Paris et périphérie
189 abonnés 187 relations

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  • Graphique Université de Perpignan - UPVD Alumni

    Université de Perpignan Via Domitia


    Activités et associations :Natation

    -Séjour de 2 mois aux Etats-Unis en 2015 dans le cadre d’un partenariat.
    -Interventions lors de colloques nationaux et internationaux.
    -10 publications internationales.

    Thèmes de recherche: Mécanique du contact, Mécanique des milieux continus, Rhéologie, Loi de frottement, Grandes déformations, Méthode des éléments finis, Simulation numérique.

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    Activités et associations :Karaté

    Thèmes d’étude : Méthodes des éléments finis (ANSYS APDL), Mécanique des milieux continus, Rhéologie, Fatigue, Matériaux (polymère, béton, métaux et alliages, composite), Mécanique vibratoire.

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    Thèmes d’étude : Méthode des éléments finis (ANSYS APDL), Modélisation des comportements non linéaires, Matériaux (béton, bois, composite), Mécanique vibratoire, Endommagement, Méthodes numériques.

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    Classe préparatoire: math spé

Expériences de bénévolat

  • Remise à niveau scolaire d'enfants en difficulté (Mathématiques)

    Association RAIA (Rencontre et Amitié d'Ici et d'Ailleurs)

    - 10 mois



  • Validation of a finite element method framework for cardiac mechanics applications

    13th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis, 2017, San Andres Island, Colombia

    Modeling cardiac mechanics is a particularly challenging task, mainly because of the poor understanding of the underlying physiology, the lack of observability and the complexity of the mechanical properties of myocardial tissues. The choice of cardiac mechanic solvers, especially, implies several difficulties, notably due to the potential instability arising from the nonlinearities inherent to the large deformation framework. Furthermore, the verification of the obtained simulations is a…

    Modeling cardiac mechanics is a particularly challenging task, mainly because of the poor understanding of the underlying physiology, the lack of observability and the complexity of the mechanical properties of myocardial tissues. The choice of cardiac mechanic solvers, especially, implies several difficulties, notably due to the potential instability arising from the nonlinearities inherent to the large deformation framework. Furthermore, the verification of the obtained simulations is a difficult task because there is no analytic solutions for these kinds of problems. Hence, the objective of this work is to provide a quantitative verification of a cardiac mechanics implementation based on two published benchmark problems. The first problem consists in deforming a bar whereas the second problem concerns the inflation of a truncated ellipsoid-shaped ventricle, both in the steady state case. Simulations were obtained by using the finite element software GETFEM++. Results were compared to the consensus solution published by 11 groups and the proposed solutions were indistinguishable. The validation of the proposed mechanical model implementation is an important step toward the proposition of a global model of cardiac electro-mechanical activity.

    Other authors
    • Virginie Le Rolle
    • Arnaud Hubert
    • Elena Galli
    • Anne Bernard
    • Erwan Donal
    • Alfredo I. Hernández
    See publication
  • Numerical analysis of a dynamic bilateral thermoviscoelastic contact problem with nonmonotone friction law

    Computers & Mathematics with Applications

    We study a fully dynamic thermoviscoelastic contact problem. The contact is assumed to be bilateral and frictional, where the friction law is described by a nonmonotone relation between the tangential stress and the tangential velocity. Weak formulation of the problem leads to a system of two evolutionary, possibly nonmonotone subdifferential inclusions of parabolic and hyperbolic type, respectively. We study both semidiscrete and fully discrete approximation schemes, and bound the errors of…

    We study a fully dynamic thermoviscoelastic contact problem. The contact is assumed to be bilateral and frictional, where the friction law is described by a nonmonotone relation between the tangential stress and the tangential velocity. Weak formulation of the problem leads to a system of two evolutionary, possibly nonmonotone subdifferential inclusions of parabolic and hyperbolic type, respectively. We study both semidiscrete and fully discrete approximation schemes, and bound the errors of the approximate solutions. Under regularity assumptions imposed on the exact solution, optimal order error estimates are derived for the linear element solution. This theoretical result is illustrated numerically.

