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Joe Jonas Goes Undercover on YouTube, Reddit and Twitter

On this episode of Actually Me, Joe Jonas goes undercover on the Internet and responds to real comments from YouTube, Reddit, Twitter, Instagram, IMDb and Quora. Did he and Sophie Turner really get married by an Elvis impersonator in Las Vegas? What is his skincare routine? Watch #CupOfJoe now, only on Quibi: 

Released on 05/08/2020


Hi GQ, what's up?

It's Joe Jonas here.

I am going to go undercover from my home

on the internet.

[curious music]

This is actually me.

[curious music]

[keyboard clicking]

Quora, we're going to Quora.

[curious music]

Hmm, this says it's from Sophie Turner.

Did Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner really get married

by an Elvis impersonator in Las Vegas?

Oh, I think this is the forum, Sophie Turner.

I'm just gonna imagine my wife wrote this.

Sophie Turner, yes, we did get married in Vegas

by a Elvis impersonator.

We had to get legally married in the states

so, we thought it'd be really fun to get all of our friends,

invite them out, and do an impromptu wedding.

And we actually had some people

that I didn't really even know that well there.

Some people like I'm now closer with

but, Khalid was there that was pretty cool.

And Diplo decided to live stream the whole thing

so, thank you for that Diplo.

And for putting dog filters on our face.

It was great.

It kind of blew up in our faces

because my parents called me the next morning

and they were like, Did you just get married?

And I realized,

I told everybody but I forgot to tell my parents.

So kids out there,

make sure you tell your parents

when you're getting legally married.

[mouse clicking]


Is Joe Jonas allergic to spaghetti?

Hell no.

I love spaghetti and we've been making

a lot of pasta dishes during this quarantine.

Amoxicillin and penicillin, I'm allergic to and shellfish.

I guess you could say I'm allergic to shellfish spaghetti.


[curious music] How does Joe Jonas

get along with his brothers?

Well, we've learned to put family first

and that's been really important for us.

And also we've learned to respect

when each other needs some time.

We have our own separate lives

so I think at this point

we really miss the crap out of each other

it's been so long since I've seen these guys.

On tour we always try to take like an hour out of our day

just to spend time together.

And it reminds us why we're doing this.

And whether if it's working out, having a meal,

or just taking a walk, a bike ride or something

and seeing a city, I think that's helpful

for people when they work together

and it's always the same thing every day.


[mouse clicking]

[slow piano music] Twitter.

[slow piano music]

Joe is Kim, Nick is Kourtney, Kevin is Khloe?

Yes or no?


Thank you, @spudddddddd with eight d's.

[curious music]

@jonaswft, ah, she didn't get wtf unfortunately.

Has Sophie gotten sick and tired of Joe being around 24/7?

I'm assuming you're speaking about the quarantine.

We haven't gotten sick of each other yet.

We're actually enjoying our time together.

We are always on tour for so long, 90 something cities

and she was filming elsewhere.

So to actually be together

and have this couple time is important.

But, I have to ask her.

Sophie, am I annoying you?

[crickets chirping]

We'll go with yes.

[curious music] What is your favorite

song to perform?

Love you Joe Jonas, by the way.

Love you too, Chrystal.

I'm assuming you're speaking about one of ours,

the Brother's songs.

I really enjoy singing Hesitate it means a lot to me.

But in general,

Many Rivers to Cross is one of my favorites.

It's a classic and I like singing that sometimes.

It's not one of our songs, but just for fun.


[curious music]

More Quora.

Who has better vocals?

Nick Jonas or Joe Jonas?

I mean that really is dealer's choice here.

I think Nick has a fantastic voice.

I think Kevin.

Where's Kevin here, huh?


[curious music]

What are some less known facts about Joe Jonas?

I have Vanilla Ice's cell phone number.

And occasionally I like to prank phone call him.

So now, you know Vanilla Ice, that was me, all these times.

[deep inhale]

[curious music]

Now we're gonna go to IMDb.

Let's see what they got to say.

[curious music]

Nicknames Joe, JJ, DJ Danger.

Yeah, I guess that's kind of correct.

There's other nicknames that I have,

I mean when I was in middle school,

I joined a new school

and apparently there was too many Joes in the school

so this one kid decided that my new name should be JJ Jonas.

Which makes no sense.

So, JJ Jonas, we can add that to that nickname list.

[curious music]

Before becoming a musician

he wanted to become a comedian.

Actually in Cup of Joe, I went on stage

being encouraged by Tina Fey to go do some stand up.

Her advice for me was go on stage and tell the truth.

The truth is always funny.

So, I tried my best.

I've really enjoyed it.

I wanna continue it.

I feel like everybody should try it

at least once in their life.

The nerves that you feel it's really scary

but, rewarding if you get one laugh.


Fan of Britney Spears.

I like that that's there.

That is true.

My first CD I ever bought myself was at a 7/11

and it was a Britney Spears album.


[slow piano music]

And now we're gonna go to Instagram.

Instagram always has really fun trolling comments.

Let's see what we gotta find.

All right, I shaved my face.

Quarantine beard is no more.

Slowly growing back.

Brenhimelfard, How does he manage to have a baby face

just like that I mean what's his skin care routine?

I have to be honest, I do have a filter on this picture.

