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Institut Universitaire d’Agoényivé

PROMOTION 2015-2016


Filières : Systèmes Informatiques et Logiciels (SIL)

Réseaux Mobiles et Sécurité (RMS)

Texts are compiled for the course

Cours du Dr. Panapasssa KPAKPAYI

Université de Lomé
Course description
This course is meant for the students in preparation for a Bachelor degree in, Information
Technology & Software and Mobile Network & Security. The course introduces them to a
variety of specific vocabulary in the wide field of Telecommunication and its range of
computer-based services including Information Superhighways, Satellite Broadcasting,
Computing, the Internet & Netsurfing and Mobile Telephony.

Ce cours est destiné aux étudiants préparant leur licence en Système Informatique &
Logiciels, ainsi qu’en Réseaux Mobiles et Sécurité. Il les initie à un vocabulaire d’anglais de
spécialité dans le vaste domaine de la Télécommunication et sa chaîne de services liés à
l’informatique dont les Autoroutes de l’information, la diffusion par satellite, l’Informatique,
l’Internet & la Navigation ainsi que la Téléphonie Mobile.


By the end of this course, the students should be able to:

- Use an average vocabulary of 200 words relating to Telecommunication and its range
of computer-based services.


- Express them in a comprehensible and acceptable oral and written English language.

A la fin du cours les apprenants doivent être capables de:

- Utiliser en moyenne 200 mots anglais relatifs à la Télécommunication et sa chaîne de

services liés à l’informatique.


- S’exprimer dans un anglais compréhensible et acceptable du point de vue de la forme

(écrite et orale)


Students will be assessed based on :

- Their participation in class, take home examination, group work
- In-class test
- Final paper

Les étudiants seront évalués sur la base de:

- Leur participation au cours, devoirs de maison, travail de groupe.
- Devoir sur table
- Examen final.

The Telecommunications Explosion.

Global trade would not have taken hold without the technical breakthroughs that made
round-the world round-the clock communications possible.

In the now related fields of telephone, television and computers, tremendous advances
were made after World War II. Transistor Radio, satellite and cable TV, fiber optics,
computerization, to name just a few, technological developments, have done a lot to speed
up communications and world trade.

Photocopiers, Xerox machines, tape recorders, answering machines (answer phones), word
processors, personal and portable computers, wireless phone and video-conferencing have
caused a revolution in the way business is being transacted worldwide, and made state-
controlled systems of communications obsolete and untenable in most modern industrial

The impact on the daily life of ordinary citizens and consumers has of course been
considerable, with the advent of new practices and services like tele-marketing, home-
shopping, home banking, and access to the Internet.

The combination of the new means of communications has given birth to the information
age and created the information highways. While serving the interest of business, it has also
generated a new economic sector in which small firms, by filing new patents, setting new
norms and standards, have occasionally proved capable of competing with corporate giants.
But videogames, CD Roms, interactive TV, and the whole field of virtual reality and
infotainment now represent such high economic stakes that they have become battleground
for multinationals.

As technology evolves and new markets are opened up, there is a mad scramble for
positions by firms seeking powerful partners in the telecommunications and multimedia
fields. The outcome will shape the structure of the industry in the 21 st century.

Michel, MARCHETEAU. “The Telecommunications Explosion” in English for Business and Economics, (Pocket, 1997), pp77-88.


1- How do Telecommunications help the world of Business?

2- What are the different means of telecommunications given in the text? Do you know
any other more recent means?
3- Explain the expression “round-the world round the clock”.
4- How have these recent means of communication brought changes in people’s daily
life round the world?
5- Can we say that the recent means of communication have withdrawn people from
state control? Justify your answer.
II/ About Telecommunications and computer science.

Which terms in the box are defined in the sentences below? Just write against each number
the correct word or expression.

Bit; CD ROM; Cybercafé (Cyber pub); Dish; Encrypt data; Hacker; Hard disk; Hypertext:
Information highway; Internet; Modem; Server; State-of-the art; Telework(ing);
Worldwide-web; Telematic.

1- ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
A device for connecting two computers by a telephone line.
2- …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
A decentralized organization of work, with workers completing tasks at home, thanks
to telematics.
Computer services provided via a telecommunications network.
Level of knowledge and development achieved in a technique, science at present.
A machine that gives access to the Internet against a subscription fee.
A worldwide information system extensively used by researchers academics, and
more and more by the general public.
Hypertext navigation system enabling the search for information on the Internet.
A computer fan who, through his/her personal computer breaks into a computer
System of an institution, or a government.
To put data into a coded form, so that it cannot be understood without proper
decryption equipment.
Multi direction, multi-level text; makes it possible for users to choose the way they
Want to navigate by clicking onto various elements of a site.
11- ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Information system enabling the quick circulation of images, sound, and text through
Personal computer.
12- …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Compact disk containing a huge collection of data (texts, images, sound, video clips)
14- ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
An inflexible disk storing large quantities of data (typicaclly several gigabytes or gigabytes).
15- ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
A café where people may navigate into the internet, against payment usually based on
hourly rate.
16- …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Parabolic aerial for reception from or transmission to an artificial satellite
III/ Linguistic competence
a) Put relative pronouns in each of the following.

1- That is the boy_ came yesterday. 7- She is the girl_ we thought had been ill.
2- The man to_ I spoke is my brother. 8- He is the tallest man_ I ever saw.
3- The girl_ mother is ill has left school. 9- She is the same_ she has always been
4- This is the Computer_ I brought. 10- I like to help those_ I love and_ I know love me.
5- I cannot repeat all_ I heard. 11- The book_ is on the table is mine.
6- He is a boy_ I know you can trust. 12- The lady,_ I gave the ring to, has deceived me.

b) Put interrogative pronouns in each of the following

1- _ do you find easier to learn, English or French?

2- About_ were you talking? (The cinema)
3- _ is this book? (My uncle’s)
4- _ of the two players do you like better?
5- _ do you think I wanted? (Your brother)
6- _ of the three boys spoke?
7- _ did you say won the prize?
8- _ of your brothers works in the bank?
9- _ is the number of your house?
10- About_ were you talking (My cousin)

IV/TRANSLATION: Translate the coming sentences into good English

1- Faxez-moi la réponse dès que possible.

2- Grâce à la banque directe, vous pouvez à tout moment contrôler de chez vous l’état de
votre compte bancaire.
3- Le développement des télécommunications offre de nouvelles perspectives au travail à
domicile, rebaptiser télétravail.
4- Nous avons eu cette semaine, plus de 5000 consultations de notre site sur Internet.
5- Notre base de données est réactualisée en permanence.
6- Leur satellite de diffusion en direct est en panne.
7- De nous jours, tout le monde utilise les autoroutes de l’information.
8- Il a décidé de créer un espace virtuel au sein de son entreprise.
9- En Ecosse, la télévision à la carte est très prisée.
10- Bientôt, beaucoup de pays Africains auront accès à la télévente.
11- Il faut toujours garder un œil sur les sites que visitent les enfants.
12- Sa machine à logiciel de traitement de texte est maintenant dépassée.
13- Je lis toujours mon journal en ligne.
14- De plus en plus d’africains adoptent la télévision par péage.
15- Elle navigue au moins deux heures tous les jours.

Scientists develop new generation of computers that can work at the speed of light

Engineers say the next wave of mobile devices will be millions of times faster and could revolutionize
automated cars, drones and data centers. They say the next generation of computers and mobile
devices will be capable of speeds millions of times faster than current machines. The engineers
have developed an ultra compact beamsplitter - the smallest on record - for dividing light
waves into two separate channels of information. The device brings researchers closer to
producing silicon photonic chips that compute and shuttle data with light instead of electrons.

Silicon photonics could significantly increase the power and speed of machines such as
supercomputers, data center servers and the specialized computers that direct autonomous cars
and drones with collision detection. Eventually, the technology could reach home computers
and mobile devices and improve applications from gaming to video streaming. Doctor Rajesh
Menon, an electrical and computer engineering associate professor at Utah University in the
United States said: ―Light is the fastest thing you can use to transmit information.―But that
information has to be converted to electrons when it comes into your laptop.

