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Break the new girl.
That should be easy, right?
Trash like her doesn’t belong at Burberry Prep.
No, Marnye Reed is going down, and we plan to make a spectacle out of it.
Let’s see who can make her fall in love first.
Bet’s on. Any takers?


Take on the filthy rich boys.
They’re the idols of the school, veritable gods on earth.
Old Money. New money. A rising star.
These guys are nothing like the ones at my old school.
I might come from nothing, but I’m determined to be someone, and I won’t let them get in my way.
They say they’ll make my life a living hell; I think they mean to keep that promise.

***FILTHY RICH BOYS is a 97,000 word reverse harem/mature high school bully romance novel. This is book one of four in the series. Contains foul language and sexual scenes; any sex featured is consensual.

382 pages, Kindle Edition

First published March 27, 2019

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About the author

C.M. Stunich

147 books13.4k followers
C.M. Stunich is a self-admitted bibliophile with a love for exotic teas and a whole host of characters who live full time inside the strange, swirling vortex of her thoughts. Some folks might call this crazy, but Caitlin Morgan doesn't mind - especially considering she has to write biographies in the third person. Oh, and half the host of characters in her head are searing hot bad boys with dirty mouths and skillful hands (among other things). If being crazy means hanging out with them everyday, C.M. has decided to have herself committed.

She hates tapioca pudding, loves to binge on cheesy horror movies, and is a slave to many cats. When she's not vacuuming fur off of her couch, C.M. can be found with her nose buried in a book or her eyes glued to a computer screen. She's the author of over thirty novels - romance, new adult, fantasy, and young adult included. Please, come and join her inside her crazy. There's a heck of a lot to do there.

Oh, and Caitlin loves to chat (incessantly), so feel free to e-mail her, send her a Facebook message, or put up smoke signals. She's already looking forward to it.

Stalk me, please!

I'm also on Goodreads, Spotify, Google +, Instagram, and Pinterest.

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Profile Image for Namera [The Literary Invertebrate].
1,318 reviews3,490 followers
May 3, 2019
WARNING: there will be some spoilers, I plan on giving a long, detailed list of everything I disliked about the book.

Before I go onto my main review, I wanted to mention something quickly. I'm part of a big Reverse Harem group on Facebook (which does include lots of popular authors like Stunich), and one of the constant issues people bring up is reviews. There are a lot of readers out there who say they don't want to even review a book if they rate it less than 3 stars. There are other people who say that they'll automatically rate a book 4/5 stars if it's by an author they love, regardless of whether they actually liked the book or not.

THIS IS BULLSHIT. Everyone should be honest in their reviews. Now, I've noticed that all the other reviews for this book are a dazzling 5 stars, minus one 3-star. If those reviewers really did love this book that much, fine. I'm happy for them. But this review is for all the other people who feel the same way as me, or who want to see the other side of the story.

Rant over, time for the real review!

15-year-old Marnye Reed has just got into Burberry Prep, an elite high school. She's a scholarship recipient. From the moment she arrives she's treated like shite by the Idols, a group of three boys and three girls who are the most popular/richest/most influential people in the school. The boys, the 'heroes,' are named Tristan Vanderbilt, Creed Cabot, and Zayd Kaiser. Marnye does however make a best friend, Miranda, Creed's twin sister.


❌ The #1 thing that ruined my enjoyment of this book is the fact that Marnye is the stupidest, most gullible heroine on the face of the planet. Now, this is a bully romance. I LOVE bully romances. But to do them right, you NEED to have a strong heroine. You need to have a heroine who can give as good as she gets.

❌ Marnye is not that heroine. She's so unutterably stupid that she believes the Idol boys want to be her friends. They treat her like crap for months: they call her Charity, make fun of her suicide attempts and constantly try to trigger her, try to get her thrown out of school, the whole shebang. Then they suddenly start being nice to her AND SHE DOESN'T EVEN QUESTION IT. Doesn't expect an apology. Like bitch, you don't have to be Einstein to be a little suspicious.

❌ That's another thing: she has no sense of curiosity at all. She discovers that the Idols are part of some mysterious Infinity Club dedicated to gambling and drinking. She also discovers that her middle school ex-boyfriend Zack Brooks, who's incidentally a former bully of hers, is part of this club. But she never questions what the club is, what it does, who started it, how people join it... anything. Instead, she blindly listens to its rules. She also learns that Zack nearly killed someone, but never questions it. She just blithely dismisses it as 'he'd be in jail if he'd really done anything wrong, right?'

❌ She's a horrific friend. While gambling at the Infinity Club with Creed, she loses a bet and agrees to find out for him who Miranda's been dating. When she discovers Miranda is dating a girl, she immediately runs to tell Creed and outs her supposed best friend. SHE IS A BITCH. Her justification? 'I knew the Infinity Club wouldn't let me back out of the deal.' Babe, you didn't even TRY to back out of the deal. Plus, what can they do to you that they haven't already?

❌ Possibly the most painful moment of the whole book is on Valentine's Day. At this point, they're being relatively nice to her, so she obviously believes - with no justification or apology from them - that she's won them over and they're friends now. So she sends them Valentines with a note saying 'Glad we could overcome our differences to become friends! Love Marnye.' I cringed so hard I nearly pulled a muscle.

❌ Wait, I spoke too soon. The REALLY painful things to read were every single time she fangirls over their hotness. It doesn't matter if they're busy insulting her; all she can think about is how sexy they are. She's just a giant ball of lust, and she's lusting after people who literally want to throw her out of the school and have her physically assaulted.

