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Kiffe Kiffe Dem ain Faiza Guene (Livre de Poche-Jeunesse Edition pagination) Pages 9-11 Moche-ugly Un tiroir du bas

bottom draw Une tache-stain Du vomi sch-dried sick quoi a me faisait penser-what it made me think of En remuant-rocking larrire-at the back Une grve-strike Renferm-shy Je men fous-Im not bothered Rembourser-to pay for/pay back La Scu-la scurit sociale pouser-to marry Fcond-fertile Russir-to succeed Faire exprs-to do ..on purpose Tomber enceinte-to fall pregnant Du premier coup-on the first go La fiert-pride Il na eu quun enfant-he only had one childne ..que only Tout fait-completely a se passe pas-it doesnt happen (ne missed out as often happens in spoken language) Aprs-vente-after sales Le barbu-the bearded man Se rendre compte-to realize Se casser-to clear off (slang) Prvenir-to warn Claquer-to slam Laccouchement-the birth Le baptme-baptism Un tambour-drum Une retraite douvrier-workers pension Egorger-to slit the throat Il me manque I miss him (he is missing to me) Perspicace-intelligent Meuf-verlan for femme (verlan slang where words are turned round) Ailleurs-elsewhere

Pages 13-15 Jai d faire signer I had to get signed (faire + infinitive to get something done) Prciser-to specify Le trimestre-term Le proviseur-head of school Se foutre de la gueule de qqn-to take the piss out of someone (slang) Con-stupid (slang) Jen aurais fait une vraie- I would have done a real one Lillettrisme-illiteracy Le sida-aids a existe quen Afrique-It only exists in Africa En attendant-whilst waiting Lutter to battle, struggle Une datte-a date Coudre-to sew (past participle cousu) Que a fasse plus discret-so that it makes it more discrete Sans arrt-without cease Piquer-to nick (steal) Marrer-laugh le faire marrer to make him laugh Le responsable-supervisor Souhaiter que- I wish that + subjunctive Bouffer-to eat slang Engueuler-to tell of (slang) Pire-worst Pleurer-to cry Elle stait fait pipi dessus she got peed on Un enfoir-a shit Schihant-name of Dorias mothers boss based on chiant impolite way of saying annoying

Pages 17-20 Avoir droit -to have a right to Un dfil-a procession (succession) Une assistante sociale-a social worker Un truc-a thing (slang) Pour quon sache-so that you know (pour que + subjunctive) Quelque part-somewhere Sourire-to smile On dirait- One would say Il ny avait pas moyen-that there was no way Gaffer-to make a mistake Transpercer-to pierce through

La mairie-town hall Ouais-slang way of saying yes Cest dommage + subjunctive-its a pity that Rayures-stripes Une pub-an advert Un sosie-boy friend Plaisanter-to joke Un bibelot-nicknack Rapporter-to bring back Des babouches-floor protecting slippers Doigt (du pied) toe Lorteil-big toe Faire un doigt dhonneur-to stick your finger up (in defiance) Compatissant-sympathetic Ctait un mytho-it was all front/pretend Il en avait rien foutre de nous-He didnt give a shit about us A ce quil parat-apparently La messe-mass Roquefort-blue cheese Faire semblant-to pretend Quelque chose cirer de nos vies-bothered about our lives Aigue-sharp Un bouquin-book (slang) Raconter-to relate, recount Elever-to bring up (a child or animal) Echographie-ultra sound Ni repris, ni chang-neither taken back nor exchanged Quel destin de merde-what a shit future Quoi que tu fasses-what ever you do Quoi que-what ever + subj Tu te feras toujours couiller-you will always get screwed Le mektoub-fate in Arabic Dont-of which Ne aucun not at all Pages 21-24 Ceux those masculine celles fem Un gosse lad Mythos-made up Au coin du bec-in the corner of his mouth Capter une chane- to receive a channel Grace -thanks to Une antenne-aerial, satellite dish Couscoussire-type of strainer for making couscous Inox-stainless steel

Le mauvais bateau-the wrong boat (mauvais normally bad) Un minuscule F2 a tiny flat (F2 2 bedrooms) Le mal de mer-sea sickness Un prsage-forewarning Un bled- hole (to live in) Egar-lost sgarer-to get lost Un tatou-a tatooed person La soudure-welding Celui-l-that one Lne-donkey Mettre lamende-to fine (get money off someone) Loucher-to have cross eyes (sken) Sentir la pisse-smell of pee La poitrine-chest En guise de in the guise Un sein-breast Faire cuire-to cook Avoir les moyens-to afford Montrer du doigt-to point at something/someone Prvenir-to warn La facture-the bill Faire la guerre-to go to war On ne sy attendait pas-it wasnt expected Attendre-to wait for Sattendre -to expect Rver-to dream Un voisin-neighbour Un enterrement-funeral Nettoyer-to clean Dmnager-to move house Soccuper de-to look after Eh ben- well (bien) Dgueulasse-disgusting Boiter-to limp Paum-rubbish Soigner-to treat Les boutons spots (acn) Au march noir-black market Se dbrouiller-to cope, get by Un rat-a failure, a loser La connerie-stupidity Un navet-turnip / can also mean a very bad movie Glamour-cool, glam Nul(le)-useless, rubbish La moyenne-average Arts plastiques-3D design Coller des feuilles mortes-stick dead leaves