In that conversion, you’re slowing things down. The vision is to do everything in light.‖
Photons of light carry information over the internet through fiber-optic networks.
But once a data stream reaches a home or office destination, the photons of light must be
converted to electrons before a router or computer can handle the information.
That bottleneck could be eliminated if the data stream remained as light within computer
processors. Dr Menon said: ―With all light, computing can eventually be millions of times
faster.‖The beam splitter, described in the journal Nature Photonics, would be just one of a
multitude of passive devices placed on a silicon chip to direct light waves in different ways.
By shrinking them down in size, researchers will be able to cram millions of these devices on
a single chip.

The first supercomputers using silicon photonics - already under development at companies
such as Intel and IBM - will use hybrid processors that remain partly electronic.
Dr Menon believes his beamsplitter could be used in those computers in about three years. He
said data centers that require faster connections between computers also could implement the
technology soon.
I/ Questions
1+ According to the text, what will characterize the computer revolution in the coming days?
2- What is the basic invention that will sustain this invention?
3- Say what the silicon phototonics do.
4- What are the central changes that must be brought in computers, to maintain the
information speed from the fiber-optic networks to households?
5- What does Dr Menon advocate?
6- What is a beam splitter and what role does it play?
7- What is the importance of a computer chip in our daily life?
II/Linguistic Competence

Choose the correct answer from the proposed ones in each case.

1. Where is Tom? Has he _____ to the bank?

A. gone B. been C. going D. is
2. I've _____ to London twice
A. gone B. been C. lived D. went
3. The man told us that the next train would arrive _____.
at three thirty at three thirty o'clock in three thirty in three thirty o'clock
4. "How _____ a crowd had gathered at the scene of the accident?"
"I don't know exactly, but there were a lot of shocked onlookers."
A. large B. often C. many D. much
5. That is the city _____ worst crime record.
A. on the B. in the C. with the D. for the
6. "Where should I put this key?"
"You can _____ it on the shelf?"
A. hang B. deposit C. put
7. The car was parked directly _____ the diner.
A. Before B. ahead C. in front D. preceding
8. We were _____ after all the hard work.
A. wear out B. outworn C. weary out D. worn out
9. We saw _____ wild animals while on vacation.
A. quite a few B. quite much C. quite many D. quite some
10. Are you _____ the competition?
A. Enter B. going entering C. go to enter D. going to enter

Put the verbs in parentheses into the correct tenses (present perfect, simple past, past perfect)
1-When I first (meet) him, he (speak) very little English; however, in the last few months, he
(make) considerable progress.
2-He just (go) out. He (say) he (have) an appointment.
3-It (not stop) raining since I (come) here. Perhaps I am exaggerating, but it (rain) everyday
this week.
4-I (write) to him some time ago, but I (not receive) a reply yet.
5-How long ago he (leave)?

IV – TRANSLATION: Translate the coming sentences into good French

1-In a business firm, the revamping of the information system very often amounts to a cultural
2- With a server, information is easily updated.
3-The internet is accessible to any individual capable of clicking on a mouse or keying in a
few words.
4 – A small or medium-sized firm that cannot afford its own e-mail system can access the one
on the internet.
5- Hackers may play havoc with a firm’s information system.
6- The world today is within the reach of the keyboard of the simplest micro-computer.
7- ―Groupeware‖ refers to a new generation of software packages connected in networks and allowing
group work.
8- Information is available in text, sound or image form, and is both interactive and user-friendly.
9- Reliable suppliers include technical assistance and training in the service they offer
10-Many executives now feature their e-mail address on their business cards.
TEXT-3 The Five Generations of Computers

The history of computer development is often in reference to the different generations of

computing devices: Each of the five generations of computers is characterized by a major
technological development that fundamentally changed the way computers operate

First Generation (1940-1956) Vacuum Tubes

The first computers used vacuum tubes for circuitry and magnetic drums for memory, and
were often enormous, taking up entire rooms. They were very expensive to operate and in
addition to using a great deal of electricity, the first computers generated a lot of heat, which
was often the cause of malfunctions.