❌ Marnye says herself that she's a very forgiving person. I guess the author expects us to take this as a reason for why she stupidly and pathetically forgives them and 'befriends' them. (I use quotation marks because obviously, they only did that to win a bet on who could bring her to the graduation gala as a date). Maybe I'm just unusually vengeful; I'm the sort of person who rarely forgives and never forgets. But I just can't believe that Marnye folds so easily. Same with Zack: he bullied her so badly in middle school that she tried to kill herself. Then... she started to date him. But the real kicker is... he apologises, and she feels more conflicted over befriending a bully who's apologised than she does over befriending bullies who HAVEN'T apologised.

❌ It's ridiculously obvious that the boys don't give a damn about her. Meanwhile, she follows them around - in a supremely TSTL move, she gets into a car with them and lets them take her to an unknown location. She says herself how stupid this is, and realises she could have been raped or worse. She also tries desperately to connect with them on a human level, asking them their dreams/hopes/aspirations, sympathising with their daddy issues. Lord, give me strength. She's so thick that HER FRIENDS are the ones who have to be like 'Um, are you seriously crushing on Creed, who's exposed your past and secrets to the public!?' Yes. Yes, she is.

❌ Now for the dreaded OW. It goes without saying that Marnye is a virgin. Meanwhile, all the boys regularly hook up with multiple girls right in front of her. She even walks in on Tristan fucking an older girl in the girls' bathroom. I can tolerate OW before the relationship starts, IF the heroine a) isn't a virgin or b) feels no jealousy. No, Marnye was definitely jealous, and it killed me that she felt jealous over guys who'd clearly demonstrated their contempt for her. She's also turned on by seeing the guys' post-sex face!!! Even though they were literally just having sex with another girl!! I know I've yammered on about this, but she has zero self-respect. She lets them use her to make other girls jealous.


The author keeps calling these 15-year-old boys MEN. Like, please. No. They're boys. Speaking of which... how many 15-year-olds are incredibly ripped with six-packs and are covered with tattoos?

❌ Why are every single one of the Idols (barring a senior girl) freshmen? Admittedly I have no first-hand experience of American schools, but I imagine it's a bit like having Year 7s rule the school while the Year 13s just sit back and take it. In no reality can I see that happening.

So basically, Marnye ruined any hope I had of enjoying the book. I'm going to read the sequel, because she's claiming she's got some big revenge plan, and I want to see if she really delivers. But I fear she won't. In the last chapter, when she's just discovered how terribly the guys used her, THE SEXINESS OF THEIR VOICES ARE STILL ON HER MIND.

This has been such a cathartic experience...

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Profile Image for Alana.
745 reviews1,417 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
April 30, 2019
This is without a doubt one of the worst books I've ever attempted to read.

Y'all I made it FIVE chapters and this is what I got so far:

1.This "super rich" academy is literally called Burberry Prep.
Let's just slap designer names on shit and hope it sounds rich why don't we.

2.The popular kids are called Idols, yes, you read that right. Idols.
My eyes are so far in the back of my head they might never come back.

3. The regular kids are called Plebs...as in plebians.
I couldn't make this shit up if I tried.

4. These kids are FIFTEEN and the author is making them out to be men. Full grown, panty dropping men.
Listen, I was far from a saint at 15 and I'm not proud of the shit I did but my god I AM SO UNCOMFORTABLE.

5. The fifteen year old "bad boy" is introduced to the MC by walking out of a janitor's closet he just had sex with a senior in.
Lemme know what freshman boy will ever dick you down good enough that'd you risk it all for. I'll fucking wait.

6. Here we go, ANOTHER fifteen year old boy has his arms sleeved WITH tattoos, facial piercings, and the most chiseled abs you've ever seen.
*insert Jackie Chan wtf meme*

....and that's just the first five chapters.

Needless to say, this a hard NO from me and we didn't even get to the plot yet.
Profile Image for Siobhan ™.
Author 103 books9,090 followers
April 3, 2019
Holy shit. Marnye better annihilate them in book 2 or I won't be a happy camper.
Profile Image for Tracy *To the point Reviews*.
647 reviews174 followers
April 3, 2019
Oh Boy!!!

Yes, bully romances with elitist asshole heroes are all the rage. And I admit to loving it when it's well done.

When it's really badly done with a weak heroine and characters that don't come off as appealing, it's just annoying.

I was so aggravated with the heroine that i wanted to throw my Ipad across the room. This book is basically about the poor scholarship girl getting SUPER BULLIED by a group called the Idols at a school for the uber rich.

A book of contradictions.

This girl, apparently from across the track, who has been bullied for years at her previous school, is supremely naive when it comes to the three Idol dudes who basically decimate her at every turn for months and months... In the worst WAYS!!!!

But all the while, whenever the pay the slightest bit of attention to her, she begins bantering about her belly 'flutters' and how attractive they are. WHAT?!

She goes off with them whenever they ask. She lets them into her room. She keeps going to the parties. She kisses them and let them touch her. I got the feeling the author was kinda going for a reverse harem theme? But whatever, it just didn't work out. She never suspected what they were up to? I mean I saw it right away when they went from day to night in a few moments.

How can she be so stupid??? Why did the author think this would be believable? I just kept reading because I was actually looking forward to seeing how they were going to fuck her up! And they did, in a supreme way. The there's the cliffhanger with a promise of revenge.

Oh and BTW...these kids are 15.
Profile Image for myo ⋆。˚ ❀ *.
1,140 reviews7,963 followers
December 18, 2020
okay so at first going into this i was mad uncomfortable at first because they were 15 in this book but i kept reading because i’ve read some of the authors other work. but yoooooo this book had so much drama!! it was like if gossip girl was in a boarding school.
Profile Image for ispybella.
16 reviews1 follower
March 29, 2019
Prologue Fail

In 5 words: the prologue ruined the book.

Never had a chance to enjoy this book as by chapter 6 I knew that the prologue was the ending. Why should I invest in characters and their actions if I already know how it’s going to end?! Yes, you can argue as the start to a series I should have expected how the characters would end up, but to literally shove it in my face first thing was poor writing.