La caisse-cash desk Lavortement-abortion Lhomme de ma vie-the man of my life Je lui aurais fait une rduction-I would have given him a reduction Emmener-to take someone somewhere Hippopotamus-self service restaurant Vivre to live past participle vcu F5- (5 rooms)flat much larger than an F2 ! Pages 25-28 Recevoir-past participle reu to receive La CAF- Caisse dAllocations Familiales part of the French Social Security which gives money to the families in France a tombe bien-that falls well (lit) Thats convenient Etre oblig-to be forced Secours populaire-charity helping the poor Croiser-to meet by chance La sorcire-the witch Emprunter de largent to borrow money from En galre-struggling Le flouse-slang for money Foutre la honte -to make ashamed Ravi delighted Rcuprer-to get something from Dieu te le rendra-God will give it back to you La mchancet-spitefulness Laide-ugly woman Une raison- a reason Apprendre-to learn, teach En parlant de..talking about Un devoir-a homework Education civique-PSHE Les yeux mouills-moist eyes(crying) Rendre-give back Se tirer-clear off Pareil-same Prendre rendez-vous-to make an appointment Un pote-mate Branch-fashionable Enseigner-to teach Beurk-yuk Ranger les copies-to tidy away the homework sheets Le canap en cuir-leather sofa En train de-in the process of Manger ses crottes de nez-eating his snot

Le traiteur-the delicatessen Commander-to order Avoir la flemme de-cant be bothered Lpilation la cire-hair removal by wax Manquer de respect-to be lacking in respect Je me fais chier-Im pissed off Environ-about Traner-to hang about Une barrette de shit- a pack of weed Un ptard joint ok Dconnect-out of his head Se rappeler-to recall, remember Bouffer-to eat up (slang) Grand-chose : usually used in the negative/ pas grand-chose; nothing much Racaille-chavvy Embarquer-to put away Faire embarquer-to get put away Lacher-to drop Fouiller-to search ( a person) Traiter qqn de-to call someone something Dchet-rubbish Un type-bloke En roulant-whilst rolling Un nime joint-yet another joint a sert rien-it has no point Une contrainte-an obligation Sauf que-except that Page 29-32 Sennuyer-to be bored Distrayant-pleasurable Un Roumain- a Roumanian Faux cuir-artificial leather Pourri-rotten, messed up La poussire-dust Une touche-key (on accordon) Un morceau-a piece Marrant-funny Animer-to give some life to Coinc-jammed in Discrto-discretely Le manouche: gipsy (pejorative) Suivre-to follow Un terrain vague-a vacant piece of land En faisant-making Jai eu la honte-I was ashamed Tendre-to pass something, to hand Quick-French fast food Un gobelet-paper cup

Remplir-to fill rempli filled Un sale truc-a dirty trick Ds que-as soon as Le bonhomme-fellow Genre-suggesting La super cagnotte-a lottery Gagner-to win Juste Prix-The Price is Right (TV programme) Une moufle mitten Trou-holey Attirer des ennuis-to cause problems Emmener-to take someone somewhere Un ongle-nail Abm-messed up, damaged Un produit dentretien-cleaning product Frimer-to show off Propre-clean Lim-manicured Verni-varnished Se gratter-to rub Flamber to show off Faire voir- to show (lit to make seen) Arracher-to pull out Un marron chaud-hot chestnut Une cacahute-peanut Rchauffer-to warm up En chur-together Simprimer-imprinting itself Le cerveau-brain Du riz-rice Pages 33-37

Tendu-tense Faire deviner-to make someone guess Muet-dumb Un bout de conversation-a snatch of conversation Le videur-the doorman, bouncer Dgager-to get rid of Les pois chiches-chick peas La semoule-semolina from which couscous is made Dbarquer-to get off the plane Rigoler-to laugh Se mettre -to start to Ramener-to take someone home Le trajet-journey La vitre-window Envoyer-to send Autant de vies- so many lives Je lui en veux- I hold it against him Un immeuble-flat block Remercier-to thank Le gardien-care taker Ltat-the state Un mollard - spit/ gob of spit , slang La plaquette est gratte-the lift numbers are scratched off Fondre-to melt Brler-to burn Le briquet-lighter Les sourcils froncs-knitted eyebrows Il lui manque un pouce-hes missing a thumb Pages 39-43

