
Pfizer is known for developing medications and vaccines, and for manufacturing them at dozens of factories around the world. Its treatments span a broad range of medicine, including oncology, cardiology, and neurology. Famous branded medicines introduced by Pfizer include the impotence drug Viagra and the cholesterol treatment Lipitor, which is considered the best-selling drug of all time. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Pfizer developed a landmark and highly profitable vaccine that the company sold as Paxlovid. Pfizer was founded in 1849 by immigrants in New York City, which remains the site of its global headquarters today.

  • Ticker:PFE
  • Company type:Public
  • Revenues ($M):$58,496
  • Profits ($M):$2,119
  • Market value ($M):$164,898
  • Number of employees:88,000

Market value as of July 15, 2024.

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