I finished the book but (as expected after my realisation) found myself not caring for the characters nor their emotional journey. Overall, this made me feel unsatisfied and frustrated with the entire thing. I normally greatly enjoy C M Stunichs’ novels but for me she misses the mark with this one.

If you do plan to read Filthy Rich Boys, my advice would be to skip the prologue.
Profile Image for Snow.
2,265 reviews706 followers
April 17, 2019
well, fuck

i have to state clear that when I pick a NA book with "bullying" dishing straight into your face than i'm a bit reluctant to say the least BUT since these kind of stories are in fact like a glutony immbedded into my subconscience then well, I read it cause of all the fun...

anyway, there are a numeorous amount of books on this subject (college, highschool stuff, drama, shit, bad boys and alike, yada, yada, yada) and the only thing really that can set one book apart from the others is, in fact, the writing style and the fresh approach.

I have read many, many books and from the glance on to the pages I can detect and recognize if the writing style is gonna hook me in or not, and according to that I can then, really focus on the storyline...

hmmm...so, this book

first of all, the writing is catchy, so that's a plus and the plot was worked out pretty well, even though it was predictable, I give it a plus cause it had merrit

BUT the fact that this is, purely YA stuff, with characters being merely 15 but doing fucking shit that wouldn't look well on the 20 year olds either was just a pile of shitty performance purely based on the shocking factor, I would presume, otherwise, If i'm wrong, than this is the shittier shit than I thought.

I don't know really what to say...they are 15!!!!
and I just can't really get pass that fact, so everything else looks really non-credible and utterly laughable in the most not funny of ways....and it still feels distasteful even though it's fiction.

and once again, there's just this thin, thin line between tact and taste, it's not just the point of tossing the shock factor around and that's that...cause believe me, after a while that shock simmers down and all you are left with, is a distasteful, untactful lame attempt at a story.

but then again, it's also a matter of a reader's opinion on the matter...so, i'll say, to each, their own.
Profile Image for ❥ KAT ❥ Kitty Kats Crazy About Books.
2,409 reviews9,900 followers
November 15, 2023
I'm kind of going through wanting to read dark bully romances high on angst and this one during my searches popped up time after time, so gave it a shot and here I am gearing up to read the next one.

I wouldn't really call this one of the heaviest bully books I've read, kind of cliche, the mob rich b#tches vying to destroy the poor scholarship girl (the one and only scholarship student), who lived in a train carriage (that sounded so cool btw) with not one coin to rub between her fingers, a mother who abandoned her (literally) and an alcoholic father.

Throw in the three hottest guys in the school and you have your usual cliche storyline. These three
(Tristan, Zayd & Creed) call her 'Charity or Working girl' they are the top of the rung.

As soon as she steps foot onto Burberry Prep she's got a target on her back..She just has to survive this year.

You see at this school there is a social hierarchy at the top you have the 3 Idol boys (Tristan, Zayd & Creed) and 3 Idol girls (the mean girls) then you have an inner circle who aren't as popular as the 6 but still known, then you have the lowest rung and that's the 'Plebs' which includes everyone else and Marnye.

This school is reserved solely for the overly filthy rich, so for a poor girl to be amongst them has everyone's backs up. Tristan's family built the school so he's the first to make his disdain known.

Marnye's no stranger to being bullied, it's seems like its been a constant in her life, with no bearing into why. She's not going to go down without a fight,

Her saving grace is her studying, and her profound love for learning which gets her a place within the prestigious academy 'Burberry Prep'

Rubbing shoulders with the super rich didn't change Marnye one bit, in some cases it made her stronger, when the 3 Idols befriend her and have her in their circle she was always waiting for the other shoe to drop, never really taking them at face value, but right at the end she has no one in her corner, not even the 2 that she grew close to, now her next year is all about revenge.

Profile Image for ⋆☆☽ Kriss ☾☆⋆.
601 reviews206 followers
November 21, 2021
I haven't read anything since December, so I wanted to ease back in with something familiar. It's been a while since I read this; I don't recall my 2nd read in 2020 (I was in Chicago visiting family at the time) so I went back into this read with a somewhat hazy memory.

Sadly, time hasn't been kind to this book, as my initial standard for rating was "Oh wow, I've read so much horrible stuff that this being alright means it has blown my expectations and I'll give it 5 stars." I've been able to distance myself more from that initial measure of rating wherein the bar was set very low (as this type of book generally is super repellent to me as a reader, just see my Paper Princess Review), and feel I can write a bit better of a review.

For example, I now see some of the more cringe-inducing elements of C.M.'s writing and word choice (I find like, Maryne's quirks and personality really pretentious now; like oh wow you're so special because you only listen to classical music) and am a bit more disappointed in the choices Marnye makes (also, still not sure how her name is said. I saw a typo write it as "Marnie" so I'm going to keep reading it as Marnie in my head).

I understand that the idea is for a 15 year old girl to be naive enough to be vulnerable to more superficial things like small gestures of kindness (or the lack of cruelty) and a pretty face because all teen girls want a rich, popular, attractive boy to like them, but I think it would have been a stronger story is Maryne had come to the school naive and toughed up during this year through having this loss of innocence moment where she realizes bullies aren't just outright, upfront aggressors, but an enemy that's cunning and traitorous.

The backstory of Maryne already being bullied and having endured abuse that was bad enough to make her want to die makes her willingness to interact with the Idol boys come off as her not having taken anything away from her experiences. Although she says "I'll never forget how they treated me" it also doesn't take much at all for her to be willing to trust them enough to gamble with them, get in their cars, kiss them, tell them anything, go on dates with them, etc.

I would have preferred that Tristan, Creed, and Zayd had really tried to woo Maryne, to the point that it's believable that they're trying, and for Maryne to have been skeptical and hesitant for longer before being worn down and trusting. It would have made the ending have a stronger pay off because it would have felt more like a true betrayal and not Maryne letting her lust pull her into what is an otherwise pretty clear trap.

