WuXi AppTec

WuXi AppTec in Fortune Rankings

Fortune Asia Future 30

Shanghai-based WuXi AppTec focuses on drug discovery, development, and manufacturing. Founded in 2001 as WuXi PharmaTech, the company rebranded to its current name after acquiring the U.S.-based AppTec Laboratory Services in 2008.

  • Ticker:603259
  • Company type:Public
  • Revenues ($M):$5,741
  • Profits ($M):$1,348
  • Market value ($M):$22,107
  • Number of employees:41,148

Figures are for the latest twelve months ended Sept. 30, 2023. Market value as of March 1, 2024. Source: S&P Global.

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WuXi AppTec in Fortune Rankings

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