Federico Bonaglia

Federico Bonaglia

Paris et périphérie
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    Discipline Economiche e Sociali (DES) five years course equivalent to BA + MSc
    Thesis of applied economics on the role of public capital investment in explaining total factor productivity differentials among Italian regions (supervisor Prof. Riccardo Faini; co-supervisor: Prof. Matteo Manera)
    Intermediary thesis on the approach of the Italian antitrust authority in defining the relevant market when dealing with abuses of dominant position (Supervisor Prof. Federico Ghezzi)

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    Emerging Leaders Programme (The Wharton School)


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  • Africa ed Europa: verso un partenariato inclusivo?

    Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana

    in Giuliano Amato e Nicola Verola (eds) Europa tra presente e futuro.

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  • L’incognita dell’Africa

    Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana

    in Giuliano Amato and Paolo Vinesi (eds), XXI Secolo. Il Mondo in Sospeso: Gli anni della pandemia

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  • Africa: Un Continente in Movimento

    Il Mulino

    Today Africa is enjoying an opportunity it cannot afford to waste. Above all, it must promote the diversification of its sources of growth: it must exploit not only its mineral and hydrocarbon resources, but also agriculture, which has an enormous potential in terms of poverty reduction. It is crucial to invest more in these fields, and change them in order to generate improved economic and employment prospects. By 2050 Africa's population will double and account for a fifth of the world…

    Today Africa is enjoying an opportunity it cannot afford to waste. Above all, it must promote the diversification of its sources of growth: it must exploit not only its mineral and hydrocarbon resources, but also agriculture, which has an enormous potential in terms of poverty reduction. It is crucial to invest more in these fields, and change them in order to generate improved economic and employment prospects. By 2050 Africa's population will double and account for a fifth of the world population, just as it did in the 16th century. What role will the continent and its young populace play in the globalized economy of the 21st century? Africa has long been relegated to being the poorest area in the world due to colonial legacies, inadequate economic policies, lack of infrastructure, corruption, weak governance, the curse of AIDS, and industrialized countries' indifference. But things have changed: despite its persistent structural challenges, contemporary Africa is on the move. How will its growth evolve and impact its development and its population's well-being?

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  • How Globalisation Improves Governance


    Chapter in The Law and Economics of Globalisation: New Challenges for a World in Flux (edited by L. Yeuh). Globalization, governance and economic performance affect each other in very complex mutual relationships. In this Paper, we establish a clear and well-circumscribed hypothesis: 'Is there an effect of globalization on governance?' To test this hypothesis or, even more specifically, to test how openness can affect the quality of domestic institutions, we survey available theoretical…

    Chapter in The Law and Economics of Globalisation: New Challenges for a World in Flux (edited by L. Yeuh). Globalization, governance and economic performance affect each other in very complex mutual relationships. In this Paper, we establish a clear and well-circumscribed hypothesis: 'Is there an effect of globalization on governance?' To test this hypothesis or, even more specifically, to test how openness can affect the quality of domestic institutions, we survey available theoretical explanations of causal relationships between globalization and governance. Microeconomic theory helps us identify trade policy, competition by foreign producers and international investors, and openness-related differences in institution building costs and benefits, as three major transmission mechanisms through which openness affects a country's corruption levels. Examining a large sample of countries covering a 20-year long period, we found robust empirical support for the fact that increases in import openness do indeed cause reductions in corruption, a crucial aspect of governance. The magnitude of the effect is also quite strong. After controlling for many cross-country differences, openness' influence on corruption is close to one third of that exercised by the level of development. Some cautious policy conclusions are derived.

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    • Maurizio Bussolo
    • Jorge Braga de Macedo
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  • Promoting Commercial Agriculture in Africa

    Africa Technology Development Forum Journal: Food Crisis

    This article looks at African agriculture from a business perspective and highlights the current status of agriculture and agribusiness. It seeks to address a number of key questions: To what extent is African agriculture becoming a business and what are the driving forces to make agriculture more market-oriented? How can the domestic and international private sector become a driver of change?

