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The Endearment

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From the streets of 19th-century Boston to the harsh frontier--she wove a web of deception to ensnare her man!

Lovely, fiery-tempered Anna Reardon was forced to lie to get out of the street urchin's life that shamed her ... to become Karl Lindstrom's mail-order bride in the beautiful, treacherous Minnesota wilderness.

Karl forgave Anna for her deceptions--but there was still one shameful, burning secret that she had to hide from him, knowing its revelation would destroy the love that had become her very life!

340 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published January 1, 1982

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About the author

LaVyrle Spencer

98 books1,474 followers
LaVyrle Spencer is an American best-selling author of contemporary and historical romance novels. She has successfully published a number of books, with several of them made into movies. Twelve of her books have been New York Times bestsellers, and Spencer was inducted into the Romance Writers of America Hall of Fame in 1988.

Spencer is known for creating realistic characters and stories that focus on families rather than only the relationship between a man and woman. These "ordinary" men and women are warm and vulnerable and are always portrayed sympathetically.[1] Her heroines tend to be a mix of fire and warmth, strength, savvy and soft–heartedness who must overcome some sort of adversity, such as pregnancy, divorce, a lengthy separation, the loss of a loved one, and then undergo a catharsis. The stories center on themes of abiding love, family ties and strength in difficult times.

In the 1980s and 1990s Spencer wrote 12 New York Times Bestsellers. Her books have been sold to book clubs worldwide, and have been published around the world. Condensed versions of many of her novels have appeared in Reader's Digest and Good Housekeeping.

She retired from writing in 1997.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 285 reviews
Profile Image for  Danielle The Book Huntress .
2,697 reviews6,442 followers
June 7, 2011
If I was to list the Grande Old Dames of Historical Romance, I'd definitely have LaVyrle Spencer on my list. It's a shame that she has retired from writing, but at least she leaves a legacy behind in her excellent books she has written.

The Endearment is one of her books I managed to overlook for some reason. Initially, I thought it was one of the many that I read growing up, and forgot the details about. But I'm pretty sure I haven't read this before. I will admit that I made a note to reread (or perhaps read for the first time) it when I saw that it was listed on the All About Romance Virgin Hero List, which is a theme I can't resist. Of course, I tend to obtain copies of books, and they languish in my tbr pile until I get the urge to read (or have the time to read). I pulled this one out of the pile and added it to my PRIMAVERA challenge, and that is why I have read this book and I am reviewing it now. After that lengthy segueway, I will actually write my thoughts on this book.

As far as frontier romance, you cannot go wrong here. In this book, Karl Lindstrom is an earnest, decent, hardworking Swede who has come to Minnesota to set up his own homestead. In the two years since he arrived, he has ached with loneliness (since he left his big family behind in Sweden and is unmarried), with only his goat Nanna and his team of Percheron horses, Bill and Belle, to keep him company (in the most innocent of ways, mind you). He decided to seek a mail order bride, and ends up corresponding with Anna Reardon, who tells him a never-ending stream of big fat ones that make her seem like the ideal bride candidate. He sends her money to come out to Minnesota from Boston to marry him and be his wife.

When Anna arrives, Karl is struck by her beauty, even if she is thin and much younger than she said (he wanted an older bride-twenty-five, and she's seventeen). It turns out she didn't come alone. She brought her thirteen-year-old brother James with her. Karl isn't very happy about that. He's worried about having another mouth to feed and not having time alone with his new bride. He agrees to marry her, but tells her ‘no more lies.’ Anna means it when she says she won’t lie to him, but there’s still a big whopper between them that she can’t put into words. He’ll find out the hard way. And until then, she can only hope for the best between them.

At first, Karl seems like the perfect hero. However, he’s rather rigid about his moral view of the world, and has trouble forgiving. My sympathies shifted as I read this story. At first, I was annoyed that Anna and her brother were pulling a whole bunch of fast ones on Karl. Then, I realized that the lies that Anna and James told were a matter of survival. Lying is wrong, but it’s a lot easier not to lie when you always have food on the table, have a loving family, and security in the world. Anna and James have never had any of those. And Anna’s chance at being Karl’s bride is the closest both of them will come.

That’s Ms. Spenser’s talent. To tell a story where there are many sides, and much growing for the characters to do. As I read this story, I hoped that Karl could get past the huge lie that Anna told, and understand why she did it. I wanted the burgeoning love between them to be enough to make their marriage bond unbreakable.

