One-on-One Services

The GPSRC offers a number of individualized services. 

One-on-One Services

Graduate Preparation Advising

Graduate Division staff hold weekly 20 minute appointments to address undergraduate questions about graduate school. This support includes exploring graduate school options, navigating the application process, understanding funding options, and building research experience. During Winter quarter this service is available by appointment.

Schedule your appointment here.

Career Advising Drop-in

The GPSRC brings the Career Center to you. Meet with a Graduate Career Counselor who provides career advising for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars to review job application materials (CV, cover letter, resume, etc.), discuss career planning strategies, interview preparation, and more. Career advising meetings are on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Schedule appointments online through Handshake:

  • From your Handshake homepage, select Career Center from the menu across the top of the page and then Appointments, then click on Schedule a New Appointment
  • Appointments are updated weekly for the following 1-2 weeks

Click here for additional Career Center resources.

Fellowship Application Advising with Dr. Kayleigh Anderson-Natale

If you are applying for fellowship funding, including the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program (NSF GRFP), Fulbright U.S. Student Program or Ford Foundation Fellowships, Dr. Kayleigh Anderson-Natale can answer your questions about the application process and provide feedback on your application materials. 

Fellowship and Professional Development Advising Meetings can be made using one of the following links:

Virtual Advising:

In-Person Advising at the GPSRC:

Writing Support

The Center for Excellence in Writing & Communication (the Writing Center) provides grad student writing support. They offer one-on-one tutorials, writing groups, and boot camps. One-on-one appointments can be made through WC Online, Information about workshops, working groups, and boot camps can be found on their Events page: