Protecting Participants is Key to Trust ...

By Debrah Harding, The Market Research Society (MRS) At a time when the sector is struggling against a tide of fake data, fraudulent participants and bot technologies, which are affecting research data quality and integrity,...

Higher Trust = Lower Friction ...

By David Rothstein, RTi Research Trust is not a new concept.  Trust is, always has been, and always will be vital to any transaction in any industry.  Without trust, business simply cannot be done. As Stephen...

Trust in market research – a German perspective ...

By DR. Otto Hellwig, BILENDI The 2022 version of the "Global Trust Survey" has been recognised in the German research community. The tenor was ambivalent. On the one hand, Germany ranks fourth internationally in terms...

Growing Trust More Critical than Ever in Face of AI/Data Protection Concerns ...

By John Tabone, Canadian Research Insights Council As an industry, we have long recognized that gaining the trust of participants is critical to the work that we do.  We rely on the honest opinions of...


By Neil Cantle, Rakuten Insight For a reputable panel company, gaining and maintaining trust from all stakeholders, clients and panel members, is and has always been critical. In 2024, the presence of AI continues to...

The Relevance of Trust ...

By Angus Hunter, The Research Society Trust is the cornerstone of market and social research.  Trust is both a foundational principle and a critical operational element that influences the reliability and validity of data gathered....

LOI and how it impacts Data Quality ...

By Greg Matheson, Quest Mindshare One of the metrics applied to the global trust survey centers on LOI. The findings here are not a surprise and have been consistent over time.  In Canada, approximately half...

Building trust in AI with the human touch ...

By Kendall Knight, Opinium ‘If’ and ‘when’ to ‘what’ ‘If’ or ‘when’ are no longer the questions being asked about AI’s implementation in market research. AI is here and increasingly present in the day-to-day practices used...

Will Trust Always Matter to the Insights Industry? ...

By GEOFF LOWE, RANZ Trust in how others use our personal data will almost certainly become an even bigger issue as the use of data held about us becomes more prevalent. To the extent that...

Navigating the AI Surge: Elevating Quality in Market Research ...

By Amanda Keller-Grill, InnovateMR At the forefront of the dynamic market research industry, innovation isn't merely a buzzword but a guiding principle embraced by leading companies. We are witnessing an unprecedented surge in the adoption of...