I loved the descriptions of the natural world, and the everyday life in the Minnesota wilderness. Karl was a tried and true woodsman, and a very skilled carpenter. There wasn’t a type of wood he didn’t know intimately. I learned about which wood makes the best type of furniture, what is suitable for building houses, or even making an axe handle. I loved his patience with greenhorns Anna and James. How he opened his house and his heart to them, and not without reservations or sacrifice. Even though Karl was a good man, he had his shares of flaws. That made him even the better as a hero, because he was accessible. And the joy was in seeing him come to realize that although Anna wasn’t quite the perfect wife he envisioned, she was the wife he treasured and loved, and she made his home truly a home. As for Anna, my heart went out to her and James for their troubled childhood, and for the sacrifice she made for her brother, that could have destroyed her future with Karl. She wanted to do the right thing, but always seemed to fall short. And it must have been tough being married to a ‘saint’ and failing to measure up to his perfect image of womanhood.

Karl and Anna have some first-married growing pains to get through, but love does conquer all, at least in the romantic world, which I am always happy about. With a little help along the way from sage friends like the priest who married them, and Kristen, the daughter of a Swedish family that establishes their homestead nearby. James is a great secondary character, an earnest young man who becomes like a son to Karl, and a loyal loving brother to his sister.

For me, The Endearment was a treasured reading experience. It warmed my heart, gave me a good story, and taught me a few lessons about forgiveness, understanding, and committing to what is important to you, even when it seems as though it isn’t exactly what you dreamed of. It can be even better in the end, because it’s real life, the best kind of dream come true.

Profile Image for Preeti ♥︎ Her Bookshelves.
1,376 reviews19 followers
April 19, 2023
One of those books where you start out disliking one mc while the other seems like a gullible fool. And then before long, your opinions and loyalties get reversed!
Profile Image for Kristen.
842 reviews4,984 followers
August 20, 2012
3 to 3 1/2 stars

At first this book didn't work for me but as I continued to ponder the story, I found it actually did. I spent much of this book with feelings of frustration and even anger at both the hero and heroine due to their choices and behaviors. I also felt there were times the connection between the two was lacking, and I never did become a full believer in their love story. In many ways, I feel the only reason they found their happily-ever-after is because romance books have to end happily.

I wasn't a fan of the hero, but he was authentic for his era and was an honorable and good man. He did, however, have a tendency toward self-righteousness. I felt the heroine was delightful, frustrating, endearing, and very spot on for her young age. That said, I would like to have seen more character growth and feelings of self-worth from this young heroine. I adored James, the heroine's younger brother. He made the book fun, heartwarming, and enjoyable.

One thing is for sure–Ms. Spenser had the ability to make me feel many different emotions while reading this book, and that makes her a fabulous storyteller.
Profile Image for Seon Ji (Dawn).
1,046 reviews253 followers
May 1, 2016

I was hesitant to read this one, based on some of the reviews I read but I am glad I did. This is my first read by this author, and I must say it was good.

The book starts out with me hating the heroine Anna. She is a mail order bride, who has lied about almost everything about herself in order to have the hero Karl pay her way to Minnesota to become his bride. He wanted an older woman, she's 17, a woman who can cook, she can't, a virgin, she isn't, and a woman who can read and write..she can't. And he doesn't know that she comes bringing her younger brother in tow.

I felt bad for poor disallusioned Karl when he finds most of these lies out in the first day of their meeting.


Anna grew on me as she did her best to prove her worth with brother James as they both worked very hard at the tasks ahead of them to build their new life.

Anna and Karl's relationship and friendship began to grow, and they truly became sweet together, until the last lie was figured out by Karl via a slip of the tongue by James.

Karl was a virgin so he didn't really take stock too much in that when Anna and he first made love that she didn't bleed or feel pain, plus it was out of doors and dark. Needless to say all changes when he realizes Anna was not a virgin and she confesses it to him when he approaches the subject with her.

A bunch of stuff happens, during their estangement. A new family moves in nearby, a Swedish family, (Karl is from Sweden), and their happy and perfect selves intimidate Anna a bit, making her feel inadequate. They all can cook, they all dress nice, they speak Karl's language and the women are more voluptious than skinny Anna.