Second Generation (1956-1963) Transistors

Transistors replaced vacuum tubes and ushered in the second generation of computers. The
transistor was invented in 1947 but did not see widespread use in computers until the late
1950s. The transistor was far superior to the vacuum tube, allowing computers to become
smaller, faster, cheaper, more energy-efficient and more reliable than their first-generation

Third Generation (1964-1971) Integrated Circuits

The development of the integrated circuit was the hallmark of the third generation of
computers. Transistors were miniaturized and placed on, silicon chips, called semiconductors,
which drastically increased the speed and efficiency of computers.
Instead of punched cards and printouts, users interacted with third generation computers
through keyboards and monitors and interfaced with an operating system, which allowed the
device to run many different applications at one time with a central program that monitored
the memory. Computers for the first time became accessible to a mass audience because they
were smaller and cheaper than their predecessors.

Fourth Generation (1971-Present) Microprocessors

The microprocessor brought the fourth generation of computers, as thousands of integrated
circuits were built onto a single silicon chip. What in the first generation filled an entire room
could now fit in the palm of the hand. The Intel 4004 chip, developed in 1971, located all the
components of the computer—from the central processing unit and memory to input/output
controls—on a single chip. In 1981 IBM introduced its first computer for the home user, and
in 1984 Apple introduced the Macintosh. As these small computers became more powerful,
they could be linked together to form networks, which eventually led to the development of
the Internet.

Fifth Generation (Present and Beyond) Artificial Intelligence

Fifth generation computing devices, based on artificial intelligence, are still in development,
though there are some applications, such as, voice recognition, that are being used today. The
use of parallel processing and superconductors is helping to make artificial intelligence a
reality. Quantum computation and molecular and Nanotechnology will radically change the
face of computers in years to come. The goal of fifth-generation computing is to develop
devices that respond to natural language input and are capable of learning and self-

1- Say the main hardware and software changes operated in computing from the 1940s to
2- What are the different languages characterizing each computer generation?
3- What are the differences that exist between integrated circuits and microprocessors
4- Explain the coming statement: ―What in the first generation filled an entire room could now
fit in the palm of the hand.‖
5- Can we say that the Fifth Generation Computer is a leap beyond the existing machines? Why?
6- Which countries are in computing state- of-art?
7- What is the place of Africa in this domain?

II/Grammar: Supply the correct tense, Past Tense or Past Continuous, in the following:

1- When I (come) in, it (rain).

2- Many years ago people (travel) on horseback.
3- I (meet) him as I (go) home.
4- He (go) to another school last year.
5- My father (play) football in his youth.
6- We (eat) our dinner when he (come) to visit us.
7- In the past, he (smoke) a great deal.
8- They (shout) when the teacher (enter) the room.
9- Last year, he (study) very hard.
10- While he (play) football he (lose) his ring.

III/Linguistic competence: Supply some forms of “say” or “tell” in the following:

1- He always_ the truth;

2- John _‖I shall go tomorrow‖;
3- She_ nothing;
4- They_ that he is ill;
5- He_ that he would go the next day;
6- I_ him that I should go with him;
7- He_ to me, ―I am not feeling well‖.
8- What is he_ ing?;
9- Don’t _ lies;
10- He_ me that he would go home.

IV/ Translation: Translate into good English

Avec une messagerie électronique, l’envoi d’un document à l’autre bout du monde ne coûte que le
prix de la communication téléphonique locale entre l’abonné et son prestataire de services internet.
Le reste du prix du trajet est inclus dans le forfait de l’abonnement.
Publicité sur Internet

Le nombre de messages interactifs financés par des annonceurs ne cesse d’augmenter sur
le web. Internet est un réseau mondial qui permet aux utilisateurs d’ordinateurs disposant
d’un modem et d’une ligne téléphonique d’échanger des messages. Le World Wide Web
contient la partie multimédia d’Internet, permettant à des serveurs centraux de faire passer
du texte, des images et de la musique sur le réseau.
TEXT4 Mobile Computing

Mobile voice communication is widely established throughout the world and has had a very rapid
increase in the number of subscribers to the various cellular networks over the last few years. An
extension of this technology is the ability to send and receive data across these cellular networks. This
is the principle of mobile computing.
Mobile data communication has become a very important and rapidly evolving technology as it allows
users to transmit data from remote locations to other remote or fixed locations. This proves to be the
solution to the biggest problem of business people on the move - mobility. Mobile telephony took off
with the introduction of cellular technology which allowed the efficient utilization of frequencies
enabling the connection of a large number of users.
During the 1980's analogue technology was used. Among the most well known systems were the
NMT900 and 450 (Nordic Mobile Telephone) and the AMPS (Advanced Mobile Phone Service). In
the 1990's the digital cellular technology was introduced with GSM (Global System Mobile) being the
most widely accepted system around the world. Other such systems are the DCS1800 (Digital
Communication System) and the PCS1900 (Personal Communication System).
A cellular network consists of mobile units linked together to switching equipment, which
interconnect the different parts of the network and allow access to the fixed Public Switched
Telephone Network (PSTN). The technology is hidden from view; it is incorporated in a number of
transceivers called Base Stations (BS). Every BS is located at a strategically selected place and covers
a given area or cell - hence the name cellular communications. A number of adjacent cells grouped
together form an area and the corresponding BSs communicate through a so called Mobile Switching
Centre (MSC).
The MSC is the heart of a cellular radio system. It is responsible for routing, or switching, calls from
the originator to the destinator. It can be thought of managing the cell, being responsible for set-up,
routing control and termination of the call, for management of inter-MSC hand over and
supplementary services, and for collecting charging and accounting information. The MSC may be
connected to other MSCs on the same network or to the PSTN.
Each cell has a number of channels associated with it. These are assigned to subscribers on demand.
When a Mobile Station (MS) becomes 'active' it registers with the nearest BS. The corresponding
MSC stores the information about that MS and its position. This information is used to direct
incoming calls to the MS.
Data Communications is the exchange of data using existing communication networks. The term data
covers a wide range of applications including File Transfer (FT), interconnection between Wide-Area-
Networks (WAN), facsimile (fax), electronic mail, access to the internet and the World Wide Web
1- Define Mobile Computing
2- How useful is it to people, in general, and more specifically to businessmen?
3- What are the different frequencies used in Mobile Computing? Give some examples.
4- Describe the Cellular Network
5- What is the role played by the MSC in the cellular radio system?
6- What do we call data? Give examples and say the role they play.
7- Is Mobile phoning an advantage or an inconvenient to the education of the youth in your
II/ Linguistic Competence:

A- Use few or a few, little or a little in these sentences:

1- As he has _ books, he is not able to study.
2- Will you have _ wine?
3- He is very ill; there is _ hope for him.
4- There are _ apples in the basket, help yourself to some.
5- _ people study Latin nowadays.
6- He cannot afford it as he has _ money left.
7- As he did not speak clearly, _ people understood what he said.
8- _ people will admit their faults.
9- We must save _ money for our journey home.
10- I have _ friends in London who will help me.

B- Use ill or sick in these sentences:

1- She was suddenly taken _.
2- The meat was bad, and made everybody _.
3- He went to the hospital to visit the _.
4- The _ man died yesterday.
5- When we are _ we send for a doctor.
6- Those who are in bad health are said to be _.
7- The _ and the wounded are taken to the hospital.
8- He is _ with a bad cold.
9- When I travel by boat, I always become _.
10- He felt _ and left in the middle of the game.

III/TRANSLATION: Translate into good English.


Environ 3 à 6% de toutes les communications vocales sur le plan international, national, en transit ou
en roaming aboutissent grâce à des cartes SIM ou à des numéros fixes, au lieu de passer par des
canaux de communication habituels. Pour repérer et bloquer les fraudes sur la boîte sim, sans effort de
la part de la clientèle, et sans trop investir, les opérateurs de téléphonie mobile et fixe doivent
nécessairement installer, de bout en bout, un service modulable de détection de fraude de la boîte sim


. Description du service
. Le réseau de sondes à l’échelle mondiale est notre propre réseau, avec des sondes de test à la pointe
de la technologie :
- Capables de recevoir et d’émettre des appels test
-Capables d’émettre des appels test à travers différents réseaux mobiles dans plus de 80 pays
- Tous les résultats, lors d'un appel test en cours, seront échangés en temps réel entre la sonde de test et
nos installations
TEXT 5 Computer Crime

