An unofficial blog that watches Google's attempts to move your operating system online since 2005. Not affiliated with Google.

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April 15, 2009

Google Is Like...

A snapshot of what Twitter users think about Google (in 140 characters or less).

mishxx: Using Google is like ctrl+f'ing the world.

Psqrd: Google is like the internet dial tone. It is always there.

mcpont: Google is like the Disney of the internet!

justjody: Surfing the Internet without Google is like driving without a steering wheel.

Ideaity: Ranking in Google is like playing a game designed by a 3 year old -- the rules keep changing and rarely make sense.

granholm: Quote: "Google is like Coca-Cola. Only two people know how it's made, and they're not telling".

JodaThongnopnua: Google is like Virgil from the divine comedy, [it] leads you to some strange places.

catlionv: "Google is like the Roman Empire that continues to expand its territory into every market and niche."

csuspect: "Google is like a public toilet, they're always there when you need them" - Danny Sullivan

marymetcalf: colleague says: Google is like santa 2.0

hitzarekin: Google is like walking on a giant's shoulders.

{ Post inspired by CSS is like... }


  1. Virgil? Divine Comedy? Strange indeed.

  2. Google is like Britney Spears - you want to hate it but its just too damn sexy.

  3. Google is like Viagra. You don't want to rely on it, but when you can't get it up you always resort to it.

  4. Google is like my wife.
    "Honey,Where is my pants?"

  5. The nice thing about the Internet generally, and Wikipedia and Google in particular is how they promote serendipity. I look for one thing, notice something interesting, follow that, find something else, etc.
    If I live long enough, I'll eventually know everything about whatever interests me...

  6. Google is like the Wizard of OZ, a man is behind it. ---

  7. Google is like father of search !!!

  8. Google is SkyNet and soon it will go live and launch against us all!

  9. Google is like the microsoft of computers

  10. Google is like a box of chocolates; lots to choose from, surprised at what you get sometimes, but puts a smile on your face!!

  11. Haha...I enjoy reading this post and comments.Google is leader of internet.

  12. Google may be here when you need it, public toilets definitely are NOT. Not in my country anyway.

  13. Google is like a blank canvas that only the most artistic of nerds get to paint on and the whole world gets to see.

  14. Well GOS ,
    You have done a great job for google.
    As I know google is very generous and devoted to socail service and just uplifts the thing which are doing social service or doing good to society or offerring something to society,

  15. I wanted some guidence from you if possible.
    Please let me know in detail about google's latest privacy policy settings.I am not able to understand it.

    hoping for your prompt response,

    you can contact me on [email protected]

  16. Google is like .......... yeah baby, YEAH!

  17. Google is like sea of information which has made by each human giving a cup of knowledge


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