Anna, came from Boston, an unwanted child of a prostitue and sister to James who most likely didn't share the same father as Anna. Their mother has died, and the two were forced to stuggle to survive by lying and stealing. Even when their mother was alive, they had to. Karl was their only chance to change their circumstances. Especially when they came to realize being honest wasn't getting them anywhere.

Anna and James didn't set out to hurt anyone, and fate had it where Anna becomes just as hurt if not more so then Karl during this story. FYI in the end he NEVER strayed, he remained faithful to Anna who he loved even through the finding out the worst of the lies about her, not being a virgin. BTW She only lost her virginity to pay James's way to Minnesota for Karl didn't know about him and only sent enough money for Anna.

I did find this to be an emotional read at times. I found myself hating Anna, then loving her, and pitying her. I also found myself loving Karl, then hating him, and at times pitying him.

In the end, he grovels a little, for not forgiving her. (She had already asked for his forgiveness although he said he didn't know if he could) And she forgave him for being so high and mighty.

There is a really sweet happily ever after including sweeting loving and ILY's.

I took a star away because I got a little bored with all the descriptive details of building a cabin, cooking, making bread, candles, gardening..etc... it was tedious at times.

The writing is very good otherwise. No loose ends, and no editing issues I could see.

Profile Image for Jane Stewart.
2,462 reviews924 followers
September 28, 2012
Weak 3 stars. Downer. Too sad. I cried too much. I prefer more uplifting stories.

The best part was seeing what life was like in rural Minnesota in 1854 - living alone in the wilderness with Indians for neighbors. Karl immigrated from Sweden. He talked of foods growing in the wild. He talked about different types of trees and how each type of wood was good for different things. We see him building a cabin and caring for his workhorses. He is a good man, strong, competent, patient, giving. But when he learned of something in Anna’s past he would not forgive or forget. It felt like most of the book was this fight with Karl being self righteous, cold, remote, withdrawn, and angry at Anna.

Poor Anna, her mother was a prostitute who died. She and her brother James raised themselves as best they could. She traveled from Boston to Minnesota as a mail order bride- the trip paid for by Karl. She can’t read. Her brother wrote the letters for her. She has no skills. Everything she attempts, she messes up. Worst of all she lied to Karl in her correspondence. She quickly falls in love with Karl, but he won’t have anything to do with her. During his rejection she continues to try to please him, but messes up most of the time. She is in pain for most of the book.

A secondary story was Anna’s thirteen-year-old brother James. His experience and relationship with Karl was the opposite of Anna’s. James listened well, learned quickly, and was competent at every new thing he did. He had a wonderful attitude. I enjoyed everything about James. But he also was sad and hurt for much of the book because of Anna’s situation.

Technically there was a happy ending, but it did not feel good. I didn’t see any understanding or change causing Karl to forgive. It felt like the author had him forgive in order to end the book. I was still hurting afterwards.

Narrative mode: 3rd person. Swearing language: mild. Sexual language: none. Number of sex scenes: two. Setting 1854 rural Minnesota. Copyright: 1982. Genre: american historical romance, historical western romance.
Profile Image for Euge_.
401 reviews27 followers
February 21, 2013
4.5 stars.
I’m convinced that LaVyrle Spencer can’t write a book that I don’t like.

"I, Karl, take thee, Anna ..." My little whiskey-haired Anna ...
"for my lawful wedded wife ..." How I have waited for you ...
"to have and to hold ..." Not yet have I even held you, Anna ...
"from this day forward ..." Forward to this night, and tomorrow and tomorrow ...
"For better, for worse ..." In spite of everything, I know I could do far worse ...
"for richer, for poorer ..." Ah, how rich we can be, Anna, rich with life ...
"in sickness and in health ..." And I will see this thin hand grow strong ...
"till death do us part." These things I promise with my life--these things and the promise of patience, as Father, my friend, said.

"I, Anna, take thee, Karl ..." Forgive me, Karl, for tricking you…
"for my lawful wedded husband ..." But James and I didn't know what else to do ...
"from this day forward ..." Never again will we be homeless ...
"for better, for worse ..." I promise I will never, never tell another lie ...
"for richer, for poorer ..." Riches we do not need. A home will be enough ...
"in sickness and in health ..." I'll learn all I said I knew ...
"till death do us part." I'll make up for everything, Karl, somehow I promise I'll make up for everything.