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  • Black Sea and Central Asia. Promoting Work and Well-Being


    This book analyses the opportunities and conditions of employment throughout the Black Sea region and Central Asia. It examines how different countries deal with social issues affecting well-being. It presents, thus, both a country-based view and a whole-region analysis that will be useful for policy makers and civil society in responding to the challenges ahead. Countries covered include Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Moldova, Romania,…

    This book analyses the opportunities and conditions of employment throughout the Black Sea region and Central Asia. It examines how different countries deal with social issues affecting well-being. It presents, thus, both a country-based view and a whole-region analysis that will be useful for policy makers and civil society in responding to the challenges ahead. Countries covered include Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Moldova, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.

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  • Globalizzazione e sviluppo

    il Mulino

    La liberalizzazione del commercio è dannosa; la globalizzazione aumenta la povertà dei paesi in via di sviluppo; le multinazionali spingono per l'abbandono delle misure di tutela dei lavoratori e dell'ambiente; la concorrenza dei paesi in via di sviluppo è una minaccia per i paesi industrializzati; la globalizzazione è ingovernabile e mette in pericolo la sovranità nazionale. Si possono discutere queste affermazioni perentorie senza pregiudiziali ideologiche? È quello che cerca di fare questo…

    La liberalizzazione del commercio è dannosa; la globalizzazione aumenta la povertà dei paesi in via di sviluppo; le multinazionali spingono per l'abbandono delle misure di tutela dei lavoratori e dell'ambiente; la concorrenza dei paesi in via di sviluppo è una minaccia per i paesi industrializzati; la globalizzazione è ingovernabile e mette in pericolo la sovranità nazionale. Si possono discutere queste affermazioni perentorie senza pregiudiziali ideologiche? È quello che cerca di fare questo libro per aiutare il lettore a orientarsi in un dibattito acceso, ma spesso confuso. Particolare attenzione è dedicata agli effetti della globalizzazione sullo sviluppo nelle "periferie" del mondo.

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  • Accelerated internationalization by emerging markets' multinationals: The case of the white goods sector

    Journal of World Business, Elsevier, Elsevier, vol. 42(4), pages 369-383

    The emergence of a "second wave" of developing country multinational enterprises (MNEs) in a variety of industries is one of the characterizing features of globalization. This paper documents how emerging markets' MNEs (EM-MNEs) may follow quite different patterns to reach, or at least approach, global competitiveness. In particular, it investigates how three EM-MNEs pursued global growth through accelerated internationalization combined with strategic and organizational innovation. Haier…

    The emergence of a "second wave" of developing country multinational enterprises (MNEs) in a variety of industries is one of the characterizing features of globalization. This paper documents how emerging markets' MNEs (EM-MNEs) may follow quite different patterns to reach, or at least approach, global competitiveness. In particular, it investigates how three EM-MNEs pursued global growth through accelerated internationalization combined with strategic and organizational innovation. Haier (China), Mabe (Mexico) and Arçelik (Turkey) emerged as multinationals in the large home appliances (so-called "white goods") industry. The recipe for the success of these firms seems to lie in their ability to treat global competition as an opportunity to build capabilities, move into more profitable industry segments, and adopt strategies that turn latecomer status into a source of competitive advantage. At the same time, their experiences show that there are many strategies and trajectories for going global, consistent with a pluralistic conceptualization of globalization.

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  • Meeting the Challenge of Private Sector Development. Evidence from the Mekong Sub-region


    This book explores how governments can help firms in developing countries better seize the opportunities created by globalisation and contribute to improving employment opportunities and poverty reduction. More specifically, it analyses how local firms can get involved in global value chains, access distant and more profitable markets and upgrade their capabilities. Based on case studies, the book focuses on selected industries and reviews experiences of governments and enterprises in the…

    This book explores how governments can help firms in developing countries better seize the opportunities created by globalisation and contribute to improving employment opportunities and poverty reduction. More specifically, it analyses how local firms can get involved in global value chains, access distant and more profitable markets and upgrade their capabilities. Based on case studies, the book focuses on selected industries and reviews experiences of governments and enterprises in the Mekong sub-region. It seeks to draw ‘bottom up’ policy conclusions from firm- and industry-level analyses in specific country settings about how best to support private sector development in developing countries

