
Best Large Workplaces in Technology 2024

Employees say:

"I have been so impressed by various aspects of this company, including the emphasis on values such as "Make Your Mom Proud". The company culture is unmatched, and I feel that every one of the managers, executives, and co-workers I have collaborated with truly operates with integrity, honesty, compassion, and authenticity. Furthermore, I feel that I receive recognition for my accomplishments. Box does a wonderful job of recognizing achievements and hard work, and employees are given many leadership and involvement opportunities. I feel as if this organization truly cares about my personal and professional development, and I learn new things each day."

  • Ticker:BOX
  • Company type:Public
  • Revenues ($M):$1,038
  • Profits ($M):$129
  • Market value ($M):$4,116
  • Number of employees:2,533

Figures are for fiscal year ended Jan. 31, 2024. Market value as of March 22, 2024. Source: S&P Global.

Box stock chart

Box in Fortune Rankings

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