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Living the Dream : It's Time!: A Chronicle of the Gathering of Equals

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In a twelve month adventure that started with Mark's first exposure to a spiritual workshop in Seattle in 1996, this book takes the reader on a spiritual journey from city to city. From Seattle to Costa Rica, San Francisco to Tallahassee, Phoenix to Philadelphia and lots of cities in between, people have gathered to learn from others as they rediscover the divinity within themselves. This book is a chronicle of the event called the "Gathering," and yet much more. It explores how Keith Varnum and others consciously awakened after decades of searching for spiritual answers and how hundreds of logically minded, corporate bound people like Mark Conrad, have spontaneously begun to access and speak their own truth. There is no book quite like Living The Dream - It's Time! As compared with many other methods, the approach is not the typical systematic "peeling the onion" of doubt and misunderstanding to get to the truth. Instead, people go directly to the qualities and vibrations they prefer. The process is simplified, starting at the essence, or inner knowing, and veils are cast aside from that space. Paradoxically, many of these techniques have been advocated by great spiritual leaders and been available to us for centuries. A gateway to inner knowing, which has always been open, is now coming into focus. It is a bridge between the present reality and the approaching time when we will get together intuitively, at the right time, without the restrictions of a rigid belief system, dogmatic philosophy, or judgmental religious or spiritual order.

248 pages, Hardcover

First published May 1, 1998

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About the author

Keith Varnum

8 books5 followers
At the tender age of 19, a vibrant filmmaker in college, Keith Varnum went totally blind before he could launch out on his own. The prognosis of Western doctors that Keith would be blind for the rest of his life catapulted him into a magical adventure of discovery and wisdom! On his journey he studied with medicine men, shaman, Hawaiian Kahuna and Eastern spiritual masters, regained his eyesight, and discovered the secrets of all healing, transformation and success. Keith has tested these practical tools in his 35-year career as an author, Certified Matrix Energetics Practitioner, Life Coach, Vision Quest guide, acupuncturist, sound healer, radio host, and vice-president of a multi-million dollar company. When not guiding people into the sacred Red Rock Canyons of Sedona exploring consciousness, Keith travels around the world assisting people to open to life’s wonders and surprises in his Dream Workshops. Keith helps people get love, money, health and spirit with his free Prosperity Ezine, free Empowerment CD, and free Coaching at www.TheDream.com.

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