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smapshot api

Project description

Smapshot is a crowdsourcing platform to geolocalize historical images in 3 dimension. Production version is available at

This project contains the code of the smapshot API available live at The online documentation is available at

Initial setup

Fetch (or ask for) a database dump

  • As root on the production server:
    • cp /data/backups/smapshot-backend/smapshot_database_daily/{datetime of the previous day}/smapshot_database_daily.tar /tmp/
  • As username on your local machine, run the following steps:
    • scp {username}@{servername-or-ip}:/tmp/smapshot_database_daily.tar /home/{username}/Download/
    • cd /home/{username}/Download/
    • tar -xvf smapshot_database_daily.tar
    • cd ./smapshot_database_daily/databases/
    • gzip -d PostgreSQL.sql.gz
    • rm /home/{username}/Download/smapshot_database_daily.tar

Set your environment

  • Copy the .env.sample file to .env and adapt it to your local environment.

    • Especially set up Facebook and Google OAuth credentials.
    • Set up the DUMP_FILE variable to reference the previousely fetched PostgreSQL database dump, e.g. /home/{username}/Downloads/smapshot_database_daily/databases/PostgreSQL.sql.

    If you are developing with Docker Compose, you do not need to configure the database connection, as the database is created and configured for you.

  • You can download sample images from the Switch drive. Unzip the contents of the file into the public/data directory in this repository.

  • A super admin demo account is created in the database during the intialization. It can be used to login in the API using the following information:

    • first_name: Frank
    • last_name: Dulin
    • email: [email protected]
    • username: super_admin
    • password: super_admin

Develop with Docker Compose (recommended)



Create and migrate the database:

npm run compose:migrate

Run the application

Command Description
npm run compose:app Start the application and install dependencies the first time.

Visit once the application has started.

Run the automated tests

Command Description
npm run compose:test Run the test suite.
npm run compose:test:coverage Also generate a test coverage report (slower) in the coverage directory.
npm run compose:test:debug Run the test suite with verbose logs to help debug issues.

Useful commands

Command Description
docker-compose up --build app Run the application in the foreground (this is what npm run compose does).
docker-compose up --build --detach app Run the application in the background.
docker-compose stop Stop all containers.
docker-compose down Stop and remove all containers (but keep the data).
docker-compose down --volumes Stop and permanently delete all containers and data.
docker-compose exec app <command> Execute a command inside the running app container (e.g. docker-compose exec app npm install my-new-package).
docker-compose ps List running containers.

Running the application with docker-compose up will also automatically re-generate the API documentation and re-run the linter on code changes.

Develop locally

You will need:


  • Install Node.js dependencies:

    • Run npm ci on a fresh clone.
    • Or, run npm install to install new dependencies.
  • Intall required Python tools:

    pip3 install opencv-python numpy scipy pymap3d
  • Install the submodule

    git submodule update --init --recursive
  • Create an empty database:

    > CREATE DATABASE smapshot;
  • If you are using PostGIS 3+, you must also manually create the postgis and postgis_raster extensions before migrating the database:

    \connect smapshot
    CREATE EXTENSION postgis_raster;
  • Migrate the database (assuming you have the correct database configuration in your .env file):

    npm run migrate

Run the application

  • Run npm start to start the server once.
  • Or, run npm run dev to start it with live reload. It will also keep the API documentation up to date and lint the code when it changes.

Then visit

Run the automated tests

Create a separate test database, called smapshot-test by default. You can override the test database settings (e.g. DB_NAME, DB_HOST) in a .env.test file similar to your .env file.

Command Description
npm test Run the test suite.
npm run test:coverage Also generate a test coverage report (slower) in the coverage directory.
npm run test:debug Run the test suite with verbose logs to help debug issues.
npm run test:watch Automatically run the tests when code changes.

Development guide

Read the development guide for more information.


API behind the crowdsourcing platform smapshot







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