Vendredi-Muslim sabbath Tt-early La couture-sewing Expliquer-to explain Sinscrire aux cours-to register for lessons Le bled-home Rire-to laugh Un porte-bonheur- good luck charm Chance-luck Fort-strong Les travaux publics-public works Une mode-a fashion Temprer-to keep things cool Mi-temps- part time Dranger-to bother, disturb Jouer la console-to play computer games En renversant-by knocking over Un piton-a pedestrian

Chelou-louche (verlan) dodgy Un sjour-a stay Les sports dhiver-winter sports Bnfique-beneficial Me couper de-get away from, cut myself away from Hors de question-out of the question Puer le vomi-smell of sick Laisse tomber- forget it (let it drop) A cause des sous-because of money Un sou- a sou (old coin) Proccuper-to bother Debout-standing up Un bonnet-hat Une combinaison-a ski suit Flamber-to show off Un appareil jetable-a disposable camera

Relou -heavy, over the top I think heavy in sense of over the top Larnaque- trickery, rip off Elle se fait pas prier-she doesnt need asking On sen claque- were not bothered Enerver-to annoy La jalousie-jealousy Couper les cheveux-cut hair Naze : slang/ tired, stupid, rooted, depending on the context Un mutil de guerre-war wounded Une tagre en kit-a DIY shelf Un mec-a bloke Dboucher les chiottes-unblock the bogs Souffle-breath Un vrai couteau suisse humain- a real Swiss army knife man Ouf - wow factor La dentelle-lace Un voile- a veil Une bougie-a candle Un tmoin- a witness Une demoiselle dhonneur-a brides maid Jouer la corde skip Lautel-the altar Cest cens tre-is supposed to be.. Annuler-to cancel Rapporter chez eux-to take home to their homes Le feuilleton-the soap opera Embrouilles-shenanigans Une daronne A woman slang A fond dedans-well into it Louper-to miss (bus or TV programme) Lpoque-the time Accrocher-to stick up (on wall) Se mettre dans tous ses tats-to get into a state Le diable-the devil Le tton-nipple Pages 45-49 Sachever-to finish Par rapport-with relation to Le bulletin-report (school) Un concours- a competition Les apprciations-comments on report La pire que jaie jamais eue-the worst Ive ever had (subj after superlative worst/best etc)

Dmission-resignation Avouer-to confess Rien foutre de cette prof-I cant do with this teacher Sembler-to seem, appear Redescendre sur terre-come back to earth Sympa-kind Malgr-in spite of Une note-mark Abuser-to overdo HLM habitation loyer modr-social housing Il se la pte-hes full of it Racketter-to steal from school mate Le goter-snack Il sest foutu de ma gueule-he made fun of me/ slang Une marque de pneus- a make of tyres Me la mis dans les pattes-who put him under my feet Se dbarrasser de lui-to get rid of him Des circonstances attnuantes-making excuses for him La sienne (his) En lui caressant la tte- whilst stroking his head a se fait pas-that just isnt done La rcr-break at school/ abbreviation for la rcration La grille-the school fence Les jurs-the members of the jury Oublier-to forget La cuisse-the thigh Un conglateur-deep freeze Foutre la merde-mess up Finir lassiette-to finish plate of food Un mme-kid familiar or brat Science nat(urelles) biology/chemistry Vu de face-head on Dgoter-to disgust Partir en vrille -to not behave the right way, to act out of line La pte modeler-plasticine Avoir ses rgles- to have period a devait tre chaud pour elle-it must have been bad for her Un saignement-a bleeding Des douleurs-pains La pousse-growing Cheveux gras-greasy hair Eteint-dead, switched off

Autant-might as well Sauter-jump out of Les pire que soi-the worse off Pages 51-54 Une commre-nosey parker A la kermesse-fair, festival Ragot-titbit (of gossip) Un gamin kid Merguez-spicy lamb sausage Dfiler-to go in procession Le refrain-chorus Galrer-to suffer Dandiner-to prance about Pche-fishing La zone-hell Une poupe : doll Des taches de rousseur-freckles Safficher-to show oneself up Filer-to go off Engouement -passion Prendre trente ans-to age by 30 years Faire des yeux ronds-to make round eyes at someone (surprise) Traner-to hang about Assister-to be present at La clture-the closing

Rsoudre les problmes-solve problems Leau de rose-rose water En bas de gamme-bottom of the range, bargain basement Un putain dair suprieur-a hell of a superior look about him Rousse-red headed Se viander-to fell Tomber amoureux-to fall in love Dbile mentale- mentally deficient person Pages 59-62 Le loyer-the rent Faire une permanente-get a permanent wave Qui tient-which is still holding Un locataire-a tenant Le quartier-the area Garder un enfant-to look after a child Gagner-to earn Nimporte qui-no matter who Je retire-Ill take back Hein-hey ? a a failli-it nearly faillir to nearly.. Dclencher-to set off Un saignement de nez-a nose bleed Tamponner la quittance-stamp the receipt Mortel-great slang Surgels-frozen goods Les paupires-eyelids Grandir-to grow up Un tas de-a heap of Un peu bidon- a bit crap On sest vues peine une demi-heure- we hardly saw each other for more than half an hour Eveill-awake Amertume-bitterness Une compil (ation) - a CD compilation Le tiroir de sa commode the drawers of her dressingtable Dun coup-suddenly Les larmes-tears Picoter-pinch, sting Pages 63-66 Formule 1- very cheap basic hotel chain La merde-shit Plein de-loads of

