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Review Service

As of August 13, 2024 the Built on GHG Protocol review service is officially closed. We will no longer be accepting applications under the current review service.  

This is necessary to better align our supporting services to the needs of users of GHG Protocol standards and guidance. We’re confident our new strategy will allow us to be better positioned in the ecosystem to support the required emissions reductions in alignment with climate science and 1.5°C targets.

Looking Back  

The Built on GHG Protocol review service has a long history dating back to 2011. The service was initiated in response to the launch of the Scope 3 Accounting and Reporting Standard which was the first global methodology for accounting for value chain emissions.  

To support uptake of the Standard, GHG Protocol established the Built on GHG Protocol review service to acknowledge 3rd party resources that were in conformance with GHG Protocol standards and guidance. Over the following years the Built on GHG Protocol review service approved 20 resources from various sectors and geographies.  

Looking Ahead

The carbon accounting landscape has evolved significantly. Many countries require GHG emissions reporting, corporate target setting is common-place, and climate and financial reporting systems are becoming increasingly interlinked. To remain aligned with the market, GHG Protocol is reviewing all services to provide the highest levels of useability and access for core users of GHG Protocol standards and guidance.  

We will share our progress and provide updates as they become available.  

You can follow us on LinkedIn or X or subscribe to our newsletter to receive the latest updates from GHG Protocol. Please refer to the following FAQs for common questions.  

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the timeline for the review of current services?  

  • We are developing our strategy over 2024 and anticipate being able to provide an update closer to the end of the year along with a roadmap for 2025.  

What happens to the existing approved resources on your website?  

If I currently have an approved Built on GHG Protocol resource and have a version update can you approve and post this on your website?  

If I submitted an application in the last 12 months what happens to my application?

  • Unfortunately, we are not able to review any pending applications.  

How can I get involved in the process?  

  • In addition to the feedback gathered through the surveys on the corporate suite of standards and guidance, we are including key stakeholders in our strategy development process. If there are specific opportunities to engage we will provide information through our website and our newsletter.