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  • La Cooperazione internazionale allo sviluppo

    Il Mulino

    Nel mondo una persona su quattro vive oggi con meno di un dollaro al giorno. Povertà non è solo mancanza di reddito, ma anche di salute, istruzione e partecipazione alla vita sociale. Questa situazione drammatica rende la promozione dello sviluppo una priorità imprescindibile per la comunità internazionale, non solo per ragioni etiche, ma anche per garantire la stabilità politica ed economica globale. Nel volume, dopo una breve ricostruzione delle varie fasi della politica di cooperazione, si…

    Nel mondo una persona su quattro vive oggi con meno di un dollaro al giorno. Povertà non è solo mancanza di reddito, ma anche di salute, istruzione e partecipazione alla vita sociale. Questa situazione drammatica rende la promozione dello sviluppo una priorità imprescindibile per la comunità internazionale, non solo per ragioni etiche, ma anche per garantire la stabilità politica ed economica globale. Nel volume, dopo una breve ricostruzione delle varie fasi della politica di cooperazione, si indagano anche attraverso casi di successo e di insuccesso - le politiche di cooperazione messe in atto dai paesi sviluppati, che non vanno confuse con la semplice assistenza umanitaria ma che richiedono impegno e responsabilità anche da parte dei paesi beneficiari. Ci si sofferma infine sull'atteggiamento dell'Italia, presenza significativa nello stanziamento di fondi, ma che potrebbe fare meglio e di più.

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  • Globalização e Desenvolvimento

    Ed Presenca

    A globalização é hoje uma realidade incontornável, multidimensional, que invade a nossa vida e se torna, a cada dia, mais omnipresente. No entanto, a compreensão efectiva do seu significado e da miríade de consequências, problemas, interrogações e controvérsias que o fenómeno da globalização implica, nem sempre se torna clara para o cidadão comum. E é precisamente nesse sentido que esta obra pretende ajudar o leitor — tentando promover um debate dinâmico, isento de preconceitos ideológicos…

    A globalização é hoje uma realidade incontornável, multidimensional, que invade a nossa vida e se torna, a cada dia, mais omnipresente. No entanto, a compreensão efectiva do seu significado e da miríade de consequências, problemas, interrogações e controvérsias que o fenómeno da globalização implica, nem sempre se torna clara para o cidadão comum. E é precisamente nesse sentido que esta obra pretende ajudar o leitor — tentando promover um debate dinâmico, isento de preconceitos ideológicos, onde dialogam vozes convergentes e dissonantes e onde são analisadas, de um modo abrangente e sistematizador, as questões fundamentais: as diversas formas como a globalização se manifesta no mundo actual, com especial destaque para o plano económico; as suas consequências positivas e negativas nos processos de desenvolvimento; a ameaça que a globalização pode constituir às soberanias nacionais, à coesão social, à democracia e ao ambiente ou ainda, as formas de maximizar o impacto positivo da globalização. Uma obra clarificadora sobre uma das questões mais centrais da nossa actualidade.

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  • Egypt and the investment development path: Insights from two case studies

    International Journal of Emerging Markets, Vol. 1 Iss: 2, pp.107 - 127

    Purpose: Aims to analyze the process of internationalization of multinational corporations from emerging economies, and more broadly test the investment development path (IDP) hypothesis for Egypt.

    Design/methodology/approach: A combination of data analysis and company case studies to assess to what extent and how Egyptian companies are internationalizing. The theoretical background is the IDP hypothesis, according to which the net outward investment position of a country depends on its…

    Purpose: Aims to analyze the process of internationalization of multinational corporations from emerging economies, and more broadly test the investment development path (IDP) hypothesis for Egypt.

    Design/methodology/approach: A combination of data analysis and company case studies to assess to what extent and how Egyptian companies are internationalizing. The theoretical background is the IDP hypothesis, according to which the net outward investment position of a country depends on its level of development.

    Findings: The paper highlights how poor investment climate and broader geopolitical motives receive limited foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows, while outward FDI limited in size and scope. Despite this climate, the two multinational corporations have successfully expanded abroad, following different strategies.

