Last updated on September 24, 2020.

  1. What does this policy cover?
  2. What does this policy not cover?
  3. What information do you collect about me?
  4. How will you use the data you collect about me?
  5. Do you share my data with other organizations?
  6. How long will you keep my information?
  7. Who can I get in touch with if I want to access my data?

What does this policy cover?

This policy covers the data Sheetsync, LLC (“we”) collect about you (“user”), what we do with it, why we collect it, and how you can access it. This policy also covers both the logged-in application ("App") and the public marketing site ("Marketing Site").

What does this policy not cover?

This policy does not cover what any third party services do with your data. We employ the services of trusted companies to do things like connect to your banks or collect your billing information. Examples of third-party services we use and the reasons are:

What information do you collect about me?

Information you provide us

  • Google account information: When you sign up, Google provides us with the name and email address associated with your Google account. When you share access to your Google Sheets, Google provides us with a token to read and write data to only spreadsheets created by Sheetsync.
  • Billing details: You may provide us with your billing details. This information never goes through our server and we do not store it; we send this directly and securely to a trusted third-party service listed above to process the data for us.
  • Financial details: When you link to your bank via Sheetsync, we are able to pull information about your accounts, transactions, and balances. We do not have access to your personal bank credentials. We only have read-only access to your account, and we are not able to make any changes to your bank accounts.

Information collected via technology

  • Usage data: As you use the marketing site and app, we have analytics tools that will collect information about how you are using the site and information about your device, browser, and IP address.
  • Email tracking pixels: We will periodically send you emails as you engage with our product. These emails contain a tracking pixel which will let us know if you have opened the email. We use this information to analyze how our users are responding to our communication efforts and to ultimately improve the service for you.

How will you use the data you collect about me?

In general, we collect information about you in order to operate our product and provide you the services outlined throughout the Marketing Site. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • displaying a list of your financial accounts,
  • displaying a list of your spreadsheets,
  • inserting your financial data into your spreadsheets,
  • sending you relevant information, such as updates, notifications, and support messages.

We will only access your spreadsheets if you explicitly give us permission during a support request.

Do you share my data with other organizations?

We share select information with the third-party services listed above, but strictly only for the necessary operations of the service. We do not sell your information and we’re committed to never doing this. We make money from your subscription only - you will never see ads on our platform.

How long will you keep my information?

We will keep your information as long as you are a user (either trialing or paid) of the service. If you request a cancellation of your account either by email via [email protected] or through the product, we will delete your account and all associated data within 72 hours.

Who can I get in touch with if I want to access my data?

You can access your financial data by using the product. If you would like an export of all the data we have on you, please contact us at [email protected].


Built in College Station, Texas.

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