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UNCLASSIFIED//LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE DHS INTERNAL USE ONLY DHS Component Actions Report Civil Disturbances - Multiple Cities U.S. (NOC 0378-20) 1200 ET, 4 Jun 2020 Updates in Blue Reported Once in Black Executive Summary: After nine days of civil disturbances, DHS Components continue to support national law enforcement efforts and provide federal property protection, across the country. While many demonstrations have remained peaceful, numerous USS. cities have experienced incidents of violence, looting and other criminal activity. To date, no Component has reported a degradation in ability to execute its mission essential functions. * Protest activity levels for the next 24 hours are expected to remain the same; DHS ‘Support should expect similar missions. + USSS continues to provide additional support at the White House (WH) Complex. * CBP Commissioner's Situation Room extended its COOP protocol until 1400 ET on 4 Jun. DHS Personnel Deployed to NCR IcE_| cep TSA FPS 160] 400 7 133 Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) ‘* There are 12 (+1) State EOCs activated: AZ, CA, IA, KS, MN, MO, NE, OK, PA, UT, WA & WI. * No degradation to FEMA's mission capability and no reported impacts to employee safety. * FEMA Regional Watch Centers (RWCs) in Regions II, IIl and V are working at altemate locations UFN. * The JFO in Sioux Falls, SD (Region Vill) retumed to normal operations. U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) USCG has 24 personnel available for interagency support as needed. ‘On 4 Jun, NYPD requested UAS capability from Sector NY to support civil unrest response. * Eight CGIS Special Agents are on standby to support the DOJ in Washington DC; agents were swom-in on 2 Jun. One CGIS Special Agent is supporting Port Arthur (TX) PD during protests. * Sector Virginia is adding security at the Eastern Shore Sector Field Office in preparation of a planned protest in Chincoteague, VA; armed LE qualified watch- standers will be in-place, but out of sight, unless needed. * Sectors Jacksonville and Miami are tracking five planned protests on 4 Jun and six planned protests on 5 Jun across FL; unknown impacts to USCG ops or facilities. + Sector Northern New England reports multiple protests are expected across NH and ME over the next week. POTUS is scheduled to visit Guilford, ME on 5 Jun. * Sector Delaware Bay is maintaining an active Anti-Terrorism & Force Protection (ATFP) Watch with two armed law enforcement qualified members. * USCG Sector Long Island Sound is providing two armed watch standers during the work day to ensure base security; some subordinate units are increasing local security patrols. * Protest activity in NYC is forecasted to continue for the foreseeable future, with curfews in place at least through 7Jun. There is a potential protest in the vicinity of Station NY and Sector NY on 5 Jun. + USCG HA St. Elizabeth's Campus and USCG Station Washington have aligned with DOD and are at FPCON C. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) * In support of DOJ, CBP provided 400 personnel to support operations in the NCR. © Provided 350 LE personnel to support USPP on the evening of 3 Jun. © Provided helo support over the NCR on the evening of 3 Jun, with video downlink over DC; two A-Stars provided video feeds and one Blackhawk chopped to USSS for a QRF. © Deployed 134 personnel to Lafayette Square to support USPP, USSS, and National Guard. © No CBP personnel have been injured in deployments. * Office of Field Operations (OFO) © The OFO Emergency Medical Services program has upwards of 300 experienced licensed and credentialed Medical Providers and Law Enforcement officers strategically assigned throughout nation that are available to support local first responders, © Pre-Clearance Field Office, consisting of CBP Officers (CBPO) and Special Response Team (SRT), joined other members of OFO, U.S. Border Patrol and Air and Marine at CBP HQ provided assistance and support to Federal and Local law enforcement partners to respond and prevent further rioting, vandalism and destruction due to the ongoing civil unrest in the National Capital Region (NCR) area, * Baltimore Field Office (BFO): © The BFO deployed 50 CBP Officers from the area north of Washington DC/Dulles, 35 CBP officers from the Area Port of Baltimore and five SRT operators from the BFO have been deployed to provided support to USSS in response to the ongoing civil disobedience occurring in VA and Washington DC. * Detroit Field Office: © The Detroit Field Office received a request to support the Detroit Police Department (DPD) with 11 CBPOs and 2 Supervisor CBPOs with ongoing protests and civil unrests in the metropolitan Detroit area. DPD requested 4 marked Government Operative Vehicles GOV) and personnel to assist local law enforcement with perimeter control of their staging area surrounding their EOC. * New York Field Office: © NYFO has deployed 15 officers from the JFK Airport to assist PAPD in response to a possible civil disturbance on airport property. The responding officers will participate as a security detail. © NYFO has deployed 2 Task Force officers assigned to the NY DEA to assist the NYPD in protecting the Times Square Station while NYPD officers perform crowd control and policing duties. The TFOs are joined by the NY DEA. + Houston Field Office: © The Port of Houston Port Police requested six OFO Houston Seaport CBPOs to assist