KRX HISTORY 1956~2024
KRX History
2020's 2024
Apr. 22
Listing of KOSDAQ Global Index Futures
Feb. 19
Listing of 30-Yr-KTB Futures
Nov. 21
Launched KOSDAQ Global segment
Apr. 16
Established KRX Clearing division
Mar. 22
Listed KOSPI 200 Futures on Eurex
Sep. 7
Launched the KRX BBIG K-New Deal indices in five sectors
KRX History
2010's 2019
Sep. 23
Listed KOSPI 200 Weekly Option
Mar. 26
Listed KRX300 Futures and KOSDAQ150 Options
Sep. 7
Acquired a 25-percent stake in the Republican Stock Exchange Tashkent (RSE)
Jun. 26
Launched the ETF Futures market
Nov. 14
Launched KRX Startup Market
Jun. 29
Listing ETF based KOSPI200 on foreign exchange for the first time
Jun. 27
Listing EuroStoxx50 Index Futures as the first foreign index futures on KRX
Oct. 5
Launched Yuan Futures Market
Aug. 3
Launched Futures Market for KOSDAQ stocks
Jan. 12
Launched Emissions Trading Market
Nov. 17
Launched the Exchange Traded Notes (ETN) Market
Mar. 24
Launched KRX Gold Spot Market
Mar. 3
Launched CCP services for OTC derivatives products
Jul. 1
Launched KONEX Market
Apr. 18
Established Cambodia Stock Exchange (KRX holds 45% of the company shares)
Mar. 30
Launched Petroleum Spot Market
Jan. 11
Established Laos Stock Exchange (KRX holds 49% of the company shares)
Sep. 13
Launched Mini-Gold Futures Market
Aug. 30
Launched Night-time Trading of KOSPI200 Options on Eurex
KRX History
2000's 2009
Nov. 16
Launched Nighttime Trading of KOSPI200 Futures on CME Globex
Sep. 21
KRX reclassified to FTSE Developed Indices Group
July. 29
Listing of ETF tracking 3-yr KTB
Feb. 4
Company name change(Korea Stock and Futures Exchange → Korea Exchange)
July. 21
Listing of Lean Hog Futures
May. 6
Listing of Single Stock Futures
Apr. 24
Opened of KRX Beijing Representative Office
Feb. 25
Listing of 10-yr KTB Futures
Oct. 10
Listing of foreign ETF for the first time
Aug. 17
Listing of foreign company for the first time
May. 26
Launched Yen & Euro Futures
Established the Korea Stock and Futures Exchange through consolidation of KSE, KOSDAQ, KOFEX
The KSE launched Exchange Traded Fund Market
Feb. 25
The KSE launched the Inter-Dealer Repo Market
Jan. 28
The KSE launched Single Stock Options
KRX History
1990's 1999
Mar. 29
The KSE opened the Inter-Dealer Market for government bonds
Feb. 6
The KOFEX established
Oct. 12
The KOSDAQ Committee established
Jul. 7
The KSE launched the Stock Index Options Market
May 17
The KOSDAQ Stock Market established
May 3
The KSE launched the Stock Index Futures Market
Jun. 15
The KSE started publishing the KOSPI 200 Index(Jan. 3, 1990=100)
Jan. 3
Direct portfolio investment by foreign investors allowed
KRX History
1980's 1988
Mar. 1
The KSE privatized and incorporated into a membership organization
KRX History
1970's 1979
Sep. 24
The KSE joined the International Federation of Stock Exchanges (FIBV),
currently the World Federation of Exchange (WFE)
Sep. 20
The Korea Securities Computer Corporation (KOSCOM) incorporated
Dec. 6
The Korea Securities Depository (KSD) established
KRX History
1960's 1962
Apr. 1
The KSE reorganized into a joint stock corporation
KRX History
1950's 1956
Mar. 3
The Daehan Stock Exchange, the predecessor of the
Korea Stock Exchange (KSE), established
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