Berkshire Hathaway

Berkshire Hathaway is a multi-industry conglomerate, led since 1965 by investor Warren Buffett. Its principal business lines are in the insurance, railroad freight, and utility industries, but it also owns dozens of well-known consumer-facing companies in industries ranging from boxed chocolate to house paint. The company’s many subsidiaries include insurer Geico, the railway BNSF, See’s Candies, the Dairy Queen restaurant chain, running-shoe maker Brooks, battery maker Duracell, and paint manufacturer Benjamin Moore. Berkshire Hathaway also owns a substantial portfolio of equities and other investments.

  • Ticker:BRKA
  • Company type:Public
  • Revenues ($M):$364,482
  • Profits ($M):$96,223
  • Market value ($M):$937,028
  • Number of employees:396,500

Market value as of July 15, 2024.

Berkshire Hathaway stock chart

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