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March 27, 2009

More Search Options in an Experimental Google Video Interface

Google tests a new "tool belt" format that exposes some advanced options and lets you refine the search results without visiting a special page. The format has been tested for web search, image search and now Google Video.

The experimental interface for Google Video includes a link to "search options" which displays a sidebar that lets you restrict the results to a certain video site, choose a date range, the duration of the videos and if they are embeddable. Most of the options are currently available in drop-downs below the search box and in the advanced search, but the new interface makes them more visible and encourages their use.

What I don't like is that Google devotes less space to the videos, it's more difficult to scan the results and the player's position changes when you scroll down.

To try the new interface, go to Google Video and paste in the address bar the following JavaScript code:

{ Thanks, Shaz. }


  1. JavaScript code doesnt work for me!

  2. you have to be at and not country specific google.

  3. I thought Google Video had been shit canned along with NoteBook and Jaiku.

  4. Hey com n see this

  5. I don't like how they say, "1 year ago" for example. It doesn't really tell us the exact date and I get confused when it was made. Why did they do this? They really don't have a reason to be this unspecific about the date and I wonder why they decided to downgrade it to this quality, I mean it used to say, "Nov 14, 2006" and I liked how it gave it right there.

    Just one word, Why?

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