EU demands answers over Apple's latest Epic Games twist — Bloc seeks explanation after Cupertino terminates Fortnite maker's developer account


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Mar 9, 2014
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In the Spotify case, the EU's language specifically said the relevant App Store policy was not "necessary" to protect the platform.

That same language is also in the DMA as the only valid reason for Apple to terminate Epic's account.

Would it kill the iPhone platform if Apple allowed Epic to have a developer account? No. It clearly was not a "necessary" thing for Apple to do which means the EU will force Apple to reverse the decision and probably also issue billions in fines along the way. Worse, it's one more click of the ratchet that gets Apple closer to orders of magnitude worse fines triggered by "repeat" or "systematic" breaches.


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Mar 9, 2014
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Epic games isn’t a European developer so this is going to go nowhere
Epic plans to launch an iPhone game distribution platform that will be exclusively available in Europe.

Apple is trying to block that. And they did it a few days before the new Digital Market Act is would be enforced. There's no way the EU ignores this.


Well-known member
Nov 7, 2012
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In the Spotify case, the EU's language specifically said the relevant App Store policy was not "necessary" to protect the platform.

That same language is also in the DMA as the only valid reason for Apple to terminate Epic's account.

Would it kill the iPhone platform if Apple allowed Epic to have a developer account? No. It clearly was not a "necessary" thing for Apple to do which means the EU will force Apple to reverse the decision and probably also issue billions in fines along the way. Worse, it's one more click of the ratchet that gets Apple closer to orders of magnitude worse fines triggered by "repeat" or "systematic" breaches.

They had a trial in the states, epic lost and had to pay Apple legal bills.

They also determined Apple could terminate epics developer account. Don’t think the eu could do much about it at this point.


Well-known member
Nov 7, 2012
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Epic plans to launch an iPhone game distribution platform that will be exclusively available in Europe.

Apple is trying to block that. And they did it a few days before the new Digital Market Act is would be enforced. There's no way the EU ignores this.



Well-known member
Nov 7, 2012
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Epic had no choice but to agree to apples terms.