Like, Zack being someone she still interacts with makes at least a degree of sense, as he saved her life. That, if nothing else, would cause enough conflicting feeling in a teenager to make them more receptive to forgiveness or dropping their hostility. Then to top it off, he helps her father out without prompting and doesn't push the boundaries. Zack is making more of an effort, so Maryne being more soft hearted towards him, at least, makes sense, even if it's not necessarily the healthiest move for a teen girl.

But, Tristan and Creed and Zayd are a little nicer than usual and Maryne is willing to engage with them far beyond the banter of enemies or the niceties of classmates/peers.

I know a criticism of this story is the more mature content involving teenagers, but, for all I've seen of the world of books thus far in my twenty something years, I can at least respect that the author didn't dive headfirst into sex or even heavy petting in this one (there's like, kissing, ass groping, and references to the boys being aroused) and that at the start of the novel she clearly provided an explanation of the content to warn away people with triggers and state that this isn't a NA disguised as a YA, but a NA that's meant as a NA.

My bar is still relatively low after all the incredibly terrible things I've read, but, I do have a bit of a better handle on it and can now safely say this is more of a 3.5 star read. Not an absolutely stellar read, but, still not as bad as a lot of other things I've read in a similar vein.

Let's see if book #2 is better, worse, or the same as I remember from my earlier reads.

Original, untouched review from 2019
Good god, C.M. Stunich has done it.

She's created a contemporary novel set in an academy with cruel, beautiful boys that's gritty in a worthwhile way that I enjoyed fully and to which I don't have super extreme criticisms of. I never thought I'd see the day. I'm completely in awe.

Part of me is hesitant to give it such a high rating (like a 4-4.5), but as I sit here at 7 am after reading this book all night, I'm emotionally pretty content and can't think of particular things that I found to ruin the experience for me because the author just handled this sort of narrative so WELL. She took something that normally ends up so gross and finessed that line.

Like.... what kind of writing witch... what is this sorcery???

I've tried hard to find books like this. I've been a fan of Boys Over Flowers: Hana Yori Dango, Vol. 1 for a long time and there's a certain appeal to the enemies to lovers trope that sparks me and I feel like high school politics can be a really worthwhile setting if approached the right way. I've read Paper Princess and The Kiss Thief looking for that same sort of spark and I hated both of them SO much, but even though Filthy Rich Boys exists in much the same vein, what with it being centered around a world of wealth and lies and trying to survive, it did the harsh, cruel edge the right way. It's tantalizing with the darker themes it takes, but it doesn't charge into territory that makes it irreparable.

Marnye (whose name I'm unsure how to pronounce; I've been saying it as Marnie in my head but I have no idea if that's accurate) is a scholarship student at a prestigious California academy who, on her very first day, invites the ire of the school's social hierarchy, the "Idols", simply by being a scholarship student. The book follows Marnye as she strives to get through school despite being bullied and comes to realize there's a lot more to this world of rich kids and her own past than she had ever expected. It utilizes a few classic ideas like bets involving girls, exclusive underground clubs for the rich to do shady things, complex social hierarchies amongst teens, etc. but it utilizes them well and I appreciate how the details are woven together.

I actually really enjoyed Marnye's character, even if she at times seemed a little apathetic (though given her backstory, it seems completely plausible that she could be that apathetic). Her inner thoughts and narrative were great; even when she feels weak to the boys' attentions, she doesn't lose her head. Her reactions feel organic and believable within the context and given Marnye's personality.

It's really great that so far, things are slow burn. There was no sudden plowing forward into love and devotion; the attraction is there, the lust is there, the bits and pieces that ask "can there be more? can this become something?" are there, but Marnye isn't head over heels in love and even the descent into attraction wasn't as hard and severe as a lot of other books and Marnye isn't rendered horribly incapacitated by it. She still regards the boys with an appropriate level of detachment yet has, over the year, gotten to a point of complexities in her feelings that make the way she feels and thinks of them not cut and dry, but ultimately understandable.

I feel like Zayd will be the first to step into the territory of sincerity and have a redemption arc after the events of this first book, considering what we feel from him all around. I hope that the author continues on the right foot with things because I can see this series being fantastic if things are approached well.

I appreciated the ways this book differs from a lot of other academy, bullying, high school, rich boy, etc. literature and I hope that the author delivers on the reverse harem aspect meaning that Marnye will get all three guys in the end, though if this is a series where she enjoys a harem but ultimately has to choose, I'll probably still like it.

Now, there is of course a degree of warning to be had: as this is a book that, upfront, mentions that it's a bully romance about a girl and the boys who torment her, there's some general warnings for mentions of suicide, emotional abuse, slut shaming (though our heroine is like, on the level; she doesn't attack anyone for their sexual history and comments on the irony of how others insult and attack her based on it), betrayal/deception, etc.

Info on like cheating/other woman/infidelity/etc. sort of stuff. Contains spoilers for books 1, 2, and 3:

But I will say that nothing really stood out as "there's 0 way anyone can forgive that." The bullying is intense and Marnye knows its bad and doesn't really forget how she's been treated, but it nicely rides that line, which I like, and ultimately we aren't left trying to excuse for forgive the boys: Marnye has been toyed with but she's not backing down and she's going to get her revenge on these boys who decided to hurt her for no good reason. I'm super excited for book #2 and the way things develop from here on out. I want to see growth in the characters. I want redemption to feel legitimate.

After this book, I'm hopeful that the author is capable. I just REALLY hope that, unlike the other two RH series she has, this one actually makes it to the end. The other two, sadly, haven't been completed so I don't know if the author is one to abandon her projects or what, but I hope I get to see this tale continue and then also get an ending lol.