Pages 55-58 Rendre triste-to make sad Une blondasse-a blond pejorative Perch-perched Un talon-heel Une assurance vie-life insurance Ras de prs-close shaved La lavande-lavander La magie noire-black magic Sentir- je la sens bizarre-I find her strange Le fond de teint-base make up Louche-dodgy Se faire marabouter-bewitch Chauve-bald Faire gaffe-be careful (colloquial) Rflchir-to think, reflect Un feutre-felt tip pen Pour que jaille mal so that Im not so well (pour que + subj) Un marabout-witchdoctor/guru

En grve-on strike Se dbrouiller-cope with Un syndicat-a union Revendications-demands Sentendre-to get on with Nouer mes lacets-to do up my shoe laces Le boulot-work (slang) Emmerder-to piss off Licencier-to sack Avoir le droit-to have the right Virer-to sack Un horaire-hours, timetable Enfer-hell Hurler-to scream Un mec-bloke Faire laumne-to charity Engueuler-to tell off Se garer-to park Une grande surface-a hypermarket Supporter-to bear, stand Une marge derreur infime-a tiny margin of error Un enfoir-a bastard Sarrter-to stop Sest fait agresser-got attacked Un couloir- a corrridor Gazer-to spray gas on Une bombe lacrymogne-tear gas container Histoire de- in order to Un enseignant-a teacher Assurer les cours-to deliver lessons Accrocher-to stick up Affiche-poster Marre de la violence-fed up of violence Digne de-worthy of Si elle paie pas de mine-if she doesnt look the part Sa teinture noir corbeau-her raven black hair do Tlachat-telesales Un prtexte-an excuse Un flemmard-lazy sod Soutenir-to support Pages 67-70 Une fout la merde-a pain in the bum, colloquial Avoir mauvaise mine-to look ill Au terme de at the end of UV-sun bed

Un institut de soins et de beaut-health club La Fidlit-faithful custom Un mtier-a job Soccuper de to deal with A peine-hardly Une bouche en cul de poule-a wretch Faire attention sa ligne-to keep ones eye on ones figure Abuser-overdo it Atteindre-to reach her intellect Un accueil a reception centre Analphabte-illiterate people Faire une dmarche-go through the processes Fouiller-to look through La couche-nappy Un artichaut-artichoke Un chque-lire-a free book token Gratos-gratuit-free Rgresser-go backwards Un/e assist-a scrounger Dfoncer la porte-knock down the door Tout sens dessus dessous everything upside down Le poste (de police) the station Impliquer-implicate Se mettre -to start to Suffire-to suffice, to be enough Les mots-words Le bton-concrete Cracher dessus-to spit on Pages 71-74 Le rve-dream Mme-same Chelou-louche-dodgy Au rveil-on waking up Le rebord-window sill Senvoler-to fly away Sloigner-to get further away Battre des ailes-to beat one swings Secouer-to shake Se cogner-to bash oneself Le mur-wall Un bleu- a bruise De cette faon-in this way Une foutaise-a load of rubbish Un pseudo-a pseudonym Bosser-to work (slang) La vrit-the truth

Diffuser-to broadcast Doubler-to dub the sound Toucher-to get money Aucun droit-no royalty (licence fee) Dbarras-the store (one each per flat at bottom of flat block) Un grenier-loft Une connerie-rubbish Se servir de to use Une planisphre-full map of the earth Galrer-to suffer Un endroit-a place Gribouiller-to scribble Se casser-to clear off Enregistrer-to record (on video) Emmerd-messed about a fait du bien-it does you good Mordre-to bite La grange-the barn Le bonheur-happiness Le chemin de fer-the railway system Faire un signe de croix-to make a sign of the cross La honte-shame Labb Pierre-French monk famous for rehousing people for the Emmaus fraternity Une toile-star Vexer-to upset, to anger Les poufiasses-the tarty ones Surmaquill-over made up Un soutien gorge rembourr-filled bra Une saloperie de pull mauve-this crap purple top Un haut de pyjama-a pyjama top Pages 75-78 Croiser-to meet by chance Embarquer-to give me a lift Dposer-to drop off Flamber-to show off Le bahut school (slang) Une tronche de cake- nut head colloquial, idiot La doublure de-the double of Une cicatrice-a scar Le menton-chin Ecorch vif-skinned alive En fait in fact Soit-either Un pote-a mate