That filter did a lot of good to me in this photo.

Yeah, I wash my face, a little facial fuel,

make sure to moisturize,

and my wife likes popping any zit that might be on my face.

She calls them spots.

So if I pop a zit or a spot without her knowing,

she's very mad.


[curious music]

All right this is a post

I did about the concert film that we just released.


says, Wow, you guys definitely mean something

to all of us.

Great documentary

With, I think those are welling eyes.

I have a question, when they make your guy's

Hollywood documentary,

because I can totally see this happening,

what actor would you like to see play each of you?

That's great.

And I can answer for my brothers.

I think obviously Matthew McConaughey should play me.

You know, I think Kevin deserves the Rock.

And Nick,

Mark Wahlberg 'cause actually they kind of look alike.

If Nick has a backwards hat and a tank top

he looks almost exactly like Mark Wahlberg.


[curious music] Reddit.

[mouse clicking]

[curious music] Reddit's really fun.

I love Reddit.

Emily, This is the look I genuinely thought Joe Jonas

was going to see me wear and fall in love with me in 2008.

Oh, that's great!

I mean it is a strong look and the pose that's really key.

Looking good, Emily, keep it up.


[curious music]

We're going back to Twitter.

All right this is from Brianna is locked up.

With a pretty cool font on locked up.

How many LEGO sets have you completed, Joe?

Wow, that's a tough question.

There are quite a few LEGO sets.

Stranger Things set, two of the Hogwarts castle sets,

we also have a few Lord of the Rings.

We also have a rollercoaster that we want to finish.

I'm always confused if it's LEGO or LEGOS

but, I think it's correct the way you said it,

which is just LEGO.

Like LE-GO.


This is from Kay Jonas.

What was your favorite spot in the UK, Joe,

from the Cup of Joe series?

My favorite thing to do when I was in London,

I took a penalty kick at a professional soccer stadium.

Or as they would say, football stadium.

And that was really exciting for me.

I actually got it in the net on the third try

and I would like to believe the guy was actually trying

his best, but I don't know I think he was going easy on me.


[curious music]

How different would the world be if Joe Jonas had been cast

as Captain America instead of Chris Evans?


I think the world would be a lot different.

Probably Chris would be a lead singer of a band of brothers

and I would be carrying my shiny shield around the world,

saving the day.

[mouse clicking]

This is from Tyler.

The question is @joejonas, do you still have this outfit?

You better believe I do.

What do you think I'm wearing below here?


Very comfortable.


[curious music] This is from Lizbiz08.

Here is my question for later.

This is for Nick, Joe, and Kevin.

What are some things that you guys do to keep busy

during this quarantine.

This is my new favorite thing

is Zoom beer pong and I really encourage everyone to try.

But you set up the cups closest to the camera.

So that's the other player's cups.

If that makes any sense.

You probably could just Google it

and find out the instructions way better than me.

All right, we're going to YouTube.

[curious music]

Let's check it out.

This is a compilation video.

This is The Best of Sophie and Joe.

I'd actually like to watch this.

And this person asked,

Hey Joe, what's your favorite food and drink?

I like that they assumed I was just going to go into this

and watch this and comment back.

But I am actually doing it now.

I do like a tequila soda.

I have to say I like my brother's tequila a lot

and I'm not even a part of the company

so this is not a shameless plug, here.

This is a family plug, Villa One is delicious.

And my favorite food, I'm allergic to spaghetti,

so I can't eat that.

But I do like, I'll go with pasta, lasagna.


More from IMDb.

He has German, English, Scottish,

Irish, Italian/Scilian from a great-grandfather.

French-Canadian, and Cherokee Native American ancestry.

Wow, how do they know all this.

I don't think that Scottish is correct.

I don't think it's French-Canadian, I think it's French.

Unless somebody like, took a glass that I was drinking

and swabbed it and then sent this in

and you actually know what my ancestry actually is.

All right moving on.

Collected G.I. Joe action figures and pens as a child.

I'm always so curious how people find this information out.

And this is on IMDb?

Such a weird place for this information to be.

I don't think this'll help me at all

get a movie role or a TV show.

But, I don't know, maybe G.I. Joe will call one day.

I did collect G.I. Joes

and I collected a lot of Pokemon cards.

I was more of a fan of Pokemon than getting a girl's number

Because I remember when I was younger,

the prettiest girl in school had a really rare card.

I tricked her into switching for a really un-rare card.

[curious music] Favorite movie is

School of Scoundrels.

Wow, this is dated.

We need to update this.

His favorite band is Switchfoot.

I do love Switchfoot but this obviously

from a long time ago.

His favorite singer is Johnny Lang.

I like Johnny Lang.

I think currently, my favorite movie,

I'll go with Back to the Future one.

Actually I think two is actually better than one.

I also think Home Alone 2 is better than one.

I think all the threes were pretty, okay.

I like Switchfoot but we will update that to

you know, I love Coldplay's new album.

We'll go with Coldplay.

His favorite singer is Johnny Lang.

His favorite singer, I'll go with Frank Sinatra.

But I like Johnny Lang, too.


[upbeat music]

Well, that's it.

That was fun.

I hope your questions have been answered correctly

or to your satisfaction.

Signing off the internet.

[bass guitar music]

Starring: Joe Jonas

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