Local action groups campaign on climate and nature in their communities

Who we are

The breakdown of our climate and environment is a global problem. What we do in the next few years will determine the future of our world. 

Friends of the Earth local action groups are part of the largest grassroots environmental campaigning network in the UK. They're made up of people just like you.  We know the solutions and together we can make a real difference at a national and local level. The answer lies with us. 

Group members facing the camera, looking happy with gardening equipment

There's strength in numbers. Together, we can push for big national change on climate, nature and justice.

Sign up to community emails

If you're a local action group member, sign up to community emails to stay in the loop via our monthly newsletter.

Common Grounds Day of Action

The upcoming Climate Coalition’s Common Grounds Day of Action on Saturday 12 October 2024 is a key moment for us to demand demand a fairer future from our politicians. 

Be part of a united movement for people, climate and nature.

2 photos: one of people holding up a campaign banner and one of people outside a court holding banners.

Community groups in action


Blackwater Valley Friends of the Earth, Stand Up To Racism and the Quakers organised a Unity Rally in Farnborough in support of refugees. It was an opportunity to talk to the community, welcome refugees and hand out symbolic flowers. They're a beacon of hope in difficult times.


Will you help Birmingham Friends of the Earth explore the theme of deforestation and its impacts on our natural world through creative means like writing or art? Your work can help the groups message: Keep Forests, Don't Deforest. Get involved.


Ealing Friends of the Earth had a great opportunity to meet with its MP Deirdre Costigan during a local festival, where the group shared its mission with a broader audience.

Network news

Congratulations to Lambeth Friends of the Earth for reforming the group. Lots of exciting stuff already in the mix, including campaign discussions, community mapping, river and tree campaign research and more.

Network news

An excellent West Midlands Summer Action Gathering. A great day reflecting on campaigning, recent events and talks by local activists and interesting topics including citizen science water testing, green energy advice work, setting up and running climate emergency centres.


Amazing work! Merton Friends of the Earth helped organise a protest against All England Tennis Development in Wimbledon Park. There are plans to cut down 800+ trees.


At the same time as the fantastic Whitehaven demo up in Cumbria, a team of campaigners joined South Lakes Action on Climate Change and Sarah Finch and Weald Action Group at the Royal Courts of Justice for the start of the hearing on the proposed coal mine.


Hillingdon Friends of the Earth organised a water hustings to highlight pollution and the Environmental Rights Act. 40 people attended, including 5 General Election candidates. They witnessed what appeared to be some illegal discharge into the river from a treatment plant.


Greening Steyning ran a great hustings event. At the event, the debate focussed on climate and environment issues. They had an audience of over 200 on the night, including many sixth form students.

Network news

A phenomenal turnout to the Restore Nature Now march, with estimates suggesting between 80k-100k people marched for nature. People's creativity and love for nature was on full show. Several local action groups supported the march, as well as coalition partners.


Groups have been working hard to get PPCs across the country to sign our United for Warm Homes pledge and commit to £6 billion a year for a street by street home insulation programme. Over 100 PPCs have pledged their support and more are signing everyday. 


Great hustings event in Narberth organised by Pembrokeshire Friends of the Earth. Around 30 people came along, with lots of great questions to the candidates.


Brilliant hustings event arranged by Tewkesbury Friends of the Earth with 3 our of 5 candidates in attendance. The event had a specific focus on river water quality. The group’s been conducting weekly water tests for over a year, amassing am impressive body of evidence.


A massive 120 people attended a hustings event organised by St Albans Friends of the Earth. It caught media attention to: a recording of the hustings was broadcast on local radio. 

Learn from others

Local authorities are crucial to delivering the urgent action we need on climate and nature. 

There are already some great initiatives underway across the UK, so we've compiled a suite of case studies to help inspire your local leaders to make a difference with the powers and resources they have available.

A group of people on stage, one is speaking on a mic