Canada's New Territory (April 1999)

The top five and the eighth maps have transparent background.

Area of Nunavut 1,900,000 sq km
Area of Canada 9,970,610 sq km
A few comparisons
Greenland 2,175,600 sq km
Germany 357,047 sq km
China 9,596,961 sq km
Sweden 449,964 sq km

How Far North?
Arctic Circle 67�
Grise Fiord 77�
Coppermine 68�
Iqaluit 64�
Rankin Inlet 63�
A few comparisons
Ottawa 45�
Stockholm 59�
Moscow 56�
Berlin 52�
Rome 42�
Beijing 40�

Total Population of Nunavut: Approximately 22,000
Total Inuit Population of Nunavut: Approximately 17,500
Total Population of Canada: 30,000,000
Total Inuit Population in Canada: 25,000
Population per square kilometre in the Nunavut area: 0.01
Population per square kilometre in Canada: 2.9, Ontario: 11.0, Germany: 220.0, China: 120.4
Sample of community populations:
Coppermine 1,200
Iqaluit 3,600
Rankin Inlet 1,800
Resolute Bay 175

Largest Community
Iqaluit is the largest community in Nunavut. It has a population of 3,600 and is located approximately 2,000 kilometres from Ottawa. The mean temperature in January is -30�C and in July is 15�C. Iqaluit experiences 24 hours of daylight per day in June, and six hours per day in December.

Most Northern Community
Grise Fiord is the northernmost community in Nunavut. It has a population of 130 people and is located approximately 2,700 kilometres from Ottawa. The mean temperature in January is -35�C and in July is 10�C. Grise Fiord experiences 24 hours of daylight per day in June, and round-the-clock darkness in December.

Other Facts About Nunavut
Kilometres of highway: 20
Cost of two litres of milk: $7.00
Cost of a loaf of bread: $3.00
Average household income in the Nunavut area: $31,471
Average household income in Canada: $45,251
Languages spoken: Inuktitut, Inuinnaqtun, English

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Revised 1-Mar-99
Copyright © 1999 Photius Coutsoukis (all rights reserved)