I cannot generate QR codes

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Esteban Rivera Villegas

Oct 26, 2021, 1:10:24 AM10/26/21
to QR Code Generator
Hi Stan
The code generator does not allow me to generate codes, I have my package active until November 11, you can help me with this, I have stopped my work

Stanislav Tvarůžek

Oct 26, 2021, 1:13:51 AM10/26/21
to QR Code Generator, [email protected]

what do you mean by "it does not allow you to generate QR codes"? Is your subscription still active? If yes, you should see a bar at the bottom with information will the subscription is active. Or you a re getting some error?

Can you send me a screenshot of the main page?


Lior Cohen

Oct 27, 2021, 1:50:02 AM10/27/21
to QR Code Generator, Stanislav Tvarůžek, [email protected]

Stanislav Tvarůžek

Oct 27, 2021, 1:59:21 AM10/27/21
to QR Code Generator, Lior Cohen, Stanislav Tvarůžek, [email protected]
Thanks for the video. I see. Something must have changed on Google's side as there were no changes made to the add-on recently. I need to check what is causing it.

And the doc gets created in Google Docs?

Lior Cohen

Oct 28, 2021, 1:59:23 AM10/28/21
to QR Code Generator, Stanislav Tvarůžek, Lior Cohen, [email protected]
Hi Stanislav,
Thanks for your response,
It use to work perfectly, you generate the QR codes and they are loaded in Google docs documents.
 I understand that Google makes changes and it's affecting addons and other third-party apps, however, I think it's important to have this basic functionality of the QR Generator, we have many partners and clients that are using the tool.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Best Regards,

Stanislav Tvarůžek

Oct 28, 2021, 2:04:13 AM10/28/21
to QR Code Generator, Lior Cohen, Stanislav Tvarůžek, [email protected]
Hi Lior,

good thing is that I can reproduce it on my side. But documents with QR codes do get generated, so a temporary workaround is to go to Google Drive and open it there.

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