Truly a great book about forgiveness and acceptance.
One of my favorites.

"I do not know what you are. I only know what you are not. You are not Swedish, and so you must not put these awful braids in that Irish hair of yours ever again. I tried to get them out, but I have only made them worse."
Then seeing her concern, soothed it. "No, not now, Anna. You are a tempting little mess, so just leave it. And you are not fat and you are not the best cook and you are not the best gardener, but I do not care, Anna. I want you just as you are."

When I want to read a good love story or just a good book? LaVyrle Spencer’s books are the way to go. The Endearment is no exception.

Profile Image for Mariana.
718 reviews81 followers
November 30, 2018
4.5 stars

Second book to read by the author. Enjoyed this one more.

To me, this is a book not only about forgiveness but also about commitment to marriage. Two people who had not met and in many ways were wrong for each other arranged a marriage sight unseen. Regardless of another mate more suited, they choose each other.
Profile Image for Katrina Passick Lumsden.
1,782 reviews12.9k followers
December 14, 2013
This book would have garnered a higher rating from me had I been able to like the heroine, Anna, even a little bit. I couldn't. And that upset me because, honestly, I got where she was coming from with her desperation, but I just couldn't bring myself to like anything about her. And Karl deserved so much more than she was able to give...even at the end!

This isn't to say it's a bad book. It isn't. It's quite good. The characters are unbelievably well-written, the pacing is good, the plot is engaging, and the atmosphere is spectacular. LaVyrle Spencer is obviously an adept hand at research because there are so many little historically accurate tidbits. I learned a lot, but Spencer was able to teach me things I'd never known before without putting me to sleep. Her dialogue is excellent, and the prose has excellent flow. If you like sweet historical romances, I'm not sure you can really go wrong with any of Lavyrle Spencer's books; she seems quite masterful at creating compelling stories with real characters. The only reason this book gets less than four stars from me is just my own biased dislike of Anna. I recommend reading it simply because it's excellent in an historical context, but I don't recommend it if you've never read anything from Spencer before. If you're just starting with her work, try Morning Glory instead. It's one of my favorites.
Profile Image for Penny Watson.
Author 12 books510 followers
October 6, 2010
The Endearment by LaVyrle Spencer.

Oh mama, what a great read! I have a sneaking suspicion I am going to be working my way through all of Spencer's books soon. (I started with Morning Glory, which is another highly recommended winner).

The Endearment is a 19th century frontier historical romance. It's about a hunky Swede who places an ad for a mail-order bride from Boston. Of course, neither the hero nor the heroine gets what they're expecting....the Swede is a gorgeous, lonely giant of man who intimidates the heroine because he is so perfect and competent living in the wilds of Minnesota. The heroine is just a young girl, with her younger brother in tow, who has escaped a life of poverty and neglect and is searching for a miracle. The details about frontier life are absolutely fascinating, the budding relationship between Karl and the younger brother is touching, and the chemistry that grows between the skinny young girl and the strapping pioneer is wonderful, emotionally satisfying, and incredibly sweet. My only beef was that Karl's anger at Anna lasted a bit too long, but their reconciliation was the best. LaVyrle Spencer is a master storyteller, which is somewhat of a lost art in romantic fiction.

This book was close to perfection, and I can't wait to read it again!

Grade: A
Profile Image for Suzy Vero.
332 reviews9 followers
February 2, 2024
The Endearment by LaVyrle Spencer (1982), her second book and first RITA award for best HR of the year. Another enthralling book, and again I read this Spencer twice. Loved it immensely!

🌾Mail order bride & 1854. Anna thru her correspondence with Karl Reardon, a Swedish immigrant, lies to him so he will send her passage money. She’s destitute and desperate, and travels from Boston to his remote northern Minnesota farm.

🌾 One lie is immediately apparent.., she never told Karl about her 13 year old brother, James who is with her. And, Karl was expecting her to be 25 years old and she’s only 17.

🌾 Initially there are many more lies.. she can’t cook, knows nothing about farm work, can’t read or write etc. However, she didn’t lie about her looks.., Irish with auburn hair and freckles.

🌾 For Karl, a kind man leading a solitary life, everything is clearly defined as black and white.., he’s deeply angry and Anna is completely at his mercy. She promises him that there are no more lies. But there is one she doesn’t tell him, that’s not readily apparent.. one that’s the least forgivable.

🌲🌲 Amazingly there are few characters and the setting is almost all at the farm. Spencer’s exquisite poetic language makes it all work in this deeply emotional story.
Profile Image for Leona.
1,749 reviews18 followers
June 5, 2012
I actually tried but couldn't finish this book...which is unbelievable since I love LaVyrle Spencer and have devoured almost every book she has every written. But for me, I struggled with two things

1) There was way too much time spent on details that weren't really necessary to the story. Consequently I felt there were places that just stalled and I lost interest.

2) I couldn't get past Ann's complacency with lying and that Karl just seemed to be a bit too condescending.

I will probably try again with this book....at a later date.
Profile Image for Claudia.
Author 60 books258 followers
March 25, 2017
Es una novela preciosa, LaVyrle Spencer se ha convertido en una de mis autoras favoritas; su estilo es maravilloso, tan honesto y sentimental. Karl es uno de esos personajes masculinos que dejan huella, me ha encantado conocer su historia y la de Anna, y James, que me pareció también adorable. Necesito más libros de la señora Spencer en mi vida.
Profile Image for Kate.
70 reviews40 followers
February 10, 2014
I'm going to take the minority opinion here: I hated the hero. And I even have a certain affinity for lumberjacks. He was so self-righteous, stubborn, and judgmental.

The story was well written and I liked the heroine, the brother, the setting and pretty much everything but the hero ,Karl.
Profile Image for Sera.
363 reviews99 followers
July 20, 2024
The Endearment- LaVyrle Spencer- 5 stars
Re-read (buddy read) May 2021
We meet 17 year old Anna and her younger brother James who is 14 in Boston and together they answer an ad for a mail order bride in Minnesota. Anna is illiterate which made me feel so sad for her, while trying to take care of her younger brother. They are basically destitute after their mother’s death in Boston, and have grown up in unsavory conditions.
Meanwhile Karl Lindstrom has put the ad out for a bride and has been corresponding with who he thinks is a 25 year old woman, with lots of household experience. So when Anna shows up he knows immediately she is not who she has said she is. And then enter James the little brother who came along without mentioning that in their letters. Karl is very upset with the situation and questions even going forward with the marriage. But Karl has come from Sweden and has worked his land and built a small cabin, and planted crops, and prepared his life for a wife and children. He is very a traditional man.
So of course they do marry and we know Anna has her secrets and things move slowly but eventually they come to start caring for each other and for Karl, James as a son to him. Someone he can teach all the things his father taught him. And then they meet a nearby Swedish couple and their 5 children and Karl is so happy to have those feelings of home. They all come to be friends and get along together but Anna becomes jealous of the oldest daughter, who she thinks would have been the perfect wife for Karl.
In the end Karl and Anna have to really talk to each other, no secrets and let go of resentment. Which is where Chapter 21 becomes my favorite! Anna has set up their newly built house and made new curtains and a dress and all the touches of home. And Karl recognizes this, and realizes all she has done, she has done to please him and be the perfect wife he dreams of. He shares all of his feelings with her, and Anna understands he accepts and loves her as she is. Her past is what she did to survive and he will not hold any of it against her anymore. It was the most perfect ending to me. This book just as the first time I read it in 2016 still holds up its place in my heart and 5 stars from me which does not come lightly. LaVyrle Spencer will forever be a favorite author for me. She just has this unique way of telling a story with the perfect balance and romance. You can always expect to get a great romance!
Profile Image for Gigi.
68 reviews
August 28, 2010
LaVyrle...LaVyrle...LaVyrle! LaVyrle always IMO manages to write a romance that pulls you in and pulls at your heart strings. This is my second LaVyrle Spencer book and it will definitely NOT be my last. I needed a good book and she delivered. She is quickly becoming a fav of mine, along with Judith McNaught for HR books.

