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MARCH 15, 2024


2024 Group 1 Code Change Proposals

The Council is accepting code change proposals for the 2024 adoption cycle for most Group 1 codes (International Building, Existing Building, Fire, Mechanical, and Fuel Gas Codes). The submittal period is open through 5 p.m. on September 19, 2024.


2024 Group 1 Technical Advisory Groups Still Need Members

After initial recruitment, the 2024 TAGs are still in need of Subject Matter Experts to fill positions. See below for application and vacancies.

TAG Application         TAG Vacancies

2024 TAG Page



SIGN UP HERE to Receive SBCC Meeting and Code Information Notices By Topic

You will need to scroll down to the "State Building Code Council" group. Please note: the "Rule Making" lists shown on the list serve DO NOT pertain to the State Building Code Council.

Building Code News

Upcoming Meetings

  • Sep 12

    TAG Meeting : Building Code

    Zoom or phone optional

  • Sep 13

    MVPE Committee

    1500 Jefferson St SE, Room 2331; Zoom or phone optional

  • Sep 13

    BFRW Committee

    1500 Jefferson St SE, Room 2331; Zoom or phone optional

  • Sep 17

    TAG Meeting : Fire Code

    Zoom or phone optional

  • Sep 20

    Council Meeting

    Spokane Centerplace Regional Event Center

Connect with Us

We want to hear from you!  Please click above to connect with us about:

  • Any code related questions
  • Process improvement suggestions
  • Washington State amendments
  • How to submit a code change proposal

Click the "Meeting Schedules and Agendas" tab above to see the list of past and future scheduled Council and Committee meetings.

Featured Links

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