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August 27, 2010

Google Tests Centered Layout

Some users report that Google started to test a centered layout for search results pages. It looks almost like Yahoo Search, except that the navigation bar isn't properly aligned.

The experiment could be related to the "live search" interface that adjusts the results as you type a query. Google's search results could become an extension of the homepage, which already has a centered layout.

{ thanks, Robert and James. }


  1. I have tried it on my own (Edited the css: #cnt { margin:0 auto; } ) and liked it.

  2. Centered layout is much better than current one.

  3. I don't understand... i thought they had already a centered layout. What is different now?

  4. OOOOOOOH!! Now I understand! you mean ALIGN to the center!!

    it makes sense ;)

  5. Great with my screen :) !!

  6. You can give yourself a permanent centered layout for Google search results pages in Google Chrome with the Personalized Web Extension:

    Create the following rule in PWE's options:

    Match URLs: ^https?://.*|\.[a-z]{2})/search
    Add CSS: #cnt { margin:0 auto; }

  7. I used Google calender all the time, its good. The only thing I wish is that it could sync with outlook for the people that don't used Google calender yet.

  8. This just started showing up on my searches today. How do I turn it off?

  9. I don't really like the centered layout. I much prefer the old one. Today it automatically switched over for me.

    Is there any way to go back to the old Google layout? I'm using the latest version of Firefox.

  10. Doh! The centered layout is obviously not available with the design :(

    Is there any way to go back to the old Google layout? I'm using the latest version of Firefox.

    I think you may ask for a greasemonkey script.
    Like I will do.

  11. I absolutely HATE it!!! I don't know where to look. It goes against everything we were taught in design school.

  12. I absolutely abhor the centered layout. Makes it more difficult to read. Absolute big, fat YUCK!!

  13. I ABHOR the centered layout in Google search results. It goes against everything we were taught in SCHOOL, never mind design school (although that too).

  14. How to GET RID of this Google centered layout.
    I don't like it at all. It looks like a commercial site, I prefer the left-side layout. Why are they imposing us the layouts? At least, we should have the chance to choose by ourselves.

  15. The new centered layout is absolutely horrible.

    Are you guys trying to facebook Google by implementing crappy design ideas that people don't like without an option to turn them off?

  16. Positioning the results as a block in the centre is fine, but it should be kept left justified:

    Reading things like
    this is not very productive,
    especially when
    trying to make sense of a large
    number of results

  17. My first thought was "How do I turn this off!!!". After using it awhile, I hate it even more. Google, please end this failed experiment as soon as possible.

  18. I really don't like the centered alignment. Please revert to the previous results display.

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