Anyway, gushing aside. Karl is a lonely Swedish man in a new country trying to build a life for himself. No woman in sight for years...yes, years. Well, what is a lonely man to do...well...get a mail order bride. Enter Anna. Anna's had a hard life. She hears about Karl's ad and a few lies later, shes off to meet Karl to start their new life together. So, the moral of the story centers around love and forgiveness. Oddly enough, I found myself at times both feeling empathetic and/or annoyed with both Karl and Anna. I'll admit I found myself screaming at the book, "will you do the do (my own euphemism for sex lol) already....geeshhh!" However, despite my heathen ways Karl and Anna's love story was a touching one and worth the read.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Dagmar.
277 reviews42 followers
November 4, 2023
Epic historical romance set in rural Minnesota. This is one of those unforgettable stories. It's not just a romance, but a story about survival and forgiveness. The Hero, Karl has immigrated from Sweden, so there are a lot of customs and traditions from Sweden that are evident in the story. What really stood out for me was how solid, capable, kind, knowledgeable and wise the Hero is and he becomes a father figure to the heroine's brother. This is something rarely seen or explored in HR. I heard this book is special, and I agree. As always, Spencer's writing is smooth, poetic and palpable, highlighting a reverence for the natural world I've never read in HR before and extensive historical detail of this time in frontier 🇺🇸...The love story is relatable, intriguing, and memorable. A gem.
Profile Image for Hilcia.
1,271 reviews23 followers
May 23, 2010
The Endearment by LaVyrle Spencer is a historical romance set in Minnesota in 1854. This is a tale of pioneers living in the Minnesota wilds, a mail-order bride, her thirteen year-old brother and a Swedish immigrant -- an absolutely gorgeous tale. The details pertaining to pioneer life are just wonderful -- the description of the area, the loneliness, the heart and grit that it took to settle the land, all of it is there.

The characters are portrayed as people of their time. Karl Lindstrom is a twenty-five year-old Swedish settler who achieved his dream and his heart's desire in the land, but who needs Anna to make it complete. In Karl, Spencer creates a wonderful male protagonist who is knowledgeable when it comes to his beloved woods and survival, but clueless when it comes to women.

Karl's loneliness, strength, patience, need for love and sweetness pulled my heartstrings, as did his pride in all he had accomplished. His strong beliefs and intransigence were both frustrating and believable. My heart was broken for him, by him and he also restored it a few times during the course of the story.

Anna Reardon is no less of a character. She is a seventeen year-old girl/woman who takes an amazing risk to save herself and her brother from an unthinkable life. She becomes Karl's mail-order bride by answering his ad and telling him a slew of lies. Most of her lies come to light before Karl and Anna marry and even though he forgives her and she swears to never lie again, there's one secret she keeps to herself, one that will have deep repercussions and will threaten their budding relationship.

Spencer portrays Anna as both a young woman, who is experienced in some ways but immature in others, a flawed character that grows with the story. An Irish girl with a temper and grit, Anna is also irresponsible, fun and playful, hates housework and bathing. She also loves fiercely and is willing to work the woods with Karl from dusk till dawn. Anna is full of insecurities and needs everything Karl has to give, not only his love, but also his forgiveness and understanding.

Spencer completes this story by including James, Anna's brother, a young boy who flourishes in the Minnesota wilds under Karl's tutelage. Lavyrle Spencer uses James and Karl's growing relationship to relate the small details of pioneer life in the Minnesota wilds that set the tone and atmosphere for the story. The richness of those details made this book an absolute treat for me.

The Endearment is not full of sexual scenes, yet there's passion, sexual tension, loving, laughter, friendship, and warmth aplenty. I can tell you that I didn't want this book to end. The story of Anna and Karl touched me and for a while Lavyrle Spencer transported me to that little clearing in the Minnesota wilds and I didn't want to come back. I loved this book.
Profile Image for Stella.
162 reviews15 followers
January 4, 2012
This is the third book I read by LaVyrle, the first one being The Gamble and the second one Years. This author is the one who initiated me to the Romance genre and, believe me, I've yet to find someone as good as her.

The Endearment features a virgin (gasp) hero named Karl, a Swede in the American frontier who is waiting for his mail order bride to arrive. What he doesn't know is said woman is actually a 17 year-old girl who comes with her 13 year-old brother and a bunch of other lies as a package, many that don't come out until after Karl and Anna are already married. Will they learn to love each other?

What follows is a story that revolves around love and forgiveness, as other reviewers have put it better than me. Usually, romance novels end when the hero and the heroine get married, yet in this book it starts right off with their wedding. At first I doubted if LaVyrle could pull off the romance, but, oh boy, was I wrong. I was a fool to doubt her. She pulled it out with flying colours. Karl's and Anna's personalities are a perfect match for each other. I loved how innocent the first was at times and how cynic and sarcastic our Anna could be. I also liked how they helped each other grow up emotionally; Karl learned to forgive, Anna to be forgiven and to love herself more. Because if there's something this girl is lacking, it's self-esteem.

