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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Last Line Challenge

I was tagged by @anxiousotters. Here is a little bit from a fic that I found the beginning of in my WIP graveyard that has now overtaken my brain:

When the door opened again, Cody swore viciously and scrambled out of his bed, sending Boga flying with a displeased hiss as he backed against the wall and collapsed, his shaky legs unable to support him. A skeleton had marched into the room holding a tray, and its empty sockets stared at Cody as if he was some sort of curiosity. He heard a huff of laughter from the doorway and tore his eyes away from the intruder to find Obi-Wan watching him with a small smile on his lips.

“Apologies. I suppose I should have warned you about Arfour.” He didn’t sound sorry at all.


Obi-Wan inclined his head toward the skeleton. “Arfour, or Attempted Reanimation Four, helps out around the manor.”

“You’re a necromancer?” Cody hated how his voice sounded and that his heart was threatening to beat out of his chest.

“Oh no, nothing so Dark as that. There is no soul attached to the bones. They can simply move around with the aid of the Force. Pulling souls from the Force and attempting to place them in a body is the sort of forbidden magic used by the Sith.”

“So you just stole someone’s bones and you’re not being haunted by their angry spirit?”

“I did not steal them. They were here when I arrived, and as I said, souls are not attached to bones. When someone passes away they become one with the Force.”

Open tags today because alas I must get ready for work. Share what you’re working on!

👀 codywan hello hi~ 💜

You will not use AI to get ideas for your story. You will lie on the floor and have wretched visions like god intended

that’s the best part! doing random shit and being ransacked with inspiration or indeed lying on the floor and playing around with the nugget of an idea and suddenly you have a trilogy a 5 seasons running show soundtrack(s) AND somehow merchandise for your blorbo’s adventure don’t let AI rob you of your creativity just bc it seems easier

It‘s scary to see how very important european petitions get no visibility whatsoever. We had a basic income petition last year which failed because not enough people knew about it. Now we have a „tax the rich“ one that only lasts until october this year and only has around 250k out of 1 mio. signings.

Most EU people go through their every day life w/o knowing about them. There are no ads, no marketing…nothing. I know that costs money though one might think important petitions that lead to a better and progressive life would be supported by the government or ministries in some way, but nooooo

And why should they? It’s petitions that would help out the poor and middle class, but endanger capitalism and their exploitation, sooo: government and business leads for example.

So here the link for those who are interested:


The petition has to reach not only 1 million statements of support, but also a minimum threshold of support in at least 7 EU states. If you have citizenship for an EU country other than Germany and France, your country has yet to meet the minimum threshold for this petition.


ok question tho

ive actually fucking tried to google this but i cant find an answer, all i get are fics

where does the whole “five times _____ and one time ____” fic title thing come from??

is it a reference to something? or is it just a fanfiction thing?


It comes from Basingstoke, a writer from the Due South and Smallville fandoms. 

I know she’s on Dreamwidth. I don’t know if she has an AO3 or not. 

There might have been one or two REALLY early examples of that story form (like 1980s early), but she invented it as we know it. 


ETA: As a matter of fact, here’s the first Five Things story ever:


I just found the Fanlore article, and it looks like while Basingstoke invented the format, Strangecreature, a Torchwood writer, might be one of the first to have used “five times and one time.” But the original prompt was Basingstoke’s. And it’s definitely fanfiction only in origin.


I love it when conversations about this come around again!  How cool is it that I know people in fannish history! (and how uncool is it that I never know it was Bas who invented this until recently – where was I, under a rock?)


tee hee. It wasn’t on purpose! I did the first Five Things and then people have been riffing on it for the past decade. It’s neat. 


It’s SUPER neat. I love fandom.


i saw this on imgur and well, even if something like this is going around on tumblr already it is important.

link to imgur post


Idk why you’d give a dog fruit but cool! Here’s some safety tips.


“Idk why you’d give a dog fruit” because dogs love fruit and it’s a 100% healthier alternative to baked treats



Okay, but seriously:

Please Reblog, you might Save a Life.

Not just the life of a dog, but also the life of its human(s). Many people have therapy dogs. If they inadvertently lost their dogs because they do not know these facts, they might get into depression and that might not end well.


“why would you give that to a dog - ” no, stop. sometimes dogs get into things you didnt intend them to have. this is good information.


Oooooo :0


Epic :]]]

dogs food better safe than sorry if you just scold them for stealing a piece of fruit or rush them to the vet instead buckypup and I share watermelon during summer I cut up pieces for me and really small pieces for him and we sit on the couch under the fan and share the bowl it’s lovely