Computer crime, or cybercrime, is crime that involves a computer and a network. The
computer may have been used in the commission of a crime, or it may be the target. Dr.
Debarati Halder and Dr. K. Jaishankar (2011) define Cybercrimes as: "Offences that are
committed against individuals or groups of individuals with a criminal motive to intentionally
harm the reputation of the victim or cause physical or mental harm, or loss, to the victim
directly or indirectly, using modern telecommunication networks such as Internet (Chat
rooms, emails, notice boards and groups) and mobile phones (SMS/MMS)".

Such crimes may threaten a nation’s security and financial health. Issues surrounding these
types of crimes have become high-profile, particularly those surrounding hacking, copyright
infringement, child pornography, and child grooming.

There are also problems of privacy, when confidential information is intercepted or disclosed,
lawfully or otherwise. Dr.Debarati Halder and Dr.K.Jaishankar(2011) further define
cybercrime from the perspective of gender and defined 'cybercrime against women' as
"―Crimes targeted against women with a motive to intentionally harm the victim
psychologically and physically, using modern telecommunication networks such as internet
and mobile phones‖.

Other forms of fraud may be facilitated using computer systems, including bank fraud,
carding, identity theft, extortion, and theft of classified information.
A variety of internet scams, many based on phishing and social engineering, target consumers
and businesses.

There is a growing concern among federal officials that most illegal intrusions in cyberspaces
are part of an organized effort by cyberterrorists, foreign intelligence services, or other
groups to map potential security holes in critical systems. A cyberterrorist is someone who
intimidates or coerces a government or organization to advance his or her political or social
objectives by launching a computer-based attack against computers, networks, or the
information stored on them.

Cyberterrorism in general, can be defined as an act of terrorism committed through the use of
cyberspace or computer resources (Parker 1983). As such, a simple propaganda in the
Internet, that there will be bomb attacks during the holidays can be considered cyberterrorism.
As well there are also hacking activities directed towards individuals, families, organized by
groups within networks, tending to cause fear among people, demonstrate power, collecting
information relevant for ruining peoples' lives, robberies, blackmailing etc.


1- In your own words, give a short definition of cybercrime.
2- What are the different means used for committing this crime? Say how each of them functions.
3- What are the consequences of this practices for the individual, and then for the whole country?
4- What is cyberfraud? Give examples.
5- What is cyberterrorism? Give examples.
6- Do cyberfraud and cyberterrorism mean the same thing? Justify your answer.
7- Have you ever been victim of cyberfraud or cyberterrorism? Tell us your story.

A- Choose the right prepositions to fill the blanks

1- I was not pleased_ him: a) by; b)for; c)with; d)at

2- We are proud_ our country: a)in; b)for; c)on; d)of
3- We arrived _ the station late: a)at; b)in: c)on; d)by
4- I am accustomed _ life in a hotel; a)by; b)with; c)to; d)in
5- Many people complain_ their low wages: a)of; b)for; c)in; d)at
6- Are you satisfied _ your computer?: a) by; b)with; c)of; d)in
7- The judge accused the witness_ lying; a)for; b)of; c)by; d)upon
8- A wise man is always careful_ his money: a)of; b)in; c)on; d)at
9- He is angry_ you: a)by; b)with; c)about; d)against
10- Examination papers are usually written_ ink: a)with; b)by; c) from; d)in

B- Choose to correct answer from the proposed ones in each case

1. When Anne got home from work, _____.

a). she made a cup of coffee b). she was making a cup of coffee c) she makes a cup
of coffee d). she has made a cup of coffee
2. Anne believes she is the _____ young lady in the world.
a). Prettiest b). most pretty c). most prettier d). most prettiest
3. He managed _____ his way through the maze.
a). to find b). to find out c). to found d). to found out
4. Can you please _____ your feet from the coffee table?.
a). move b). move off c). remove d). remove off
5. I wasn't _____ with my exam result.
a). Please b) pleased c). pleasing d) pleasant

