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Do not share my personal information with third parties
Do not sell my information to third parties

Users with disabilities (and any other users) who wish to opt-out of the sale and/or sharing of their personal information can also contact us by emailing us at: [email protected]; calling us at (888) 252-8691; or sending us mail to:

Trade Coffee Co
85 Broad St.
Suite 09-012
New York, NY 10004.

If we have a good-faith, reasonable and documented belief that a request to opt-out is fraudulent, we may deny the request.

Where you make a request to opt-out of the sale and/or sharing of your personal information through an authorized agent, we will require that you or the authorized agent provide us with a valid written authorization executed by both parties, with the validity of such document determined by us in our reasonable, good faith discretion.  

Please submit such documentation to us at: [email protected]; or: 

Trade Coffee Co, 
85 Broad St.
Suite 09-012 
New York, NY 10004.

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