I could probably write for a while about the ethics and details of a lot of things, but ultimately, this book caught my interest and didn't infuriate me with grossness which is a HUGE achievement, considering how unhappy I am with just about every tale set in modern day focusing on teenagers.

Also, although Marnye and the boys are only 15, there's a candidness about sex that makes this seem like an upper tier YA with NA appeal and seeing as this series will cover the characters until the age of 18 in their senior year, I imagine it'll only get more NA as things go on. update: the author specifically says in a note in each book that she intends this series to be new adult despite this being a story about high schoolers! There's no erotic scenes in this book; we're told when the boys get erections, we have a scene where Marnye walks into the bathroom and sees Tristan having sex with a girl in there, there's general references to the boys' sex lives and what not, but I wouldn't call any of it explicit or out of the realm of a YA novel, though again, since this series will be aging up the characters from 15 to 18, it'll probably only get more mature and will likely eventually culminate in more graphic sexual encounters/scenes.

If you're interested in more specifics about the incidents of bullying or the context of things, please let me know! I wouldn't want to send anyone into this story unprepared simply because the nature of it is around bullying, though if you've ever read a story about guys trying to woo a girl into falling for them for a bet and to be cruel or you've read a story about enemies to lovers in a high school bullying situation you're probably already prepared to handle what this book throws at you.

I hope the next 4 books release in a timely fashion. I read this via Kindle Unlimited, but if it ever goes on sale I'll probably buy a copy for myself. This read is the entertaining, somewhat guilty pleasure read I wanted Paper Princess to be.

I just really hope the author doesn't tank the good thing she's set up here. Like it can go SO bad so easily but this was a good foundation so I'm praying.
Profile Image for Mariana♛.
46 reviews131 followers
April 23, 2019
"I’ll stay one step ahead, and I’ll show them what happens when someone plays them at their own game."

This was so addicting! I loved and hated every moment of this story. Can I just say that the ending was so different from the beginning. It took me by surprise but in a most positive and inspirational way.


[image error]
Profile Image for Alaina.
6,679 reviews213 followers
April 14, 2019
So much betrayal.

Filthy Rich Boys was filled with so many twists and turns. Of course, there's a crap ton of betrayal. Some things I did see coming and other's I had no idea what was happening. In this, you will meet Marnye.. but sometimes this book would switch from that spelling to Marnie. It was a bit annoying when that happened. Even though it is still the same name it was just confusing my eyes/brain when the spelling changed up.

Other than that, Marnye was an okay character. She annoyed me sometimes, mostly when she was saying that she wouldn't get attached to the guys who were bullying her.. but then she did. I don't really see the appeal of liking your bully/bullies but to each their own I guess. Then there's the guys.. and I'm just trying to see if any school would accept their shit? I highly doubt it but then again.. it is a book. The guys, and basically everyone else at this school (except for Miranda and Andrew) think nothing will ever happen to them. They have no consequences to deal with. Ha - I can't wait for the next book to come out because I'm alllll about that revenge baby.

Each person in this book who took a bet on Marnye or bullied her should be scared. Karma is a bitch.. and they all will meet her hopefully. Which is why I am so freaking pumped for the next one!

Other than that, the romantic teasing moments.. or the friendships made in this book were good. I have a feeling that the guys actually do feel something for her but they have an image to uphold. Or some other kind of lame ass bullshit for high schoolers. Again, I need the next book because I have never been so excited for revenge.
Want to read
June 2, 2019
UNSAFE because it's reverse harem and because

However I have heard this is much better than Paper Princess.


I found her notes in the amazon page. If only the AUTHORS SIGNED WITH THE big five added their notes for their books with problematic/erotic content that they send straight to the 11-13 YO children recommendations

***FILTHY RICH BOYS is a 97,000 word reverse harem/mature high school bully romance novel. This is book one of four in the series. Contains foul language and sexual scenes; any sex featured is consensual.

This series is selling a lot of books because quality products DON'T NEED FALSE ADVERTISING.
Profile Image for Marguerite (M).
767 reviews627 followers
March 29, 2019
Rating: 3 stars?

First things first:
+ The characters are in high school but this is not Young Adult.
+ Read the author’s note at the beginning, it will warm your heart.
+ I read the book in one sitting.

On one hand, I dislike dark contemporary romances and I am no fan of the author.
On the other hand, Stunich is really good at what she does and the epilogue is promising something epic.

Filthy Rich Boys is probably an introduction, a prequel to a revenge story that I hope will blow my mind and will probably have some of my favorite things: leading lady standing her ground, lots of scheming, girl power and boys groveling and begging for forgiveness.
To any non real amateurs of C.M. Stunich or dark romance, I would recommend you to wait for the second book. If bully romances are your thing, go right ahead, you should enjoy it.

You might also like:
+ Paper Princess
+ Fallen Crest High

Trigger warning: Bullying (if that wasn’t obvious enough)

bigger review to come at some point
Profile Image for Marwa Abdulla.
46 reviews9 followers
July 2, 2020
God! How are they supposed to be 15!!
Was it bad? Super. Was it trashy? Yup. Will I read the sequel books? Hell yeah.
Profile Image for benevolent bastard.
483 reviews317 followers
December 14, 2020
So I basically re wrote their ages in my head while reading this. Placed them all in freshman year of college. And it worked for me.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
488 reviews1 follower
March 30, 2019
51% DNF

Prologue (gave the ending) ruined the whole book. Really didn’t like her “fangirling” over all 3 even when they were bullying her.

So disappointed. 😕
Profile Image for jessica.
2,590 reviews44.8k followers
June 29, 2019
extremely unrealistic and i rolled my eyes quite a bit, but it still didnt stop me from finishing this. not sure what that says about me, tbh.

3 stars
Profile Image for ★Me Myshelf and I★.
292 reviews502 followers
June 22, 2019
There’s one reason and one reason only I decided to give this a shot and be a total hypocrite

Book FOMO is a real thing.

”But all my friends are reading it...” yea it’s a good excuse right?

After Stunich redeeming herself with The Secret Girl I wasn’t sure if I was ready to step it up to the hardcore bully romance this says it is. But ya know everyone else was doing it so

Turns out I was able to handle it and it did keep my interest! Not half the book Secret Girl was but I was surprised how quickly I downloaded book two in wait for the revenge to come.

By writing the ending at the beginning we straight up knew how this was gonna end. Yup as I tell my children everyday. It’s all gonna end in tears. It softens the blows but knowing whats coming.
Marnye is the biggest snowflake that ever walked. If you wonder what the definition of a “Mary Sue” is then this is it. She got a scholarship to the most prestigious school and in this school only money talks. She pretty much good at everything, beautiful, innocent and always comes it smelling of roses (if you overlook her upbringing and the whole being a target thing)

The rich kids or “Idols” make it their mission to straight up destroy her. And it’s brutal. There’s lulls in between the hate but those only serve to draw you into a false sense of security and then


”What if this is, like, every teen movie ever made, where the popular guy asks the loser girl out and then throws eggs at her or takes something else to the dance …”

Yea so what if it is... I enjoyed that movie too.
Did I feel sorry for the girl? Hell yes I did!
Do I condone bullying by enjoying this? Not a single bit.

But what really does keep you reading is the promise of the revenge to come in book 2. I’m writing this review after binging book 1 and 2. Number 3 The Envy Of Idols slowed down for me and it was a push to finished if I’m being honest. It just got a bit samey.

Luckily this comes with its own wee warning at the beginning in the form of an Authors Note which sets out what your letting yourself in for. So a bit like a rollercaoster warning
Pregnant women and anyone with heart problems should proceed with caution. High levels of stress and blood pressure wont be good for the baby. I think I had heart palpitations a few times.

I wouldn’t recommended this to anyone who has been bullied in the past and maybe it brings back some unwanted memories. Also Parents with kids at this stage in school. You probably will loose sleep thinking about what could be happening to your own little Mary Sue. But then again, unless your child is attends a boarding school with billionaires it’s not really the same thing is it?.

I’m still not a fan of the bully romance but what I am a fan of is Academy settings with great writing with characters who grow.

Profile Image for Al *the semi serial series skipper*.
1,659 reviews788 followers
December 9, 2019
I blame myself. I have a love and hate relationship with RH. I tend to only like the ones that are paranormal because...magic.

I checked the reviews out on amazon and saw it was a bully romance, that's what sold it for me. "Prep" on the other hand did not compute, I'm thinking college but I get high school. If there's anything I hate it is high school romance. Yes, I know people marry their high school sweethearts , still not interested.

Now this book being a high school romance with fifteen year old acting like they are thirty five is something I just cannot believe. I don't care how rich you are or how accommodating the school is but half the shit that happened in this book would never never ever be allowed in real life.

The guys were absolute shit to her and I thought she was going to toughen up and be done with them but when they start acting all nice to her she becomes all lovey-dovey. For someone that lived in a trailer and had to go against bullies often she didn't really inspire confidence.

Back to the boys, I didn't like any of them. They were all full of cliches. The first book did not have that much intimacy , I blame that as the reason I picked up book two. Book two was even worse. I honestly don't want to read about teenagers having sex, it's creepy for me personally, if it were paranormal,maybe.

Since I don't want to leave a review for book two I'll just say this; what was up with that Harper chick and her friends, they legit tried to kill Mayne and the bozo was accepting of it because Harper's father is rich and she doesn't want to get punished by having her dad's chemo being stopped. Bitch, are you dumb?! you could have died, you imbecile! Regardless, Harper doesn't have that power! How can she, a sixteen year old have a say on who gets treatment from a hospital just because her dad owns it. Gawd that book annoyed the shit out of me. On another note I might just copy and paste this.

In conclusion, save yourselves folks because this book sucks.
Profile Image for Silvia Carbone.
Author 34 books192 followers
June 22, 2021
Questo romanzo è stato pazzesco. Mi sono ritrovata in una scuola di elit fra ragazzi ricchi e spocchiosi e Marnye. Proprio quest'ultima, protagonista di questa serie, sarà vittima di un raggiro che la vedrà diciamo "bullizzata" da questi ragazzi sfrontati e tremendi.
In realtà, ho avuto la sensazione che nemmeno i protagonisti maschili sanno se odiarla o amarla. Un gioco fatto di sotterfugi, di attqcxji verbali e una scommessa che rimetterà in gioco tutto.
Ho comprato il cartaceo del secondo volume e non vedo l'ora di iniziarlo per vedere come evolverà la storia.
Profile Image for Michelle.
1,567 reviews166 followers
October 12, 2019
I really enjoyed this book. Wasn't much romance in it but wow the story was brilliant. I'm DYING for more of this series I need to know what happens.

Heroes 4🌟
Heroine 5🌟
Story 5🌟
Writing 5🌟
Steam 4🌟
Romance 2🌟
Angst 5🌟
Secondary Characters 4🌟
Drama 5🌟
Mystery 5🌟
Twists 5🌟
Action 5🌟

Recommend - OMG YES !!!!!
Profile Image for Kelly.
1,328 reviews531 followers
February 4, 2020
To be totally honest here, I read this book mostly because of the hype. I mean, it's a popular Bully RH romance and it's a genre I enjoyed before so I wanted to binge read this series and another from this author. Now, Filthy Rich Boys was easy to read and a bit addictive. The prologue hooked me from the beginning and I just wanted to get to the end in order for the FMC to focus on her revenge.

However, in this book we learn that the characters are 15 and... I'm just not okay with that. They should be at least 18 in my opinion and them being underage made me feel really uncomfortable. At least in my head I imagined them older...

Anyway, I'm already reading the second book. I have to say I think I'm really going to like Zack.
Profile Image for Vicky Sp.
1,451 reviews114 followers
June 17, 2021
Recensione in Anteprima sulla mia pagina Bookstagram

⭐⭐⭐⭐, 5
Tristan era un edonista, un ragazzo molto giovane che aveva vissuto esperienze di un adulto, era convinto di essere un vero e proprio dio e il padrone della sua scuola. E cosa ancora più grave anche gli altri ragazzi pensavano la stessa cosa di se stessi.

Credevano di poter comprare tutto con il loro denaro perché erano abituati a dare un prezzo ad ogni cosa. Anche alle amicizie. Erano ricchi e privilegiati, provenienti da famiglie potenti che li lasciavano liberi di agire come meglio credevano, pur sapendo di soddisfare semplicemente dei capricci.

Tristan era il loro capobanda.
Fin dal primo giorno in cui Marnye aveva messo piede nella Burberry Prep aveva fatto l’impossibile per renderle la vita un inferno. E ci era riuscito. Zayd e Creed, i suoi amici più fidati e i più rispettati della scuola insieme a Tristan, si erano gustati ogni orribile atto sdegnoso compiuto ai suoi danni.

Appellativi oltraggiosi, termini volgari ed offensivi, veri e propri atti di bullismo fra i più deplorevoli, la povera Marnye era sottoposta ogni giorno alla loro cattiveria.

Lei desiderava semplicemente avere l’occasione di vivere una buona vita. E l’avrebbe ottenuta studiando in quella scuola, mantenendo degli ottimi voti e suonando nell’orchestra. Poteva farcela, ne era convinta.

«Sono ancora la più brava del campus, quanto a voti, e mi sto già preparando per le audizioni per l’orchestra. Se riesco a eccellere a modo mio, terrò la testa bassa e resisterò a qualsiasi cosa mi faranno gli Idoli».

Si sarebbe anche accontentata di “sopravvivere” in quell’ambiente ostile, dove nessuno sembrava gradire la sua presenza perché si trovava lì grazie ad una borsa di studio, dunque non era una ricca rampolla come tutti loro. “Un caso pietoso” l’aveva definita Tristan con supponenza.

E poi le avevano giocato un brutto tiro, un inganno magistrale rivelato solo alla fine dell’anno scolastico, al quale non aveva potuto far altro che soccombere.
Ma solo in un primo momento, perché poi il desiderio di rivalsa e di raggiungere i propri obiettivi avevano preso il sopravvento dentro di lei.

«Suppongo che non tornerai l’anno prossimo, vero Marnye? Questo posto non fa per te» le aveva detto Tristan con voce crudele.

Ma non si era lasciata intimorire.
Voleva diventare qualcuno nella vita e non avrebbe permesso a quei ragazzi di distruggerla. L’avevano presa in giro, ottenendo la sua fiducia li aveva lasciati avvicinare tutti e tre, ma poi l’avevano pugnalata alle spalle, tradendola su tutti i fronti.

Non avrebbe pianto.
Non avrebbe ceduto.
Non si sarebbe spezzata.
Non per loro!

Nessuno si aspettava che la povera ragazza, l’agnello sacrificale in mezzo a un branco di lupi, rialzasse la testa. Invece lei lo aveva fatto, con coraggio e determinazione si era opposta a quell' ultimatum.

«Ciò che non sanno è che i cuori più duri sono forgiati nel fuoco. Con la loro crudeltà, i loro scherzi e le loro risa, mi hanno forgiata, creando qualcosa di spettacolare».

E, sorprendendo persino se stessa, aveva accettato la loro sfida, l’ennesima scommessa in quel marasma di manipolazioni e inganni di cui ormai da tanti mesi era avvinta.

«A settembre, sarò la prima in fila per l’orientamento» aveva sentenziato, lasciando tutti gli studenti della Burberry Prep, e soprattutto il trio manipolatore del quale si era ingenuamente fidata fino a pochi istanti prima, a bocca aperta.

🖋️Questo primo volume della serie mi è piaciuto moltissimo. Il complotto segreto orchestrato ai danni di Marnye l’ho trovato di una cattiveria inaudita, ma astuto e ingegnoso. Mi ha lasciata basita soprattutto la malvagità di questo progetto studiato appositamente per annientarla, veri atti di bullismo e discriminazioni sociali.

⭐⭐⭐⭐, 5

*Ringrazio la CE per la copia ARC *
126 reviews
April 1, 2019

I teach and work with both middle and high schoolers. These CHILDREN do NOT act like them.

Why make a book based on 14 and 15 yr olds but have them act/think like college students? I believe the author just wanted to be edgy and it was a marketing strategy because almost everyone that said that read this say they imagined they were much older because the way they acted and for the book to be less creepy.

Because a book series geared for adults about how hot and sexy - and all the sexual things that happened in here is creepy, disturbing and disgusting.

It doesn't matter that students those ages had sex and stuff - having adults read about it is sorta pedo. And this isn't YA either.

I don't understand how she is supposedly smart. All the signs were there. The book screams Boys Over Flowers and follows all the clique tropes - very poor girl gets into rich school is perfect at everything and top of her class, rich students hate her and does pranks, the top students all in a club and has the poor girl come to events/play a card game, etc. There are scenes stolen from movies and I eye rolled at the "perfect hair flip" moments.

The book jumps around a lot - and sorta seems like there should have been a prequel to it about her middle school years. I don't understand how or why she forgave the 3 guys so easily with all the crap they did to her yet she can't forgive or talk to her mother. The whole 1st chair harp thing is unbelievable too. - even with the whole "my dad had to work a 2nd job to pay for lessons" when she complained about him being a constant drunk and it was hard for him to keep a job.

And how can she get over what the guys did to her by THANKSGIVING and started to fall for them.... Yet she had a hard time forgiving Zach (pre blow up at the end of book).