with physical security of the Port Houston Barbours Cut Container Terminal. OFO Houston Seaport CBPOs are requested to serve as standby Law Enforcement officers as well as assist local, state and federal law enforcement with ongoing protests and civil unrest in the Houston, TX area, San Diego Field Office: © San Diego will send two personnel to the San Diego Command Post and one to the FBI Command Post. U.S. Border Patrol © Sectors have placed personnel, to include Mobile Field Forces, Special Operations Groups, BORTAC, BORSTAR, and EMTs on standby to respond to civil disturbances throughout the nation. © All sectors, stations and checkpoints remain on high alert; personnel Continue to be notified to prepare for immediate deployment as necessary to include SOD and Mobile Field Force (MFF). Alpine Sector (APD): © On6 Jun, four agents are on stand-by in the event a planned Black Lives Matter protest escalates and requires additional law enforcement. Buffalo Sector (BUN): © On 8 Jun, the Buffalo HSI SAIC has requested five USBP Special Operations Agents (BORTAC/BORSTAR) to augment an HSI SRT Quick Reaction Force (QRF); established as a precaution in advance of demonstrations anticipated in downtown Buffalo, NY through 7 Jun. Detroit Sector (DTM) © On 6 Jun, DTM Riverine Unit, at the request of DNR and MSP, will deploy three agents and one vessel to the MacArthur Bridge to ensure public safety during a scheduled protest. DTM/RU is limited to patrolling the waterway and effecting life saving measure as the need arises. EI Paso Sector (EPT): © In response to a request from Las Cruces PD; 20 USBP agents and 10 SOG argents are responding to assist with tactical capabilities, mitigate risk, life safety issues. Spokane Sector: © On 4 Jun, agents will participate in a joint QRF to a planned Black Lives Matter protest; scheduled 4 Jun. Agents will be available to respond to other law enforcement facilities in the area. * Tucson Sector: © On Jun, TCA will support Casa Grande PD with a total of 52 agents (TCA SOD Platoon 1) in order to provide local agencies with support in maintaining control of planned protests in Casa Grande, AZ. ¢ Air and Marine Operations (AMO): © AILAMO personnel are accounted for and have not been affected by any incident or event related to a civil disturbance. * Manassas Air Branch: © Will provide (AS-350) aerial surveillance support over NYC and the NCR during protests, * Great Lakes Air and Marine Branch Buffalo: © HSI Special Agent in Charge Buffalo in collaboration with Buffalo Federal / State and local partners is requesting assistance in providing situational awareness through Aircraft Video Downlink (AVDL) and on-board optics to the tactical command center. Specific mission objectives are the security of HSI Offices and the Western District of New York Federal Court House. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) There are no reports of USCIS personnel affected by the civil disturbances. USCIS is not providing any law enforcement support, however USCIS is prepared to partner with FPS and local law enforcement to respond to any incident at or near its facilities. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) * Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) © Field offices placed Special Response Teams (SRTs) on standby in multiple locations. © Buffalo ERO Intel continues to receive information that there are planned protests at or near several government buildings in Buffalo, NY. Buffalo ERO/SRT, CBP/OFO SRT, HSI SRT, Border Patrol BORTAC are all coordinating consolidated DHS response efforts, as needed. The U.S. Marshals Service, other federal and local law enforcement SWAT have been activated and are on stand- by. There has been no direct request for Buffalo ERO assistance but Buffalo ‘SRT has been placed on standby in case protests impact the Buffalo ERO Office and are ready to assist as needed. © ERO Philadelphia is monitoring protests across Philadelphia with widespread violence, looting and confrontations with police. The Mayor instituted an 1800 curfew. Protests also occurred at other locations across the AOR, with some violence. All office locations are open, and ERO Philadelphia continues to communicate with FPS and local PD to monitor threats to ICE facilities. Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) © Deployed 158 LEOs providing security support to the FBI in NW DC. * A total of 137 SRT agents/officers were augmented by FBI special agents and provided deterrence against potential looters or other individuals engaged in criminal activity during curfew. * HSI reported no arrests, no reports of rioting, and no looting or property damage were reported in their sector. * Remaining personnel were placed on standby at Potomac Center North. © HSI Jacksonville is assisting JTTF-JAX in reviewing the A-File of a Russian-born, naturalized USC, convicted felon, who was arrested during a protest while in Possession of a homemade explosive device and other weapons. © Ten SRT members assigned to HSI San Antonio will be fiying to Washington, DC to support ongoing community safety issues. © An agent assigned to HSI Phoenix is supporting the Mesa Gang Unit, providing security for businesses that are being targeted by looters and attempting to identify potential gang members who are using the protest as a cover to commit violent crimes. © HSI Boston has activated their SRT and deployed them to assist law enforcement in Washington DC; they are enroute to the Washington DC