James was also great. He was this little man who loved her sister and his brother-in-law too much to put it in words. The relationships he has with each one are also believable and well-developed. Anyways, he's the only major secondary character, because the rest are very minor: the Natives and the Johanson, another Swedish family that moves to the frontier. As always, they are as lovable as the main family, whom they don't doubt to help in times of need.

In short, another great romance novel by LaVyrle Spencer. I've yet to find a writer in this genre who creates characters and stories so, so dear to the reader.
Profile Image for Lori ♡ (Recovering DNF Addict).
1,048 reviews2 followers
June 12, 2017
Another very well-written book by LaVryle Spencer and I can see why so many people have given it a 5-star rating.

But for me, it was a bit too much on the details of the everyday life of a lumberjack in the 1850's Minnesota wilderness. I found myself starting to skim past all of the lengthy descriptions of all the different tools used on all of the many, many different types of wood to make a log house. Seriously, way too many details on their daily routine chores... so I kept skimming to find the next section of dialogue, etc. I know a lot of other readers enjoyed this part though, but for me it got a bit tedious.

A lot of readers thought that the hero was too self-righteous, unforgiving, etc. I totally get why the heroine felt the need to have lied for her survival, but at the same time, I am trying to put myself in the hero's shoes and I would have been upset about being lied to by my future spouse. Would you want to start a marriage with a complete stranger that has already been caught in several lies (whether there was a good reason for them or not?). My first instinct would be NO. There should be a good amount of trust, and obviously Karl wasn't feeling it, and I didn't blame him.

Lucky for Anna, he agreed to give their marriage a chance, but I felt that she was not appreciative at all of this good life he was offering her. Maybe it was her young age of 17, and that's why she came off as immature in her reactions and in her lack of appreciation for the stable, happy homelife she was now living. Her brother, James, on the other hand was a joy and soaked up everything about his new life with such joyful energy.

Man, the last few books I have read have had lousy heroines... Let's hope the next book is better! #fingerscrossed.
Profile Image for Jessica B.
495 reviews56 followers
April 19, 2011
I had the urge to re-read this particular novel after I finished another historical about mail order brides. I forgot how much I absolutely loved this book!

Anna and her brother James come to Minnesota after they read Karl's ad in the newspaper. He has no idea that Anna is only seventeen and bringing along her kid brother. He is angry at first but soon decides all the company will be a good thing.

They settle in nicely and seem to be doing well until one of Anna's biggest secrets is revealed leaving a huge gap in her and Karl's relationship. They seem to fight and bicker all the time and Anna tries her hardest to please Karl but seems to always let him down.

Another Swedish family comes to Minnesota and has daughters close to Karl's age. Anna is instantly jealous and hurt by this fact. But Karl soon realizes his mistake and must do anything he can to have is whiskey haired Anna back.

It really was an awesome story. One that found me choking up a few times. The mail order bride theme seems to be one of my favourites.
Profile Image for Ridley.
359 reviews345 followers
July 1, 2011
It's more of a 4.5 than a 4. I loved both the characters and was impressed at the journeys Spencer set them on. Lying, selfish, impulsive Anna Reardon grows one way while patient, hard-working, honest Karl Lindstrom grows yet another. Their paths mirrored each other as we got to see the many surprising layers of Karl and Anna.

It flirted with a five-star rating. It's a character-focused and character-driven story, which I just adore, but it still had its moments of too transparent plot machinations that popped the magic bubble and reminded me I was reading a book.
Profile Image for Jenny E.
391 reviews45 followers
July 19, 2011
I really like slow-building romances, but this was a little boring in spots where it got too technical and descriptive in exactly what they had to do to live in the time period. I loved the characters though! It was an okay read. It would have gotten another star had there been an epilogue. I'm a sucker for a good epilogue! I wanted more from the characters at the end, even though everything was resolved.
Profile Image for Carolyn F..
3,493 reviews51 followers
August 16, 2016
I thought I would like this book from the blurb, but not really. The hero was way too judgmental and really knew how to hold on to a perceived slight like nobody's business. The heroine was just young and a little naive even with the life she came from. Bit of a struggle to finish to book. 2-1/2 stars.
Profile Image for Min.
903 reviews9 followers
May 9, 2024
Alright, I did not expect to have liked this as much as I did. The first half of the story was relatively slow-going and felt too "easy". The two quickly fall in love and spend their days frolicking. Things only got more interesting in the second half - there's a sprinkling of angst, miscommunication, hurt and comfort. And a GROVEL. It was quite good (I'd give him a 7 out of 10).