Concessionaire-car dealer Protger-to protect Mler-to meddle Fixer-to stare at Dmarrer-to set off Fach-annoyed Soulag-relieved Cru-from croire-to believe Le rapport-relationship Moi non plus-me neither Rencontrer-to meet Aux alentours de around Chauve-bald Les ongles sales-dirty nails Dcoincer-to pull out (things between his teeth) Le bout de la langue-the tip of his tongue Prim-out of date limite food Un cafard- a bug Aid-Eid Faire des crdits-to let people have a slate (to buy on credit) Rembourser-to pay back Une blague-a joke Bldard-person from back home (in n. Africa) Un arnaqueur-a conman Pages 79-81 Se casser-to leave Ce putain dhtel-this crap hotel Tirer la chasse deau-the pull the toilet chain Trois fois rien-next to nothing La prime de dpart-a leaving bonus La faillite-bankruptcy La douceur-gentleness Un pli-a crease Le drap-sheet Dadmettre-to admit Jongler-to juggle Mlanger-to mix Sucr-sweet Sale-salty Une matresse-a teacher Un cahier gros carreaux-an exercise book with big squares Un zizitope-zizi male organ Apprhender-to be apprehensive about (fear) La sant-health De la blague-a joke Recherche demploi-job hunting

Vachement bien-really good Une bote de thon- a can of tuna Pas mal de dgats-a fair bit of damage Pages 83-86 Prim-past date limit Mme-even Laspect-look Laffiche-too obvious Cest trop laffiche Paris Dakar- motor race from Paris to Dakar in Africa (very long like the queue) 45 tours ray-a scratched record (old fashioned type) La gueule de lemploi-the gob of the job Plat-flat On pourrait la faxer-you could send her by fax Porter plainte-to make an official complaint Une coupe-a hair cut Devoir (doit)-to owe (as well as must, have to) Une perle de sueur-a bead of sweat Couler-to flow Un dmineur de bombe-a bomb disposal person Le fil rouge-the red thread Sendormir-to go off to sleep Jurer-to swear Que dieu te vienne en aide-Let God come to your assistance (subj after Que with sense of let) Compter-to count on Mriter-to deserve Le grand avocat-the great lawyer Le process-the trial Pages 87-90 En chute libre-in free fall Se batter-to fight Traiter qqn de-to call someone something Un btard-bastard (in the real sense of the word) La case prison-the prison block (of games board like monopoly) Se moquer de-to take the mickey out of, to mock Lintrim-agency work Galre-miserable Rattraper-to catch up

Vivre du deal-live off dealing Une voyante-fortune teller Surnommer-to give the nick name of Une dgaine-holster (for gun) Devenir-to become Le tierce-horse racing (betting) tous les coups-every time Gueuler-to mouth (Insults) Bol-luck Se faire taper dessus-to get hit, bashed about Abonn-subscriber La formatrice-the educator Le bac sable-the sand pit Faire une ronde-shaking each others hand Une tte claques-faces which could do with slapping Grillage-fencing, gates Sentir la rouille-smell of rust La ligne Maginot -30s protective wall between France and Germany Un tag-graffiti Un ange menott-a handcuffed angel Pages 91-94 Dtenu-held against will, detained Ramener-to bring back Le roi-king La haute surveillance-high level security La poisse-short straw Se sauver-to run off Dposer une main courante - law/ similar to lay charges against someone but the person doesnt get to know you have done it Lappareil dentaire-the dental brace Trop fort-really great Faire les retrouvailles-go through the meeting up process Chialer-to howl, cry Svanouir-to faint La baraque-house (slang) Le boulot-work (slang) Se casser la tte-to do ones head in Il en avait rien foutre-he couldnt be bothered, couldnt give a damn La disparition-the disappearance Avec du ventre-pregnant/ with a big tummy Tortionnaire-torturer Maigrir-to lose weight Vide-empty

Reconnatre-to recognize Affronter-to meet challenge Une preuve-test, challenge Sy faire-to cope Subir-to undergo something, to suffer Tromper-to two time Un prtre-priest Cest du gteau-it easy, a piece of cake Redoubler-to resit a year in school (to catch up) Un prtexte-an excuse Occidental-western Rater-to fail Redevenir-to re-become En forme de-in the shape of Faire marrer-to make laugh Pages 95-98 Quest-ce quil en a foutre de voter-why should he be bothered about voting? Se batter-to fight Le quotidien-daily life Le citoyen-citizen Samliorer-to improve Se bouger-to move himself Un boutonneux-a spotty faced person Avoir la parole-to be able to say your piece Faire la semaine-to last the week Une bise-a kiss Oser-to dare Un poivron-red pepper Bafouiller stammer Courir-to run Le got-the taste Perdre connaissance-to lose consciousness La chirurgie esthtique-plastic surgery La lvre-lip Les miennes-mine Un baiser-kiss Une lime ongles-a nail file Faire du feu-to make fire Coiffer-to get hair done Tuer-to kill Descendre mon paquet de biscuits-to run down my pack of biscuits Pas autant que je croyais que je lui en voudrais -but not as much as I think I would hold it against him

