Kosta T

Kosta T / Konstantin Trokay is a formative Russian musician with an interest in contemporary music, looking for new ways…

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тиммоку 2024 - Album
cover ph by Zinaida Trokai скрипка авангард современная инструментальная музыка свободная импровизация психодел violin free improvisation improv psychedelic strings sad…


Ral Jul 27, 2023

Excelente !

Nasik Jan 04, 2019

?????? ????? ??????? ? ? ???? ? ? ?????, ????? ????? ?????? ??????????

jacinta_flaneur Dec 11, 2017

Your music mesmerizes me. Somehow it is exactly what I have been looking for for my video art "Black and Light" now that I think, you fill the space with notes, same as light fills the darkness. Really thankful for...

ninjabeats Nov 12, 2017

Castello di Trokai is good