area, © HSI St. Paul committed 14 Special Agents to assist the St. Paul Police Department (SPPD) with vehicle patrols and serving as mobile intel units, looking for unrest, looting and other civil disobedience. There are also two Supervisors managing the command center. © HSI Portland is sending five Special Agents to support FPS with onsite security at the ICE facility in Portland, OR © HSI NY is deploying their SRT and RRT to assist with civil unrest in the NCR. U.S. Secret Service (USSS) * Current joint-ops consisting of approximately 1,300 personnel from USSS, National Guard, USPP and CBP are supporting White House (WH) operations; focus is on the south side of WH Complex. * Over the past 24 hours, one injury to a USSS law enforcement personnel was reported during demonstrations at the WH; no damage occurred to USSS property during this period. Since 29 May, 102 USSS law enforcement personnel reported minor injuries during demonstrations at the WH Complex, 11 were hospitalized, * NYPD has officers present in the USSS Command Post in Trump Tower with daily coordination regarding the deployment of assets at the venue. Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Office (CWMD) * CWNMD currently has seven employees deployed across the country where protests are taking place; all have checked in and are accounted for. + Personnel are deployed to the following cities: Boston (1), Dallas (2), Houston (1), Phoenix (2), and Cincinnati (1). Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) * CISA continues to monitor the situation and are standing by to provide assistance to stakeholders as required, * Region III has 10 Protective Security Advisors virtually supporting their State/Local EMA and LE partners as needed to advise on any critical infrastructure impacts due to civil disturbances Management Directorate (MGMT) * Federal Protective Service (FPS) © Since 29 May, FPS has responded to 98 protests at Federal facilities. * Over the past 24 hours, FPS responded to 14 protests at Federal facilities; © Since 29 May, 106 Federal facilities have sustained vandalism/damage. © Over the past 24 hours, Six Federal facilities were vandalizedidamaged (spray painted graffiti and windows broken); * FPS cross-designated CBP and ICE Officers and Agents with FPS’ law enforcement authority to assist FPS in protecting Federal facilities ‘occupied by CBP and ICE personnel in Seattle and Tacoma, WA and Portland, OR. © Bureau of Prisons Officers and the FBI provided law enforcement officers in protecting Federal facilities located adjacent to Lafayette Park © ICE has two Rapid Response Teams on standby to assist in responding to criminal activities (.e., vandalism, attempts to breach) at Federal facilities located within the NCR. © TSA provided three VIPER teams to perform investigative support and high- visibility patrol operations at high-risk Federal facilities located within the NCR. © FBI and the US Marshals Service assisted FPS in protecting the US. Courthouse located in Charlottesville, VA. © FPS Special Agents assigned as Task Force Officers to the FBI New York ITTF were placed on standby to execute warrants based on an incident involving NYPD Officers. © CBP, ICE and TSA FAMS are providing protection to multiple facilities in the downtown Washington, DC area of operations. Additional support is being coordinated in other cities, to include: Atlanta, GA. Phoenix, AZ. Portland, OR. Louisville, KY. Milwaukee, WI Grand Rapids, Ml. Tacoma and Spokane, WA. Cincinnati and Columbus, OH. Jacksonville, Miami and Tampa, FL Los Angeles, Oakland, San Diego and San Francisco, CA. Citizenship and Immigration Services Ombudsman * No personnel injured, deceased or displaced, Transportation Security Administration (TSA) * In support of the DOJ, TSA deployed 77 Federal Air Marshals (FAMs) and 22 sport- utility vehicles to the NCR. These FAMs and vehicles are deploying throughout the district in coordination with FPS Officers. © Security of the Post Office Museum and surrounding federal buildings. © Security of the Export-Import Bank of the U.S. and surrounding federal buildings. * Deployed 11 Viper teams to support FPS. Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) * FLETC security continues increased perimeter patrols at alll sites. Department of Homeland Security HQ (DHS HQ) * National Operations Center provides twice daily incident reports to the Homeland Security Enterprise with interim updates to DHS leadership. * Providing parking space on St. Elizabeth's campus for two CBP 8x10 single-axle cargo trailers containing riot equipment Science and Technology (S&T) * S8T's ability to execute or sustain its mission has been unaffected; S&T is standing by to assist the Department Mission. Military Advisor (MIL ADV) * U.S. Northern Command NORHTCOM has directed military faciliies in the NCR to elevate Force Protection Condition to FPCON C. ° The National Guard Bureau NGB reports that over 20K NG members have been mobilized in 26 states and DC in support of state and local law enforcement agencies. + DHS has not requested any formal request for assistance (RFA) from DOD. The next DHS Component Actions Report will be published on or about 1200 ET 5 Jun 2020. The DHS Component Action Report is an internal DHS report that is to DHS HQ Leadership, DHS Component Leadership, and DHS Component Operations Centers UNCLASSIFIED/ILAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE DHS INTERNAL USE ONLY

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