

Glasgow 2024 is committed to developing a rich, exciting programme, diverse and inclusive in both its content and its participants. There will be talks, lectures, workshops, readings, panel discussions, family events, entertainment and more. We will seek and embrace input from the communities overlapping with and adjacent to Worldcon, and we look forward to hearing ideas from everyone on what they would like to see at Glasgow 2024.

As always at a Worldcon, there will be programme items that highlight and celebrate our Guests of Honour, exploring their careers and their contributions to speculative fiction, fandom, and the wider community. We will also look to feature current and recent Hugo Award finalists and winners, reflecting the importance of the Awards to Worldcon and the Worldcon community.

Programme starts before lunchtime on Thursday 8th August 2024, and ends late afternoon on Monday 12th August 2024. Specific start and end times can be found in the convention schedule. There will also be Beyond Programme activity prior to the Con starting as well as during the convention days.

Our full programme schedule is now available. For convenience we have summarised the times of the Guest of Honour keynotes and large events on our Highlights page.

We will strive for clear communication with programme participants and those who have applied to participate, and we will welcome questions if anything is unclear. Please do contact us at [email protected] if you have questions, suggestions.

Participating in the Programme

Full information on how to participate in the Programme can be found on the Programme Participation page. This includes an explanation of the application process and associated key dates.

We have also issued a policy on Programme Participant Selection. This explains our approach to selecting and assigning participants to ensure our programme reflects Glasgow 2024’s overall vision of Caring, Imagination and Inclusion.

Remote/online participation

We have a range of opportunities for online participants, both to attend programme items and to play a full part in them as speakers and panellists.

Academic Programme

Glasgow 2024’s academic programme will bring together a diverse set of scholars from the humanities, social sciences, and adjacent disciplines to launch an exploration of SF/F/H’s concern for our futures. You can read the full call for papers and find application information here. You do not need to fill out the expression of interest mentioned in the previous section if you only want to participate in the academic programme.