    Other authors
    • Krysztof Bartosz
    • Pawel Szafraniec
    See publication
  • Modélisation, analyse et simulations numériques de quelques problèmes de contact

    Thèse de doctorat

    Les phénomènes de contact entre les corps, déformables ou non, sont omniprésents
    dans la vie courante. Leurs modélisations requièrent des outils mathématiques
    faisant appel à des systèmes d'équations aux dérivées partielles incluant des
    conditions aux limites non triviales pour décrire le contact. Si les aspects physiques
    de la mécanique du contact sont connus depuis longtemps, la théorie mathématique
    qui lui est dédiée reste…

    Les phénomènes de contact entre les corps, déformables ou non, sont omniprésents
    dans la vie courante. Leurs modélisations requièrent des outils mathématiques
    faisant appel à des systèmes d'équations aux dérivées partielles incluant des
    conditions aux limites non triviales pour décrire le contact. Si les aspects physiques
    de la mécanique du contact sont connus depuis longtemps, la théorie mathématique
    qui lui est dédiée reste relativement récente laissant ainsi place à de nombreux
    problèmes à investiguer.

    Ce travail porte sur la modélisation, l'analyse et la simulation numérique de tels problèmes. Il se situe à mi-chemin entre la mécanique du contact et les aspects mathématiques inhérents au type de problème qui en découle. L'objectif est ici d'étudier certaines catégories de problèmes faisant
    intervenir des conditions originales de contact (avec et sans frottement) à la fois d'un point de vue mathématique et numérique, afin d'apporter une contribution à la théorie mathématique, puis de mettre en avant quelques méthodes numériques adaptées à leur résolution dans un cadre spécifique.

    See publication
  • Analysis of two active set type methods to solve unilateral contact problems

    Applied Mathematics and Computation

    In this work two active set type methods are considered in order to solve a mathematical problem which describes the frictionless contact between a deformable body and a perfectly rigid obstacle, the so-called Signorini Problem. These methods are the primal dual active set method and the projection iterative method. Our aim, here, is to analyze these two active set type methods and to carry out a comparison with the well-known augmented Lagrangian method by considering two representative…

    In this work two active set type methods are considered in order to solve a mathematical problem which describes the frictionless contact between a deformable body and a perfectly rigid obstacle, the so-called Signorini Problem. These methods are the primal dual active set method and the projection iterative method. Our aim, here, is to analyze these two active set type methods and to carry out a comparison with the well-known augmented Lagrangian method by considering two representative contact problems in the case of large and small deformation. After presenting the mechanical formulation in the hyperelasticity framework, we establish weak formulations of the problem and the existence result of the weak solution is recalled. Then, we give the finite element approximation of the problem and a description of the numerical methods is presented. The main result of this work is to provide a convergence result for the projection iterative method. Finally, we present numerical simulations which illustrate the behavior of the solution and allow the comparison of the numerical methods.

    Other authors
    • Stéphane Abide
    • Mikaël Barboteu
    See publication
  • Analysis of a contact problem with normal damped response and unilateral constraint

    ZAMM‐Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics/Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik

    We consider a mathematical model which describes the equilibrium of a viscoelastic body in frictional contact with an obstacle. The contact is modeled with normal damped response and unilateral constraint for the velocity field, associated to a version of Coulomb's law of dry friction. We present a weak formulation of the problem, then we state and prove an existence and uniqueness result of the solution. The proof is based on arguments of history-dependent quasivariational inequalities. We…

    We consider a mathematical model which describes the equilibrium of a viscoelastic body in frictional contact with an obstacle. The contact is modeled with normal damped response and unilateral constraint for the velocity field, associated to a version of Coulomb's law of dry friction. We present a weak formulation of the problem, then we state and prove an existence and uniqueness result of the solution. The proof is based on arguments of history-dependent quasivariational inequalities. We also study the dependence of the solution with respect to the data and prove a convergence result. Further, we introduce a fully discrete scheme to solve the problem numerically. Under certain solution regularity assumptions, we derive an optimal order error estimate of the discretization. Finally, we provide numerical simulations which illustrate the behavior of the solution with respect to the frictional contact conditions and validate the theoretical convergence results.

    Other authors
    • Mikaël Barboteu;
    • Mircea Sofonea
    See publication

Prix et distinctions

  • Weekend Challenge Etudiant Entrepreneur.

    Pôle Entrepreneuriat Etudiant

Résultats d’examens


    Résultat : 900/990


  • Français

    Bilingue ou langue natale

  • Anglais

    Capacité professionnelle complète

  • Espagnol


  • Japonais

    Compétence professionnelle limitée

  • Hebreu


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