Pages 99-102 Un jeu-a game Humilier-humiliate Se tromper-to make a mistake Baver-dribble Faire caca-to poo Villain-bad Un trait-a mark Ne---aucun not at all Un zizi- male organ Mignonne-sweet,cute Une fe-a fairy Gronder-scold, tell off Mourir de rire-die laughing Nempche que depuis-that hasnt stopped him.. Corrompu-corrupt Se ranger-to keep out of the way Le tiers-third (fraction) Pas mal de-a fair amount of Pleurer-to cry Pages 103-108 Une camionnette-a van Envier-to envy Emmener-to take with you Elle va en jeter-shes going to show off Une baraque-house (slang) Se sont fait construire-have got built Des sous-cash Le maon-builder Effleurer leur esprit-cross their mind Foutre les pieds-stick their feet Le cercueil-coffin Parfois-sometimes Essayer-to try A deux sous-two bit, cheap Le patinage-skating Se vautrer-to be bent over Les tenues-outfits La culotte-underwear Des prjugs-stereotypes Enfiler un patin-to put on a skate Rdiger-to write (essay) Un bigoudi -hair curler Redoubler-to resit the year Un lyce professional-senior school doing more vocational strands of baccalaurat CAP-certificat daptitude professionel

Coiffure-hairdressing Se plaindre-to complain Sorienter-to decide on a career/course path Un poil-a hair Le caillou-stone slang for head Travailler son compte-to work for oneself Archi tirer-to stretch, straighten archi means really but colloquial Une frisure-curls, curliness Trahir-to betray Radin-tight fisted Cest cuit-its finished Une commre-a gossip Oser-to dare Rciproque-reciprocal (thinks the same) Un perdant-loser Un crne chauve-bald skull Crado-dirty (colloquial) Un crdit-loan Rembourser-to reimburse, pay back Nulle part-anywhere, no where Pages 109-113 Le vide-grenier-car boot sale (emptying loft) Lherbe-grass Tremp-soaked Tma -check out, look at (verlan) On la vide du grenier-Theyve emptied her from the loft Pouffer de rire-to burst out laughing Etouff-stifled Une grosse touffe-a big head of hair Rapatrier-to send home, repatriate Cacher-to hide Une grotte- a cave Avaler tout cru-to eat raw Serrer-seize, grip La haine-hatred Coupable-guilty Un plucheur-a peeler Une carapace- a protective shell Une marieuse-wedding organizer Nourriture-food Bijou(x)-jewel Mettre la patate- according the contexte ; to work a lot, to go fast En cong de maternit-on maternity leave Se coltiner-colloquial, to get stuck with, to lug

Des verres en cul de bouteille-bottle glass specs Les montures-frames Epouvante-horror Gratter la peau du dos-scratch the skin on his back Creuser-dig Une couche-a layer Une vis-a screw Un numro de srie-a serial number Se dsaltrer-to refresh himself Elle a lair mieux-she looks better Se tromper-to make a mistake Soucieux-worried Elle regarde la tl teinte-she watches the TV switched off La location-hire Avoir un entretien-to have an interview Embaucher-to take on a worker Une parcarte- a sign Chien mchant-beware of the dog Une mouche-fly (insect)

Pages 115-117 Coupure de pub-advertising break Sentir lalcool/fort-to smell of alcohol/strong Une histoire drle-joke Porte-jarretelles-suspender belt Un moyen de rencontre-way of meeting people Se remettre-start off again A moins quon vienne la demander en mariage-unless someone comes to ask for her hand in marriage moins que + subj Le souci-the worry Afficher-to post (information) Lches-cowards Belle dentition-good teeth work Picoler-to booze la trieuse-recycling La bote recyclage-the recycling bin Le bruit-noise Le parti colo-green party Pages 119-121 Virer-to sack Lentrept-warehouse Nier-to deny

Un bon rien- a good for nothing Convaincre-to convince convaincu- past part Cette sale gueule-this ugly mug Se montrer du doigt-to point at oneself Grand ouvert-wide open Oser-to dare Parano-paranoid Sans prevue-without proof a se fait pas-that just isnt done Plein-full Une jumelle-female twin Pareil-same Mcher-to chew Une bulle-bubble (blow bubbles) Un pd-poof Accroupi-crouched Une dception-a disappointment Subitement-suddenly Coller-to stick Aspirer-to suck in Faire le dplacement-make the trip Recueillir- mon tmoignage- to gather my witness testimony Il fait chier le monde-he pisses off the world

