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GRBN Launches Global Diversity, Inclusivity and Equality Initiative

And kicks off with a global DEI survey

GRBN, in collaboration with our national association and corporate partners, is under-taking this important global initiative.

The key objective of the initiative to provide leaders of associations and businesses in the market research and insights industry across the globe with benchmarking data on diversity, equality and inclusivity… Read more



The Focus on DE&I is Bringing Much Needed Change to How We Measure Business Success

Ben Hogg, MD of International at Lucid

Next month marks Black History Month in the UK, and while conversations around diversity, equality and inclusion received more attention over the last year, now is a perfect time to continue that conversation and focus on initiatives that can spark real change.

A recent Glassdoor study found that more than two thirds of job seekers are taking a hard look at workplace diversity when considering employment opportunities. Lucid is partnering with GRBN to measure, benchmark and report on how the mindset of employees in the market research industry compares across the globe…Read more

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Neutral Language – Why Not?

AJ Dalmaso, Ana Tomazelli e Anne Koch, from Ipefem to Abep

Nowadays, the topic of gender is widely discussed. When we talk about gender-neutral environments, we idealize a place where people are able to be who they really are and where they feel welcome and embraced, regardless of their backgrounds and personal stories.

We are Ipefem – Institute for Research and Studies of Women and Multiple Existences, and we are a Non-Governmental Organization for mental health education for women and the LGBTQIA+ population that aims to teach people to identify and interrupt the processes of socio-emotional violence in family, at work and relationships… Read more


US Insights & Analytics Market is Resilient and Evolving

Melanie Courtright, with contributions from Michael Brereton, MSU as well as ESOMAR, Outsell and Diane Bowers

US Domestic Insights and Data Analytics revenue totaled approximately USD$48 billion in 2020, growing 3.8%. This compares to the more robust growth rates of 8% and nearly 7% experienced in prior years, but it still represents an impressive outcome considering the overall U.S. market GDP contracted 3.5% during 2020.

This impressive performance was thanks to double-digit increases posted by companies operating in three sectors… Read more


How Researchers can Save the Planet

Steve Phillips (CEO, Zappi) & Rhys Hillan (Meta Researcher, Zappi)

The Insights industry plays a key role in helping to make the planet a better place through understanding and voicing public opinion. But we should also make sure that we play an active role in making the planet better through our own business activity and by utilizing the talents of our people. This is not something for one company or one country or one industry association to do. Instead it is something that we should all get behind and work together on… Read more



It’s Now Impact, Not Insight

Peter Harris, Bastion Insights

The centre of gravity in business has shifted from inside the organisation to the customer. Consumer centricity and agile has resulted in more customer research happening than ever before by more people. This has resulted in many more people in the organisation needing to talk to customers and democratisation of information has become an imperative. A whole of company imperative… Read more