III/TRANSLATION: Translate into good French

Range & Bandwidth: Mobile Internet access is generally slower than direct cable connections,
using technologies such as GPRS and EDGE and more recently HSDPA and HSUPA,
3G and 4G networks, and also upcoming 5G network. These networks are usually available
within range of commercial cell phone towers. High speed network wireless LANs are
inexpensive but have very limited range.
Security standards: When working mobile, one is dependent on public networks, requiring
careful use of VPN. Security is a major concern while concerning the mobile computing
standards on the fleet. One can easily attack the VPN through a huge number of networks
interconnected through the line.
TEXT6 Fifth Generation Computer Systems

Fifth Generation Computer Systems (FGCS) was an initiative by Japan's Ministry of

International Trade and Industry, begun in 1982, to create a computer using massively parallel
computing/processing. It was to be the result of a massive government/industry research
project in Japan during the 1980s. It aimed to create an "epoch-making computer" with
supercomputer-like performance and to provide a platform for future developments in
artificial intelligence. There was also an unrelated Russian project also named as fifth-
generation computer. In his report paper, Professor Ehud Shapiro) captured the rationale and
motivations driving this huge project:

"As part of Japan's effort to become a leader in the computer industry, the Institute for New
Generation Computer Technology has launched a revolutionary ten-year plan for the
development of large computer systems which will be applicable to knowledge information
processing systems. These Fifth Generation computers will be built around the concepts of
logic programming. In order to refute the accusation that Japan exploits knowledge from
abroad without contributing any of its own, this project will stimulate original research and
will make its results available to the international research community."

The term "fifth generation" was intended to convey the system as being a leap beyond
existing machines. In the history of computing hardware, computers using vacuum tubes were
called the first generation; transistors and diodes, the second; integrated circuits, the third; and
those using microprocessors, the fourth. Whereas previous computer generations had focused
on increasing the number of logic elements in a single CPU, the fifth generation, it was
widely believed at the time, would instead turn to massive numbers of CPUs for added

The project was to create the computer over a ten-year period, after which it was considered
ended and investment in a new "sixth generation" project would begin. Opinions about its
outcome are divided: either it was a failure, or it was ahead of its time.



1- Who, at the beginning, had the idea of a Fifth Generation Computer System?
2- According to Professor Ehud Shapiro, what was the intention hidden under this
3- How do you understand the expression ―artificial intelligence?‖
4- What is the possible advantage in increasing the number of CPUs?
5- After recalling the different computer generations, say to what extent the FGCS are
superior to the others.
6- What are the promises of the FGCS? Have they been fulfilled?
7- What should the government do to promote the use of computers in your country?
II/GRAMMAR: Put the verbs in parentheses into the tenses required.

1- I thought that he (can) run much faster.

2- The boy said that he (begin) his work tomorrow.
3- He says he(understand) French very well.
4- The teacher said: ―London (be) the largest city in the world.‖
5- The teacher said that London ( be) the capital of England
6- I was sure that he (shall) succeed.
7- I asked him if he (want) anything?
8- They say that he (shall) pass the examination
9- She told me that she (feel) very tired.
10- The boy worked hard so that he (may) not fail

III/LINGUISTIC COMPETENCE: Change the following into direct questions.

1- I said to him, ―What is your idea.‖

2- We said to them, ―Where are you going?‖
3- I said to him, ―How much did you pay for your bicycle
4- He said to the guest, ―Do you want tea or coffee?‖
5- He said to me, ―Did you ring the bell?‖
6- I said to the man, ―What is the price of this book?‖
7- The tourist said to us, ―Where is the road to the station?‖
8- The father said to his daughter, ―Why are you weeping?‖
9- She said to me, ―Why are you late?‖
10- He said, ―How long does it take you to reach home?‖


MPEG transport stream

MPEG transport stream (MPEG-TS, MTS or TS) is a standard container format for
transmission and storage of audio, video, and Program and System Information Protocol
(PSIP) data. It is used in broadcast systems such as DVB, ATSC and IPTV.
Transport Stream is specified in MPEG-2 Part 1, Systems (formally known as ISO/IEC
standard 13818-1 or ITU-T Rec. H.222.0)
Transport stream specifies a container format encapsulating packetized elementary streams,
with error correction and stream synchronization features for maintaining transmission
integrity when the signal is degraded.
TEXT 7 Security issues involved in mobile