So, I've some thoughts about the hero, Karl.

I disagree with most of the reviews - many had bones to pick with Karl for being "self-righteous", "moralistic", "unforgiving". Ma'am, if you were a poor farmer who moved across the Atlantic to carve out a life for yourself with your TWO BARE HANDS, I'd say you deserve to have standards. Of course it's a crime to want a wife who's a virgin. You must have only two brain cells to think that he should not want anything for himself.

Far from being a prig, Karl forgives. And forgives. And forgives every single one of Anna's lies. She has good reason to protect herself and her younger brother. I was initially frustrated with her refusal to come clean even though she had plenty opportunity to. However, when it became clear what the stakes were for her survival, my heart could not help but break for her. I'm totally with her on this one.

At the same time, I could not help but feel terrible for Karl. He had waited for his bride for a long time (all the work he put into the house was SO cute my heart broke when Anna was ungrateful). After he worked through some of Anna's lies with her, he was patient and loving. It was all very sweet. However, when her biggest secret and shame was revealed (), he drew away from Anna when she needed him the most. That said, I could not help but feel torn up about it. Though he was as stubborn as a mule, I could empathise with him.

The characters here are flawed and sometimes frustrating. But their flaws fit well with their backgrounds and the bigger story. They grow and learn together and come out stronger. A bumpy road to a happy ending makes for a more satisfying one in my opinion.
Profile Image for Stephany Busto.
208 reviews15 followers
August 8, 2020
Leer a LaVyrle es suspirar, reír, sufrir y enamorarte completamente de su historia, anhelar un amor como el que nos plantea y VIVIR cada momento del pasar de las páginas con una sensación de bienestar y querer seguir y seguir hasta terminar.

Para mi ella es la reina del romance y con cada libro que leo de ella me lo confirma.

Tenemos un romance que nace de la nada por circunstancias que juntan dos almas, en un lugar tan apartado como maravilloso, ambos deben aprender a convivir, aceptarse, trabajar en equipo pero sobre todo a algo tan sencillo y a la vez tan difícil como perdonar.

Un ambiente maravilloso y aterrador al mismo tiempo, con personajes que se cuelan en tu corazón con derecho suficiente para tener su lugar sin variación.

Gracias LaVyrle por recordarnos a estos corazones románticos lo maravilloso que es amar. . ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐/5.
Profile Image for Diane Peterson.
1,096 reviews87 followers
January 14, 2018
Just a lovely story. LaVryle Spencer sure could write! This is a sweet, lightly sensual story of an immigrant Swedish farmer and his mail-order bride from the wrong side of the tracks. In the tradition of earlier books there is not a complicated plot or a lot of action. Here we have the story of two people getting to know and adjust to each other during the first months of their life together. There is a great deal of information about the hard life of early settlers in Minnesota. The readers wants so much for these two to work things out. It is often heart-wrenching and I sobbed through a lot of it. Excellent book.
Profile Image for Pooja Peravali.
Author 2 books107 followers
July 21, 2024
Karl Lindstrom writes for a mail order bride to come join him on his farm in Minnesota, but when Anna Reardon arrives it's with plenty of secrets to hide.

The writing is lovely, the characters well-sketched out, and the conflict is believable and understandable, if dated. On the other hand, the bone of contention being Anna's lack of virginity does make it harder to sympathize with the unbending Karl, especially considering how he never seems to truly acknowledge the desperate straits she'd been in for things to end up that way. There should have been more apologizing.

Also, the way Spencer writes of the roaring success Karl's making of his homesteading is a little over the top, and I did not need to learn so much about all the little homesteading tasks I feel. I've already read all the Little House books!
Profile Image for Mahayana Dugast.
Author 5 books265 followers
January 12, 2024
A beautiful story, and a nice, long foreplay; a breath of fresh air in a porn-fueled world.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 285 reviews

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