Avec le recul-with hindsight Un mauvais souvenir-a bad memory Aucun invit-no guest La pice monte-typical wedding desertpyramid of profiteroles Dconner-to mess about, have a laugh Enfonc-flopped Une rediffusion-repeat Une mre clibataire-single mother Les Bidochon-cartoon family En change de rien-for no reward Un coup de genou-a knee in the groin Faire lautiste-to act autistic a marrangerait-that would sort me out Le Bigdil-big deal TV show Se projeter dans lavenir-project oneself into the future Un espoir-hope Pages 129-132 Apercevoir-to spot aperu spotted Senfuir-to flee Emballer-to wrap up Un toubab toubib-doctor (colloquial) Un gant de boxe-a boxing glove Pour quon leur fiche la paix-so that they get left in peace En planque-hid away Un foyer-home Larguer-to drop boy/girlfriend (colloquial) Les affaires-things (clothes etc) Minable-peasy Une repasseuse-ironing worker Une dent de sagesse-a wisdom tooth Pousser-to grow Elle a failli-she almost Arracher-to pull out La mchoire-jaw Hurler-to scream Le fauteuil-dentists chair (armchair normally) Nana-chick Un catcheur-wrestler Un CRS-security police renowned for violence Conjuguer-to bring together Rigolo-funny, a laugh Le riz-rice Le dcs-the death Dcevoir-to disappoint Une rizire-a paddy field En prime-on top of that

Pages 123-128 Se balader-to go for a wander Le jour de lan-new years day Se bourrer la gueule-to stuff ones face Susciter moins dintrt-to arouse less interest Moche-ugly Dpenser leur fric-spend their cash friccash (slang) Attrape-touristes-tourist trap La classe-a bit of class Chier-to crap Lpaule-shoulder Essuyer-to wipe Coriace-persistent La veste-jacket Une tache-stain Hchouma-shame Adherer-to join Un rein-kidney Dmaquiller-to take makeup off Contre-against Breton-person from Britanny Soucieux-anxious

Mordre-to bite Sage-well behaved La niche-kennel Pages 133-136 Sattendre -to expect Abm-damaged, bad Une dception-disappointment Un zizi-male organ Apparatre-appear Le visage-face Flout -synonyme of bouriff, fluffy, soft Dguis-disguised Sans but-pointless (without a goal) La cerise-cherry Fricoter-to play around with, colloquial Prendre le relais-to take over La reconnaissance-gratitude Les voix off-voice off Le gnrique-cast list Une caisse-car (slang) Remplir-to fill in Les impts-taxes Avant que je sache lire avant que + subjBefore I knew how to read Frapper-to hit Cultiv-educated Des rollers aligns-inline skates Pages 137-141 Lair heureuse-looking happy Embter-to annoy Lenfer-hell Avouer-to confess panoui-opened up to the world Se dbrouiller-to cope Dchiffrer-to decipher Une enseigne-shop sign A limproviste-unexpectedly Lorientation-career plans Surligner-underline Stabilo-type of pen Une larmichette-a tear Saluer-to greet La foule-the crowd mu-moved past part of mouvoir Tomber dessus-to come across something La remise des prix-prize giving Au premier rang-front row

Remettre le prix-to hand over the prize Dcollet-corsage, cleavage Prvoyant-with foresight La caisse dallocations familiales-the family allowance department (CAF) Je ferais mieux de-I would be better off.. Frotter-to rub Crade-dirty, slang Le plateau-the stage Essouffl-out of breath En panne-broken down Chourave voler-to steal - slang Les fesses-backside, buttocks Pages 143-145 Oser-to dare Lair amoureux-look in love Casser son dlire-spoil his happiness la trappe- passer la trappe- to be written off or to be given the push Pire-worse Meuf-femme Woman (verlan) Galrer-to be miserable to wander around Rien foutre-nothing to do Sembrouiller-to get confused Un anneau-a ring Des poils sur le menton-hair on his chin Ils se kiffent-ils saiment They love each other Flamber-to show off Calculer slang Un pantaloon en cuir moulant-tight leather trousers Exprs-on purpose Nimporte quoi-no matter what (whatever!)

Pages 147-151 Une commre- gossip Apporter-to bring Faire laumne-to do charity Croustillant-crunchy (news) La zonzonnire - crazy woman Se sauver-to run away Tortionnaire-torturer Sali-sullied, dirtied Court from courir-to run Tricoter-to knit Nouveau-n-new born

Une foutaise -familier nonsense, crap, garbage Le nain-dwarf Pter un cble- familier to become crazy Frauder-commit an act of fraud Rclamer-to demand Un titre de transport-ticket Baisser-to lower En keuf- verlan les keuf, les flics, la police Les vitraux-stained glassed windows La confiture-jam Une toile cire- oilcloth Un cerf-deer Se faire tirer dessus-to get shot at Une folle-mad woman Souiller-to soil, denigrate Le patrimoine-culture Un vigile-security officer Une suprette-minimarket Issue-way out Pages 153-156 La rentre- return to school in September La chiasse -diarrhoea La colique-stomach upset Une bibliothque-library Se renseigner-to inform oneself Un galrien-a scrote Racaille-scumbag Mignon-sweet Le bahut-school (slang) Repasser-to iron Les habits-clothes Contrefaon-fake Queue de cheval-pony tail Soyeux-silky Gras-fatty La friture-frying Sessuyer-to wipe Gurir-to cure Entourer-to surround Une bagnole-car (slang) fond-full volume Hocher-shake Cligner de loeil-to wink Culpabilit-guilt Pit-piety La haine-hatred Pages 157-160