Historically, cellphone makers have relied on industrial design to give handsets their unique
selling points. A quick glimpse at Nokia's product catalogs of the late 90s and early 2000s
reveals a dizzying breadth of device sizes, materials, physical properties, and integrated
technologies. Some had cameras, some had slideout keyboards, and some others had no
proper keyboard at all — the variety, even within just one manufacturer's range, was
staggering. Today, that room for expressive and fresh design has been reduced by the maturity
of the touchscreen-dominated slab and the increasing standardization of internal specs around
a central few producers and components.

But, mobile security or mobile phone security has become increasingly important in mobile
computing. It is of particular concern as it relates to the security of personal information now
stored on the smartphone.

More and more users and businesses use smartphones as communication tools but also as a
means of planning and organizing their work and private life. Within companies, these
technologies are causing profound changes in the organization of information systems and
therefore they have become the source of new risks. Indeed, smartphones collect and compile
an increasing amount of sensitive information to which access must be controlled to protect
the privacy of the user and the intellectual property of the company.

All smartphones, as computers, are preferred targets of attacks. These attacks exploit
weaknesses related to smartphones that can come from means of communication like SMS,
MMS, wifi networks, and GSM. There are also attacks that exploit software vulnerabilities
from both the web browser and operating system. Finally, there are forms of malicious
software that rely on the weak knowledge of average users.

Different security counter-measures are being developed and applied to smartphones, from
security in different layers of software to the dissemination of information to end users. There
are good practices to be observed at all levels, from design to use, through the development of
operating systems software layers and downloadable apps.


1- What do we call mobile phones?

2- When did the first mobile phones appear?
3- What are the changes operated in Nokia’s mobile phones’ hardware as stated in the text?
4- Why is mobile phone security a very important issue nowadays?
5- What is a Smartphone and why is it so important nowadays?
6- What are the various attacks possible on cellular phones?
7- What, in your opinion, should be done to prevent attacks on mobile phones?
II/ LINGUISTIC COMPETENCE: Write your answers a, b, c, or d to fill the blanks;

1- Alice was tired as they were_. a) so; b) too; c) better; d) more.

2- Peter likes English_ than social studies. a) much; b) better; c) least; d) as.
3- You won’t catch the bus_ you run. a) before; b) as soon as; c) since; d) unless
4- I did the work_ you told me to. a)before; b)until; c)unless; d)if
5- I asked if it_ found. a) is; b) has been; c) have been
6- The whole school_ to the football match next Saturday. a)went; b)go; c)has gone; d) are
7- When_ will you please help me? a) finished; b) finish; c) finishes; d) to finish
8- If you are not careful, you_ that water. a)will spill; b)are spilling; c) spill; d)spilt
9- He did read it, _ he? a)does; b)doesn’t; c) hasn’t; d)didn’t
10- I am fast at running_ I? a) I’m not; b) aren’t? c) Have not? d)isn’t
11- I haven’t hurt him,_ I? a)hadn’t; b)haven’t; c)am; d)have
12- He wept so bitterly_ . a) to be consoled by everybody; b)that everybody consoled him;
c)as to be consoled by everybody; d)for he was consoled by everybody.
13- Either of those books_ . a)are hers; b)is hers; c)are hers; d) is her’s
14- John will continue to get low marks_ she works harder. a) although ugh; b) even;
c)because; d)unless .
15- Do you prefer coffee_? a) than chocolate; b) or chocolate; c) from chocolate; d) to


Similarly, today’s interactive dining guide allows users to make a dinner reservation by
neighborhood, style of cuisine or price. Tomorrow’s will alert users when a favorite
restaurant has something special on the menu, when a particular dish is being featured at
another restaurant or when a new restaurant opens that a user might like.
The multimedia emphasis in the future is going to be less on teaching is going to be less on
teaching how to know and use computers and software, and more on developing computers
and software that know us.

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