An unofficial blog that watches Google's attempts to move your operating system online since 2005. Not affiliated with Google.

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December 29, 2006

View Image Search Results in a Slideshow

This site shows image search results from Google, Yahoo and Windows Live in a slideshow. It scales the images to fit the window, lets you pause it and if you click on an image, you'll get to the original page that contained the image or a link to the image.

Type the name of a painter, a beautiful place or object and enjoy.


  1. link does not work

  2. link still doesn't work

  3. link still doesn't work :(

  4. If the link mentioned above does not work, check out this website, that shows search results from Google Images in a slideshow:

    Works quite well!

  5. Nice article about latest updates keep blooging more on google updates ...
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