Fuck yeah! It's Megaman!
Megaman Zero Art

Megaman Zero Art

“ Oldie but goodie, my Quickman piece from the Mega Man Boss Battle Show at Gauntlet Gallery!


Oldie but goodie, my Quickman piece from the Mega Man Boss Battle Show at Gauntlet Gallery! 

Oldie but goodie, my Quickman piece from the Mega Man Boss Battle Show at Gauntlet Gallery!

Oldie but goodie, my Quickman piece from the Mega Man Boss Battle Show at Gauntlet Gallery! 

im sorry that this page has been dead for so long. but ill do my best to keep it alive

im sorry that this page has been dead for so long. but ill do my best to keep it alive

It’s his 25th Birthday today, and while Capcom are honouring him with the Street Fighter X Mega Man game, I’m doing so by popping him under the seventeenth door with a smooth loungey Christmas rendition of the Mega Man 3 outro.

Can you name them all?

Can you name them all?

I'd love to help keep this site going. I run a "fuck yeah" retro gaming Tumblr as well, but Megaman is easily my favorite video game character from the old days. I don't mean to be rude, I just think you have a prime blog title and it'd be a shame to waste it.

The help would be appreciated. the original owner has stopped and i decided ill just pop in every now and then to check up on it.

I lOVE Megaman series *u*, you tumblr is Perfect.

Thanks. i wish the ORIGINAL creator would keep this going