in the roadway, with trenching planned for the coming days and weeks. Work is taking place from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Please be aware of any field personnel on the roadway, follow traffic control signs and reduce your speed.

Traffic and neighborhood impacts: 

  • Archie Williams High School sits in the middle of the planned construction zone. To minimize impacts, Marin Water and its contractor will do everything possible to complete construction activity while school is not in session. 
  • Traffic along Sir Francis Drake Boulevard between Butterfield Road and San Francisco Boulevard will be reduced to one lane in each direction during construction. 

Maintaining water system infrastructure is a top priority 

The Sir Francis Drake Pipeline Replacement Project is part of Marin Water’s Capital Improvement Program, which prioritizes updates to the District’s aging water infrastructure system to ensure its reliability and resiliency. With parts of this area’s water pipelines nearing 100 years old, and a history of costly failures, water main replacement here is critical to ensuring reliable water delivery to customers in the area.

ProjectSir Francis Drake-Butterfield Pipeline Replacement Project 
ProgramA1A02A Replacements - Distribution Pipelines 
Project NumberD23009
ContactAlex Anaya | [email protected] 
Map of 12-inch pipe location on Sir Francis Drake between Butterfield Rd and San Francisco Blvd
A street flanked with sidewalks and trees

Project Description 

This pipeline replacement project will replace 3,200 feet of 1923 and 1930 8-inch and 10-inch cast iron pipe with a single new 12-inch pipe. 


This section of water main has a frequent history of main breaks with costly pavement repairs.  

Schedule and Status

Design: Fall 2022 - Spring 2024

Construction: April 2024 - November 2024 *


Funding Sources 

Capital Maintenance Fund 
Other Funding Sources 