I think she's dumb. Plain and simple. You magically get into a rich school and forgive the bullies - only for it to bite you in the end.
Especially when she had bully problems all during middle school! How didn't she have any PSTD!?!? If she cut herself and was suicidal in MD she should be lapsing.

She is dumb because she kept foolishly going along with the guys like they were best friends.... When they were still mocking her and bullying her. But it's okay - they are rich and hot so I will let them drag me to places in the middle of the night, mistreat me etc. FFS.

Basically this book should be set in college not high school and the FMC was too cliche and dumb. She got herself into all those situations and didn't use the smarts (and experiences) she supposedly had.
Profile Image for Naike Ror.
Author 34 books590 followers
June 17, 2021
Sapete perchè ho letto questa storia? Perchè le copertine mi piacevano da morire.
Lo ammetto, spesso sono superficiale sulla scelta delle letture, quindi, la mia lettura era iniziata con aspettative zero e poi, booom; sono stata risucchiata da questa storia al punto che mi sono rifiutata di andare a dormire finchè non ho visto la fine del primo volume.
Premessa 1: la serie dei rampolli di Burberry Prep è costituita da 4 volumi (ne uscirà uno a settimana, non c'è da aspettare troppo) quindi alla domanda: è autoconclusivo? la risposta è no.
Premessa 2: questo libro è la quint'essenza del bully romance, quindi se non amate i protagonisti (in questo caso sono 3 maschili e 1 femminile) prepotenti, cattivi e arroganti, filate lontanissimo da questo libro.
Premessa 3: le etichette di questo libro sono high school, bully e reverse harem, quindi se non vi piacciono i triangoli, state alla larga da questo che dovrebbe trasformarsi in un pentagono.
Premesso ciò, questo primo volume (ambientato al primo anno di scuola superiore) mi è piaciuto tantissimo, devo ammettere che al posto della protagonista avrei reagito alla prima cattiveria, ma sapete cosa? Marnye Reed è la quinta essenza della resilienza: più i suoi aguzzini la provocano, la insultano e la umiliano e più lei si rialza più potente di prima, più decisa a non abbandonare la scuola, sempre più convinta che lasciare la Burberry prep e reagire sono le soluzioni più sbagliate.
Più loro la vogliono fuori, lei si terrà stretta quel banco con le unghie e con i denti.
Attendo con vera brama il secondo volume intitolato LA VENDETTA (ambientato durante il secondo anno) e prego tutte le sere che la bellezza di questo inizio non svanisca con il continuo della serie.
Assolutamente consigliato a chi ama i bully romance.
Profile Image for Emma.
585 reviews8 followers
March 29, 2019
These bullys do not know what they have unleashed

I love a good bully romance and one's I have read in the past are often a small amount of bullying, but as a reader you know they are doing it to fight their attraction or something along those lines. This book and a couple of others I have read this year have really stepped up on the bullying, some of it is brutal and as a reader your left with questions of why and how people could be this cruel. However the hero's of the stories aren't weak and keep getting back up and staring danger in the face over and over again and that's what I loved about this book. I cannot wait to see what marnye does to get her revenge and to see these guys on their knees begging for forgiveness and I hope she doesn't make it easy on them. I would of loved some male PIC but then I suppose that would give away the intentions and true feelings of the guys instead of going through the motions with the main character. I loved this book so much and the rest of the series cannot come quick enough, like most of cm stunichs books this is now another series I will be desperately and patiently be waiting for. I loved the author note before the book started and the cm stunich didn't why away from the brutality of patriarchy in a high school setting.
Profile Image for Ali .
663 reviews154 followers
April 9, 2019
Man, this was wonderfully awful. It's a tad Fallen Crest High but like a waaaayyyyy more fucked in the head version. It's ridiculous but that's not stopping me from being 100% invested in all these asshole teens.
Profile Image for Anusha.
101 reviews15 followers
May 20, 2019
This book gives a whole new meaning to the phrase 'Revenge is a dish best served cold'!! Let's dive straight in..

So, I have read only one book about bullying before this and was 'Be the girl' by K.A Tucker and that was pretty sober compared to this. I mean, this was down right cruel. I was initially confused and apprehensive about reading this book.. the author's note and prologue did nothing to ease the swarm of butterflies in my stomach. Throughout the entire book, I was just waiting, gripping the chair so hard my knuckles turned white, for all hell to break loose and then.....it did

You know how during horror movies, you continuously scream at the characters to not go into the cave, not go into the room, not to pick up the skull.. ya that was me for most part of the book. Though the prologue had given me a fair idea as to what to expect towards the end, I was appalled by the story building up to it. The 'idols' were complete assholes with a stick as sharp as their tongue shoved up their ass. They were beyond infuriating!! to make matters worse when they started acting like humans towards Marnye she fell for it face down. I don't think she even tried to resist the urge.. although, there was that persistent voice at the back of her head telling her to just run and never look back but did she listen??....no!!!!!

The 'idols' were like wolves. Deceptive, infuriating, attractive wolves. Circling their prey with a smirk plastered to their faces.... an uncanny vicious look swimming in their eyes. They make you feel like you matter, like the world revolves around you, showering you with jewellery and chocolates.. and the moment you let your guard down.. they go for the kill.

Marnye Elizabeth Reed. This character was a bit of a disappointment considering how hyped up she was. Her ghetto backstory, portrayed her as a character who does not put with random shit however, she was silent and stoic whenever the idols striked. A smart move, but not the one I was expecting from her. The way she melted like butter as each of the guys pampered her or came close to her was disappointing.

However.. the new vigour and anger which seeped through her towards the end was refreshing. It felt as though her head had been under the water till now and finally she has resurfaced. A sense of vengeance coursing through her veins promising to leave nothing and no one in her wake.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,564 reviews

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