Dico dictionnaire (slang) Pouffiasse-tart Dcolor-bleached Permanent-with permanent wave Archibranch-really with it, switched on Professeur principal-form teacher peine-hardly Zozoter- to lisp Foutre-to do (vulgar) Seffondrer-to collapse in tears Franchir-to cross Chialer-to howl Dclencher un tat durgence-to set off a state of urgency Une inondation-flood Limmeuble-flat block Faire les courses-do shopping Dcharger-to unload Un petit mot-a note Un surnom-a nickname Le lapin-rabbit (meat) Mon canard my duck (term of endearment) Pourrave - Pourri, rotten slang Laisser tomber-to drop Lcheur-traitor (someone who lets people down) Lcher-to drop, let go Pages 161-166 Remarquer-to notice Coller-to stick La vitrine-shop window Mettre-to put Un gagnant- a winner Le gros lot-the top prize chapper-to escape Casquette-cap, baseball cap Balancer-to throw La manifestation-the demonstration Emprunter-borrow Un bouquin-book (slang) Clibataire-single, no husband En dessous-beneath it Je te kiffe- I love you Fou-mad Laffiche-poster Le tierce-horse racing Parier-to bet Dsol-sorry

En faire partie-to play a part in Un bras dhonneur-gesture of defiance, aggression Un gardien de la paix-a policeman (guardian of the peace) Dernier niveau atteint-arrived at final floor Une pdale-a gay Jle balance aux keufs-Ill hand him over to the cops Le harki-implies traitor (Algerians who supported French in war of independence) Tratre-traitor Il suffit-its enough Cataloguer-to typecast, to pigeonhole Grosses racailles-scumbags Exercer sa passion-follow her passion Une reprsentation-a performance Jouer-to act Un mtier-a job Une pice-a play De mauvaises frquentations-dodgy acquaintances Le droit chemin the true path of life Le chemin-the way in life Craindre-to fear Le chemin du mal-the road to evil Se maquiller-to make up Plaire-to please (men) Honteux-shameful Le pouvoir-power Convaincre-to convince Glisser-to slip Les doigts-fingers Senfuir-to flee Aucun contact-no contact Comdie franaise-Frances most famous theatre company Page 167-169

Chiquer- to chew tobacco Salace-salacious, vulgar Un chantier-building site Une gonzesse-girl (slang) Shabituer-to get used to Pages 171-173 Une porte vitre- a glass door Rendre visite-to visit a person Librer-to free (from prison) Au fur et mesure-gradually Tenir des discours-come out with speeches Zonzon-jail Pch grave-serious sin En cachette-secretly Carcral-prison (adj) Syndical-union (adj) Une revendication demand Licencier-to sack Sans indemnisation-without payment Ces prejudices rpars-these wrongs righted La roue tourney-the wheel turns Aucun rpit-no let up. Pages 175-177 Dranger-to disturb, bother Cense-supposed Verlan-slang (syllables turned round) La longueur donde-wavelength Nier-to deny deux roues-on two wheels rather than on trike Prter-to lend Lointain-far off Avant-dernier-the one before last Rsoudre un problme (past part rsolu) Pages 179-181

Personne ne sen est rappel-noone remembered Souhaiter-to wish La rancune-bitterness Tant pis-too bad Franchement-honestly, frankly Se rappeler-to remember Une fte-birthday Faire craquer les os de mes doigts de pied-to make the bones of my toes crack Couler-to flow

Inattendu-unexpected Appuy-leaning Tirage au sort-lottery draw Passer le Bac-to take the bac(calaureat) Un cauchemar-a nightmare Pages 183 Klaxonner-to hoot Constater-to check

Siffler-to whistle Poufiasse-tart Le Bonheur familial-family happiness Chourave-voler (steal) Muter-to transfer La progniture-offspring Faire dodo-sleep Dbloquer-to release (money) Retirer-to take back Se rconcilier-to be reconciliated with Le toit-roof Un Franais de souche-a native French person Pages 187-189 Ragir-to react Mpriser-to scorn Devancer-to get ahead of a a faille-it almost Letter-qualified Abonnement-subscription Mener la rvolte-to lead the revolt La pasionaria-heroic Spanish politician in Spanish civil war Se soulever-to rise up (against something) Le sanglot-the sob Ctoyer-to spend time near

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