    Research limitations/implications: Data limitations and the limited size of outward FDI prevent a statistical testing of the IDP hypothesis, for example, by regressing the net FDI position on GDP, utilizing a quadratic specification to allow for the non‐linearity in the relationship.

    Practical implications: The paper concludes by pointing to the importance of promoting corporate internationalization throughout an active policy to make the business environment more conducive to risk‐taking, instead of rent‐seeking, behaviours.

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  • Trading Competitively: Trade Capacity Building in Sub-Saharan Africa


    The trade analysis and firm surveys conducted in several African countries in this study highlight an apparent mismatch between government policies and exporters’ needs in the provision and use of trade support services. While acknowledging the weaknesses of firms in these countries, the study does present evidence confirming the existence of a wide array of policy options for increasing business competitiveness and reducing dependence on primary commodities. Successful upgrading and…

    The trade analysis and firm surveys conducted in several African countries in this study highlight an apparent mismatch between government policies and exporters’ needs in the provision and use of trade support services. While acknowledging the weaknesses of firms in these countries, the study does present evidence confirming the existence of a wide array of policy options for increasing business competitiveness and reducing dependence on primary commodities. Successful upgrading and diversification, however, require not only a right set of macroeconomic and structural policies, but also a substantial change in the policy-making process. A major governance problem undermines the implementation of a successful "business plan" for export diversification in these countries: the lack of involvement of private sector and civil society in policy formulation.

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  • Public Capital and Economic Performance: Evidence from Italy”

    Giornale degli Economisti e Annali di Economia, Vol 60, No 2, pp. 221-44

    This paper addresses the issue of whether and by how much public capital can enhance economic performance. We apply different methodologies to Italian regional data for the period 1970-1994. The results are presented for Italy as a whole, for different macroregions, and for individual categories of public capital. For the Center and the South, the methodologies employed indicate a positive contribution of infrastructure investment to TFP growth, output, and cost reduction. However, the…

    This paper addresses the issue of whether and by how much public capital can enhance economic performance. We apply different methodologies to Italian regional data for the period 1970-1994. The results are presented for Italy as a whole, for different macroregions, and for individual categories of public capital. For the Center and the South, the methodologies employed indicate a positive contribution of infrastructure investment to TFP growth, output, and cost reduction. However, the magnitude of the cost reducing effect does not seem large enough to outweigh the social user cost of public capital. Also, we get mixed results on which types of infrastructure are most effective. Overall, investment in transportation appears to be the most productive: railways in the North and roads in the Center and South are the categories that mostly contributed to TFP growth.

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    • Eliana La Ferrara
    • Massimiliano Marcellino
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  • Measuring Reform (in Africa)


    Chapter in Reform and Growth in Africa.
    What qualifies an economy as "emerging"? The answers provided in this book lead to a fresh conception of the diversity of the African continent. Thus, growth dynamics cannot simply be measured in economic terms. Indicators must also include governance, efficiency and democracy of institutions, and an appropriate climate for business. All these issues are linked to policies, and the outstanding conclusion of this book, in the face of embedded…

    Chapter in Reform and Growth in Africa.
    What qualifies an economy as "emerging"? The answers provided in this book lead to a fresh conception of the diversity of the African continent. Thus, growth dynamics cannot simply be measured in economic terms. Indicators must also include governance, efficiency and democracy of institutions, and an appropriate climate for business. All these issues are linked to policies, and the outstanding conclusion of this book, in the face of embedded "Afro-pessimism", is that policies do matter for growth; that there is no "African mystery", simply poor policies and bad governance. Reform and Growth in Africa is a contribution to the search for a reversal of the economic plight of African countries, based upon national experience and policy reform. This book reflects the contributions to the first edition of the International Forum on African Perspectives, which was held in Paris in February 2000. The forum was created by the African Development Bank and the OECD Development Centre as an annual meeting place of ideas and strategies from African countries and from the OECD region. The aim of the Forum is to create an area where the knowledge bases of the partners can be combined to exploit their specific advantages in the search for solutions to the economic problems of Africa. The Forum also includes an open meeting where these ideas can be tested in front of a wide audience of people from the worlds of politics, administration, academia, the media and business.

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