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Ali on the Run Show

Ali on the Run Show

Ali on the Run Show

744 épisodes


Every week on the Ali on the Run Show, I talk with inspiring people who lead interesting lives on the run and beyond. And while running is what brings us all together, on these episodes, we're digging a little deeper. These conversations are about the decisions people have made to get where they are today, and how getting sweaty has factored in. Whether you’re on the run toward something great or away from something that’s holding you back, join me on this never-ending adventure, and let’s all pick up the pace together.

Épisodes 1 - 10 sur 744 épisodes


744. Clayton & Ashley Young's 2024 Paris Olympic Games Recap

"I have zero expectations. I'm ranked 60-plus. But I think I have a good shot at being ...

89 minutes
Aug 29, 2024

743. Kate Gunderson, Flight Test Engineer

"I wanted to change the world just like she had." Kate Gunderson — best known online ...

85 minutes
Aug 27, 2024

742. Dakotah Lindwurm’s 2024 Paris Olympic Games Recap

"It’s like everything you’ve been working for coming true in one moment." Today in 20...

67 minutes
Aug 22, 2024

741. Nikki Hiltz’s 2024 Paris Olympic Games Recap

"I knew it was going to be incredible. I knew it was going to be such a fun and crazy ...

103 minutes
Aug 20, 2024

740. Recapping the 2024 Paris Olympic Games with Michelle Wolf

"Everyone’s doing their dream, you know? There are people who are winning, and that’s ...

112 minutes
Aug 15, 2024

739. Sam Ryan, New York City Sports Anchor & Reporter

"I remember watching the New York City Marathon on TV and just saying, 'One day, I wan...

77 minutes
Aug 08, 2024

738. Katie Stilo, Today Show Food Stylist & Culinary Producer

"The energy is just so palpable. Even though it’s the crack of dawn, we are all abuzz ...

84 minutes
Aug 01, 2024

737. Ask Ali!

"I live in constant duality now." We're taking a break from the Trials recaps and Olymp...

52 minutes
Jul 30, 2024

736. Jess McClain’s 2024 U.S. Olympic Track & Field Trials Recap

"Of course making the Olympic team would be amazing, but it’s not going to define who ...

63 minutes
Jul 25, 2024

735. Elle Purrier St. Pierre’s 2024 U.S. Olympic Track & Field Trials Recap

"I went there to do a job, and that was to make the team." New Balance Boston's Elle ...

65 minutes
Jul 23, 2024