Important Google Group update: Moving to the Google Cloud Community August 1st, 2022

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Jul 12, 2022, 9:56:38 AM7/12/22
to Google Cloud SQL discuss

Hi there, 

My name is Willie and I am a Community Manager here at Google. You’re receiving this message because you’ve previously engaged with one of our Google Cloud Google Groups. This message is to inform you of an upcoming change to Google Cloud support via Google Groups, which will help streamline and accelerate the rate at which you receive answers to your questions.

Beginning on August 1st, 2022, you can no longer submit questions or receive answers in the Google Group in which you are receiving this message. You’ll still be able to read historic messages within the Google Group, but you can no longer submit new messages or replies. 

All future questions and discussions around Google Cloud SQL will take place in the Google Cloud Community via the corresponding forum linked below.

Cloud SQL

Don’t have a Google Cloud Community account yet? It’s easy and free to sign up by following the steps here

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Then you can ask questions, find answers, subscribe to receive the latest news, and more. Have questions about creating an account or publishing a post? You can reach out to the Google Cloud Community team at [email protected] 

Thank you! We look forward to seeing you in the Community. 

Willie, on behalf of The Google Cloud Community team

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